
Friday, October 3, 2014


SATIRE by PreOccupied Territory
Washington, DC, October 2 – The agency charged with protecting the president continued to suffer a public relations black eye this week after it emerged that President Obama was allowed to meet with a known terrorist.
Obama and Abbas
Obama with Mahmoud Abbas AKA Abu Mazen

On September 24 the president held a bilateral meeting with Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a group notorious for massacres of civilians and for its violent rhetoric.

Even worse, say observers, Abbas was allowed to sit next to Obama, adding to a string of recent Secret Service errors that called into question the agency’s procedures and priorities.
Obama and his staff hosted Abbas and his delegation at a “bilateral meeting” to discuss prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace, regardless of Abbas’s role in decades of funding and supporting attacks on Israeli civilians as a political weapon.

Abbas continues to preside over groups sworn to violent conflict with Israel, such as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and various other armed factions of his Fatah party. Some of those factions enthusiastically participated in launching rockets at Israeli communities over the summer, and Abbas himself has accorded honor to Palestinians imprisoned or killed as a result of efforts to kill and maim Israelis.
Earlier this week a knife-wielding man scaled the fence surrounding the White House and penetrated far into the building before being stopped; the next day the president was allowed in an elevator with a convicted violent criminal. But the meeting with a known terrorist casts an unprecedentedly indicting light on the Secret Service, and foments doubt over its ability or commitment to perform its duties, which also include fighting counterfeiters and assorted other criminal matters.
Scandal first hit the agency after reports emerged that it funded prostitutes for its agents in South America, and officials vowed reform. However, those efforts appear to have achieved little, as it has failed in its primary duty, the protection of the Chief executive and head of state.
“It’s mind-boggling on several fronts,” says commentator Ernest Blowharde. “It’s one thing to be caught with your pants down – that happens to presidents themselves. It’s a foul-up of an entirely different order when you simply can’t do the most basic part of your job – keeping dangerous people away from the president.” He remains doubtful that the Secret Service has internalized the lessons of its previous failures.
There has always been tension between sitting presidents and their security details. says historian Gloria Facepalm. “Politicians usually want to feel close to their constituents, to maintain a friendly dynamic,” she explains. “People bent on harming the president will try to exploit that, and it’s the Secret Service who has to strike a balance between protecting POTUS and allowing him to do his political work.  But the scale of this failure just floors me. I mean, the guy planned massacres that killed dozens of people. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?”
Fatah is Mahmoud Abbas political faction. 
Fatah brags on its official Facebook page of having murdered 11,000 Israeli civilians.
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News archive about Mahmoud Abbas -
A leader encouraging terror - not peace.
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Abbas does not care for Palestinian refugees
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Mahmoud Abbas Palestinian Authority pays up to $3,400 a month to terrorists who kill Jews.
All with donations provided by American and European taxpayers.
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How moderate is Mahmoud Abbas?
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Abbas recently accused Israel of "genocide"

Last week, 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen told the United Nations that Israel commits 'genocide.' I think he needs to be called on this one

Abbas - who was involved in the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics of 1972 - has repeatedly paid official honor to many terrorists who have murdered Israeli civilians. 

Ap munich905 t.jpg
Palestinian terrorist at the Munich Olympics massacre
Mahmoud Abbas was the paymaster of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.   
He is still proud of his role in the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.
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Mahmoud Abbas eulogizes the mastermind of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes. 
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The Munich Olympics massacre
Bassam Abu Sharif, a member of the PFLP at the time, said the motive for the operation in Munich was to attract publicity for the Palestinian cause and to win the release of Palestinian prisoners.   The massacre of 11 Israeli athletes was not considered sufficiently serious to merit canceling or postponing the Olympics. “Incredibly, they're going on with it,” Jim Murray of the Los Angeles Times wrote at the time. “It's almost like having a dance at Dachau.”
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Following is the news report one such ceremony honoring terrorists.  This time he decorated the killer of 125 Israelis, and founder of Fatah, the same Palestinian terror faction to which Mahmoud Abbas belongs.

Abbas decorates killer of 125 Israelis.
Slain arch-terrorist Abu Jihad receives PA's Star of Honor:
'He was the model of a true fighter and devoted leader.'

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has granted a posthumous honor to arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, who was responsible for the murder of at least 125 Israelis in numerous terror attacks that he planned, including a bus hijacking in 1978, in which 37 civilians were murdered.

  • Abu Jihad (Halil Al-Wazir) was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser Arafat.
  • He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks killing 125 Israelis.
  • This included the most lethal in Israeli history, the hijacking of a bus and killing of 37 civilians, 12 of them children.
  • He was killed in a daring raid by Sayeret Matkal on his beachfront villa in Tunisia in 1988.
 Official PA TV News reported that Abbas, in order "to honor the founding leaders and the first generation of the Palestinian revolution and the PLO, and out of loyalty to their history of struggle," chose to decorate Abu Jihad with "the highest order of the Star of Honor."

At the ceremony, Abbas handed the award to Abu Jihad's widow. Secretary-General of the Presidential Office, Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim, read aloud the "decree" signed by Abbas, calling terrorist Abu Jihad "the model of a true fighter and devoted leader," and praising him for "his honorable national role":

"Abu Jihad shall be granted the highest order of the Star of Honor in recognition of his honorable national role and his history of struggle as one of the founding leaders of the Palestinian revolution, and out of great appreciation for his high position and significance in the defense of Palestine as a country, a nation, and a cause. He was the model of a true fighter and devoted leader [and] through his commitment and contribution he left his mark on the history of the Palestinian revolution and the PLO."

Palestinian Media Watch reported in July 2013 that Abbas decorated another terrorist leader with the Star of Honor. The recipient was Nayef Hawatmeh, the leader of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP). The DFLP carried out many deadly terror attacks in the 1970s and has also participated in and claimed responsibility for dozens of other terror attacks, including a suicide bombing near Tel Aviv that killed 4 people in 2003.

Former PA PM Salam Fayyad was also among this year's recipients of the Star of Honor.

The glorification of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad is a long-standing PA and Fatah policy. Every year in April, the anniversary of Abu Jihad's death is marked with numerous events and ceremonies held in his honor.

This year, PMW reported that the official PA news agency WAFA lauded Abu Jihad as a killer of 125, listing all the terror attacks he planned and directed, specifying the number of murdered:

"Abu Jihad was killed by the Israeli Mossad in Tunisia on April 16, 1988... and was crowned the Prince of the Martyrs of Palestine... Among the military operations planned by Abu Jihad: the explosion at the Zohar reservoir in 1955; the operation to blow up the Israeli National Water Carrier in 1965; the operation at the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv, which killed 10 Israelis, in 1975;

the blowing up of a truck bomb in Jerusalem in 1975; the killing of Albert Levi, the senior sapper, and his assistant, in Nablus in 1976; the Dalal Mughrabi operation (i.e., bus hijacking), in which more than 37 Israelis were killed, in 1978; the shelling of the Eilat Port in 1979; the Katyusha fire on the northern settlements [in Israel] in 1981..."
[WAFA and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2013]


At a Fatah event in January this year, Abbas praised Abu Jihad and other terrorists who killed hundreds as "the blessed Martyrs" and "the leaders of all the fighting forces":

"We renew the promise to our blessed Martyrs, that we will follow the path of the Martyr Brother Yasser Arafat and his comrades among the leaders of all the fighting forces, all the Martyrs. Among them, I mention Martyr Abu Jihad..."

Private organizations also follow the lead of the PA and glorify terrorist Abu Jihad, such as sports organizations that name their activities and tournaments after him. This year the Palestinian Association for Martial Arts held "its first Prince of Martyrs [Abu Jihad] festival" and the Palestinian Boxing Association held "The Martyr Abu Jihad Tournament."

Watch video of Abbas' decoration of terrorist Abu Jihad with the Star of Honor:

Posters on this page -

Sickening photo of Abbas celebrating murderers

Abbas calls murderers "heroes" 


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