
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

ARABS MASSACRE JEWS PRAYING AT JERUSALEM SYNAGOGUE - This after 'moderate' Fatah official calls for blood to purify Jerusalem of Jews

  • Four Jews worshipping at a Jerusalem synagogue were massacred by Arabs armed with a pistol, meat cleavers and axes.   
  • In addition seven other victims were injured.
  • Attackers were two young Arabs with Israeli citizenship. They were killed by police.
  • Hamas called the massacre "heroic"
  • US Secretary of State Kerry made 'moderate' Fatah Palestinian Authority president condemn the act.
  • Palestinians celebrated the massacre
  • 'Moderate Fatah'  leaders have recently made specific calls for the shedding of Jewish blood.
  • Israelis are not allowed to own guns, although the government says it may ease restrictions in the future for security guards and off-duty army officers.  Maybe.
  • CNN and BBC behaved disgracefully. 
  • CNN gave an initial report of a mosque being attacked, instead of a synagogue, and said police killed two Arab civilians.
  • BBC interviewer demanded that parliamentarian not show picture of the massacre on camera. 
  • The Guardian headline does not even mention "Palestinians" or "Arabs" as perpetrators.  Only "gunmen"
  • The Daily Mail does not use the words Arab or Palestinian - but "fanatics".
  • The terror attack took place at the Kehilat Bnei Torah yeshiva-synagogue complex in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem. 
  • In 2008 Arabs attacked the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, a religious school, killing 8 students, and injuring many more.
  • The 'moderate' Palestinian Authority pays salaries to terrorists who kill and maim Jews, with money provided by US and EU taxpayers.
  • US President expresses usual moral equivalence statements.  Jews die.  Palestinians die.  Calls for both sides to stop extremists.  Is the White House sorry for ISIS casualties too?
  • Russia called on both sides to rein in extremists and to renew the partition process.


A Palestinian woman scatters sweets as she celebrates with others an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue
Palestinians celebrate and give out sweets,
a Palestinian tradition whenever Jews die in terror attacks.
Palestinians celebrate wielding axes -
symbols of their determination to slaughter Jews.

This Palestinian poster celebrates the attack saying
This is the way from now on

Terrorists suspected behind the Har Nof massacrePhotos on the right:  Terrorists unofficially identified as cousins Uday and Rassan Abu Jamal - one of whom worked in store meters from the massacre site.  
According to reports in the Palestinian media, the terrorists are relatives of Jamal Abu Jamal, a prisoner released as part of a "political gesture" to Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas last year, in a four-part series of releases. Jamal Abu Jamal was rearrested a year ago and again earlier this month.
Bystanders in Jerusalem's Har Nof neighborhood at the scene of a terror attack in a synagogue that left at least four dead (photo credit: Times of Israel/Marissa Newman)
 Bystanders in the neighborhood.  (Photo Marissa Newman, Times of Israel)

People react as they stand outside a synagogue on Tuesday in Jerusalem, Israel. Four Israelis were killed and several others wounded in a terrorist attack at the synagogue.
The quiet and dignified emotional reaction of Jews at this tragedy (Ilia Yefimovich/Getty)

Avi Mayer wrote on Twitter:  They say they don't want Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, but this morning's attack proves they actually don't want Jews to pray anywhere.

The victims

There were four rabbis murdered: Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, Rabbi kalman Levine, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky.  

In addition seven other victims are being treated for injuries.   Besides the police officer in very critical condition, one other is in very serious or condition, the wounds of two others were described as “serious, while two others are in moderate condition and one was injured lightly.
Jews not allowed to own guns in Israel 

It should be noted that it is next to impossible for Jews to obtain gun permits in Israel, thus leaving them at the mercy of Arabs who manage to get guns in the black market, and who also use knives, and even vehicles to kill Jews.  

Jews who own guns are afraid to use them because of prosecution for even firing into the air when fearing for their lives.
Continue reading, including UPDATES

Police reluctance or slowness to answer Jewish calls for help is another factor in facilitating daily acts of terror against Jews in Israel. 
This situation is particularly serious when motorists are routinely attacked on the roads.  Palestinians use rocks, firebombs, and even throw paint on windshields to prevent drivers from finding their way, thus making them easier prey to murder.

In breaking news, the security minister announced that he MAY ease SOME restrictions on Jews owning guns.  But they will apply to private security guards and off-duty army officers.  Regular Israeli citizens are still forced to live without weapons among fanatical terrorists. 
Israeli emergency personnel with a blood-soaked shirt in the aftermath of the horrific incident
ZAKA emergency volunteers are tasked with recovering every single bit of Jewish blood or flesh at terror attack sites.
Palestinians doing what they do best:  incitement and murder
'Moderate" Fatah officials - of the same Palestinian faction the Israeli government has been calling "their partners for peace" - made repeated statements in recent weeks praising deadly terror attacks on Israelis, and calling for “blood” to “purify” Jerusalem of Jews. 
The calls for violence came amid a series of terror attacks over the last month that left six Israelis dead and dozens injured. 
According to Palestinian Media Watch, in a message broadcast November 7 on the Palestinian Authority’s official television channel PA TV, the head of the Media Department for Fatah in Lebanon Muhammad al-Biqa’i praised the Palestinians who carried out three recent terror attacks that killed four Israelis and left a rabbi in critical condition.
Last week, a representative of the PA Ministry of Religious Affairs called on Palestinians to “rush to Jerusalem and offer sacrifices and blood.”
In a speech reported in al-Hayat al-Jadidah on Friday, official Hassan al-Saifi said that “Jerusalem has no need of declarations or religious rulings, but rather needs the religious scholars in particular to fulfill their duty, rush to Jerusalem and offer sacrifices and blood.”
These calls for the murder of Jews, along with eulogies for those who commit terror against Jews, are routine among 'moderate' Fatah leaders in the Palestinian Authority.  PA president Mahmoud Abbas himself has eulogized every Arab who has murdered Jews, calling them heroes. 
PA TV is full of calls for murdering Jews, particularly in children programs.  
Unfortunately Israeli politicians have refused to call attention to the relentless racist hate campaign being carried out by Palestinian media and clerical and political leaders.

The scene outside the synagogue following the attack, with police and paramedics in attendance
The scene outside the synagogue
Other recent terror attacks
On October 22, al-Shaludi drove his car into a Jerusalem Light Rail station, killing three-month-old Israeli-American Chaya Zissel Braun and Karen Yemima Muscara, 22, of Ecuador. Seven other were also injured in the attack. Al-Shaloudi was shot by police as he tried to flee the scene and died of his wounds in hospital.
A week later, Mu’taz Hijazi, a member of Islamic Jihad and a formerly released prisoner, shot Rabbi Yehudah Glick — a prominent activist who campaigns for Jewish prayer rights on the Temple Mount — outside the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. Glick was seriously wounded, but survived the attack. Hijazi was killed by police during a gunfight hours after the attack.
On November 5, al-Akari drove his car into a different light rail stop, killing two people and injuring another 13. He was shot and killed by police during the attack.
Israeli Zaka emergency services volunteers carry the body of a Palestinian assailant who was shot dead while attacking the synagogue 
ZAKA emergency volunteers help carry body of terrorist
Witness account
ZAKA (a first responders organization) Chairman Yehudi Meshi Zahav said:  "The images I saw inside the synagogue reminded me of images from the Holocaust – Jews wrapped in talitot (prayer shawls) and tefilin (phylacteries) dying in pools of their own blood on the floor of the synagogue.”

Palestinian leadership response

Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri praised the attack, calling for more “revenge operations”

A spokesman for Fatah, the party of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, said that the attack was “a natural consequence of the crimes of Israel”.

Mahmoud Abbas received a call from US Secretary Kerry who asked him to condemn the attack.  But this is only to preserve the hoax of Palestinian moderation, as a tool to carry out the partition of Israel.   It won't be long, however, till Abbas will praise the killing - and he will do in Arabic, of course, so that the media can ignore it.

World leaders' response

Both the US and Russian presidents issued similar statements urging both sides to rein in "extremists".  
Rabbi Yehuda Glick, who was seriously wounded by an Arab recently, has been called an "extremist" because he asks for the right to pray at Temple Mount - as permitted by the agreement with Jordan and by the Israeli Supreme Court.  Asking for the state to abide by the law renders you an extremist in the eyes of the world.

Disgraceful mainstream media reaction

CNN journalism level continues to sink.
CNN initially reported "Deadly attack on Jerusalem mosque" instead of synagogue.  A normal Freudian slip reflecting their also normal biased reporting.

Its initial report flashed the headline, “Deadly Attack on Jerusalem Mosque,” but the first correction only reported “4 Israelis, 2 Palestinians Killed in Jerusalem.”

CNN could not have committed a worse sin in journalism than its initial report Tuesday on the "mosque" attack.
 On a mosque?  Later they issued a correction.
CNN headline
Police kills two Palestinians - That's their headline.
That headline was a full two hours after the terror attack.
Yossi Dagan, the head of media relations for the Samaria Regional Council, filed a formal complaint Tuesday with the Government Press Office (GPO) against a CNN reporter for equating the terrorists involved in the Har Nof massacre with the victims.

According to Dagan, American CNN reporter Ben Wedeman was responsible for the headline describing the massacre under the headline, "Israeli police shot dead two Palestinian civilians" - when, in fact, the shooters were Palestinian terrorists who killed four Jews and wounded eight others as they prayed the morning service before being killed in a gun battle with police.

Dagan charged that the headline was a serious violation of international journalism ethics, and called to revoke Wedeman's press license and, generally, bring anti-Semitic coverage of terror attacks by foreign journalists to an end - permanently. 

Later, CNN finally reported that a “terror attack” had taken place.

However, it linked the murders with Arab rage over the suicide of an eastern Jerusalem bus driver Sunday who Palestinian Authority officials insist was murdered by “settlers.”
CNN reported that there was “controversy” over the death of the bus driver.
It added that Arabs did not accept that it was a suicide, but it failed even to mention that forensic experts testified that the man hanged himself. The network also quoted leading Palestinian Authority leader politician Hanan Ashrawi that the murder was a “lynching” by Jews.
CNN also wrote the report so that readers would conclude that there was a link between the driver’s death and a stabbing attack by an Arab on a Jew the day before.

BBC offended by Israeli parliamentarian showing photo of the massacre

Bennett on BBC with Victim PhotoMinister Naftali Bennett upset a BBC interviewer this morning, but showing the world a picture of a murdered Jew. 

The interviewer callously told Bennett,  "Sorry. we actually don't want to see that picture, if you can take that down." 

Watch BBC segment below:

Daily Mail avoids words Arabs or Palestinians.  Uses word "fanatics" instead.
Four rabbis massacred by fanatics in Jerusalem synagogue axe attack

NPR calls them "assailants" - Nowhere in this report they use word terrorist or Palestinian in connection with the massacre - except when quoting somebody else.  They also deflect attention from this horror by referring to current conflicts between Arabs and Jews.

The report says:  "As NPR's Emily Harris reported, because the site (Temple Mount) is holy to both sides, Jews and Muslims have clashed over access."

Actually, the site has been the holiest place in the world to Jews for thousands of years.  Arab conquerors just happened to build a mosque on top and want to deny ALL access to Jews to the site, although Israeli law and an agreement with Jordan grant full access to Jews to pray there.

Column:  Bias at the BBC

With reports from:

The Jewish Press

Israel National News

Palestinian Media Watch
(Excellent website that covers a wide range of Palestinian issues, particularly the demonization of Jews)

Israel Matzav
That headline was a full two hours after the terror attack.


Individual reports

Names of the victims released

Stuart Winer, Times of Israel
Israeli security minister says he will ease restrictions on Jews owning guns - Doubtful.

CNN false report of attack on mosque

CNN false report of two Palestinian civilians shot by Israeli police

BBC makes politician they were interviewing remove picture of the massacre

The Guardian does not mention "Arabs" as perpetrators.  Refers to them as "gunmen"

Witnesses reports

Abbas follows Kerry's orders and makes statement condemning violence

Daily Mail - Palestinians shouted God is Great while carrying out the massacre

Palestinians celebrate the killing of Jews

Just as they celebrated the 9/11 terror attack


Suggestions for Palestinians who want to "ease tensions" in Jerusalem

American and European taxpayers funding the murder of Jews in Israel.
Palestinian Authority pays up to $3,400 a month to terrorist who kill Jews.  
Read more

UN and EU funded Al Quds University honors Arab murderer

Same genocidal ideology, same symbols, same goals
Palestinian collaboration with the Holocaust.

Their leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem worked with Hitler in Berlin.  He helped design and implement the Final Solution, and created a Muslim Nazi SS division guilty of gruesome crimes in eastern Europe.

Photos on the right
They show Palestinian Al Quds University students making the Nazi salute during a rally, (photo Tom Gross Media), and the Mufti of Jerusalem in conference with Adolf Hitler.

It is deeply offensive that the Israeli government can even think of surrendering ancient Jewish land for the creation of a Nazi Muslim state.
Read more

Arabs attacked another religious building in Jerusalem in 2008 killing 8 students. 
Police did nothing while the massacre was going on, other than stop traffic to the area..
The massacre was stopped by an off-duty soldier with a gun.

The news media and the internet censor pictures of Palestinian violence
The photos the BBC does not want you to see:

While the media went on a binge of gory pictures of Arab casualties during the Gaza war, there has been intense pressure to censor pictures of another carnage that took place in 2011, when Arabs from the Palestinian Authority slaughtered an entire family, cutting the throats of little children, including a baby. 

The apparently only photographic evidence of the Fogel family massacre that is still on the web is here:
This is what peace with Muslims look like

Another censored act of Palestinian violence
The lynching of: Vadim Norzhich and Yosef Avrahami.
Two Jewish young men who got lost and ended up in Ramallah.  The mob literally tore them to pieces, a gory expression of their blood lust.  Pictures of shocking savagery.

How the world media distorts news from Israel

Palestinian supporters of The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, (PFLP), a small militant group, dance while waving their flags, after they heard the news of the shooting 

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Group taking credit for the massacre backed by Iran


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