
Saturday, October 4, 2014

DOGS IN VIETNAM: FORCED FED, TORTURED, BEATEN TO DEATH, COOKED, AND EATEN - In South East Asia they boil cats and dogs alive - They believe the more an animal suffers, the better it tastes due to stress hormones - Some dogs are burned alive.

Brutal: Although there are rules for the humane slaughter of cattle, pigs and poultry in Vietnam, there are none for dogs and one animal was shown suffering repeated blows to the head before it died
UK Channel 4 documentary - Snatched from their homes, crammed into cages and beaten to death to be eaten: Inside the world of Vietnam's brutal dog-meat industry.
  • Thousands of pets are stolen from gardens and front porches every year
  • SEVEN TONNES of live dogs are shipped to Vietnam capital Hanoi each day
  • As they are sold by weight, they are force fed through funnels to add value
  • If thieves are caught by police, they usually get off with small fines
  • Some diners believe the more an animal suffers before death, the tastier it is
  • The shocking practices have been revealed by C4's Unreported World

  • Continue reading, and see June 2015 article on the dog meat festival in China, where dogs (and cats) are skinned alive. 


    Without a strong incentive - such as an international economic boycott - there is little chance of making Asian animal cruelty laws more humane.


     It is a sight that will horrify any animal lover or pet owner.  Snatched from their homes, crammed into metal cages and force-fed for restaurant tables, these animals are the victims of Vietnam’s booming dog-meat industry.
    Shipped in: Documentary makers from Channel 4’s Unreported World found that seven tonnes of live dogs are shipped to the nation’s capital Hanoi every dayThousands of pets are stolen from gardens and front porches every year to feed the appetites of diners who treat dog meat as a delicacy. 
    Documentary makers from Channel 4’s Unreported World found that seven tonnes of live dogs are shipped to the nation’s capital Hanoi every day.
    Many are stolen by thieves who drive round the streets at night on mopeds using lassos to catch unsuspecting pets. 
    Cooked and eaten: Once they arrive in Hanoi, the dogs are stored in deep pits before being slaughtered and sold on to restaurants to be cooked and eatenBecause they are sold by weight, they are force fed through funnels to increase their value before being hosed down and tightly packed in cages.

    One busy holding house processes around 2,000 live dogs every day, with up to 200 squashed into each cage.  Once they arrive in Hanoi, the dogs are stored in deep pits before being slaughtered and sold on to restaurants to be cooked and eaten.
    The owner of one slaughter house, Kieu Vu, told the documentary makers he slaughters up to 30 dogs a day. 
    Although there are rules for the humane slaughter of cattle, pigs and poultry in Vietnam, there are none for dogs and one animal was shown suffering repeated blows to the head before it died. 
    The documentary makers interviewed two dog snatchers who said they earned up to $100 [£61] a night by stealing pets. One boasted he had stolen more than 3,000 dogs in seven years.  On one road in a village in Nghe Ann province, almost 300 dogs have been stolen over the last few months.
    If they are caught by police, the thieves get off with small fines as the value of a dog is not enough to send them to prison. Officials have rejected tougher punishments for the crime, saying Vietnam’s jails are too crowded to fit all the dog thieves. 
    However, furious villagers have formed lynch mobs to defend their pets.  In the village of N-hi Trung, 20 dog thieves have reportedly been killed in the past five years and many more have been badly beaten. Villagers openly admitted beating two dog thieves to death, although they said they merely intended to hurt them.
    Most dogs eaten in Vietnam used to be trucked in from neighbouring Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. But in recent years, animal rights groups have succeeded in closing down most of these routes, meaning most of the dogs are now shipped from within Vietnam.
    The constant demand for fresh meat and the reduced supply from overseas has led to a huge increase in the number of dog snatchings.
    Some diners believe the more an animal suffers before it dies, the tastier its meat is. They are usually bludgeoned to death with a heavy metal pipe, often taking more than ten blows.  Others have their throats slit or are stabbed in the chest, while some are even burned alive.
    To increase their weight and thus their retail price, they are stuffed with rice and water via stomach tubes. Others have stones forced into their mouths.  Dog meat is more expensive than pork and can sell for up to £30 a dish in high-end restaurants. 
    Unreported World: Vietnam’s Dog-Snatchers documentary - documentary clips.
    Related Links provided by Channel 4
    Say No to Dog Meat
    A small charity but with a big international presence who do exactly what their names suggests. They run shelters and have devoted staff whose sole job it is to save animals that would end up as dog meat. They want to educate, regulate but also push to end the dog meat trade in Asia.
    Asian canine protection alliance
    Based in Vietnam, this is a really small organisation trying to do the best it can to both educate and eradicate the dog meat trade. Established in 2013, this international alliance of animal protection organisations includes, Humane Society International, Soi Dog Foundation, Animals Asia, and Change For Animals Foundation.

    Animals Asia
    Soi Dog Foundation
    The Humane Society International
    Change for Animals Foundation!ending-the-dog-meat-trades/c1i37


    June 22, 2015: 

    Many are also cooked alive because of S.E. Asian tradition that says that the hormones released by tortured animals are good for those who eat them, and also make the meat taste better
    A puppy at China's Yulin festival unaware it is about to be skinned alive and cooked
    Read more, and see images, including those of dogs being boiled alive.


    Dogs and cats skinned and then boiled alive in China

    Stop Koreans/Chinese from BOILING DOGS AND CATS ALIVE - Fulfill the UN Millennium promise!
    Petition site: 

    Stop Koreans/Chinese from

    In S.E Asia, they are still boiling alive, cats and dogs. UN Secretary - General Ban Ki Moon states "We must not fail the billions who look to the international community to fulfill the promise of the Millennium Declaration for a better world."
    A better world? - To create this, stop Chinese and Koreans from deliberatly torturing animals for Dog Torture Soup! The torture for satisfaction, food and money. It is all on the black market. That is very very very bad.
    The Koreans love Dog Torture Soup. Dog torture soup does not belong in a world that recognizes the UN Millennium Goals. Dog torture soup was developed 2,000 years ago by a sick society based in fear, bitterness, anger and resentment. The old resentment is so ingrained now, and projected onto the dogs. We have all seen the photos of dogs boiling alive.
    Dogs and cats DO NOT DESERVE the heinous crime of such a painful death. 
    I have spoken to young Koreans who say, that "yes, the dogs should be killed with EXTRA PAIN because it makes the meat taste better."

    These people need education. There is a sickness in your society. Until you fix it, you will fail in the UN Millennium goals of real education.
    Please work with UNESCO to educate young Koreans and young Chinese, that torturing animals for tasty and tender flesh, is barbaric and does not belong in the Millennium Development goals of an educated society.

    If the UN still allows this torture to and under the "Culture" Banner of UNESCO, it is as to say that culture=torture=culture=torture, just as bullfighting is legal and part of culture in some countries in Europe.

    Read more -


    China dog-eating celebration goes on despite protests
    Also dogs, rabbits and other animals STILL BEING SKINNED WHILE ALIVE in China fur farms.  Animals electrocuted, strangled and skinned alive: The true face of China's fur farms
    Read more, link to video

    China - Dogs beaten to death, cooked and eaten

    China - Angora rabbits have fur plucked every three months, in excruciatingly painful process

    Thailand - Dog slaughter - They use their skin for industrial products

    Indonesia - Dogs and cats roasted whole

    China - Dogs' skin taken while animal is still alive - it's used to make industrial products

    Japan serves bullfrog at a restaurant while the animal is still alive and twitching

    Thailand dogs stolen to make golf gloves out of their skin

    China - At least ten tigers slaughtered (some by electrocution)
    and butchered as entertainment for wealthy businessmen and other officials.

    Indonesia - The gruesome animal market. 
    Dogs and other animals roasted whole.

    Taiwan - Animals force-fed to win contest sponsored by Taoist temple.

    Indonesia - The horrors of the Surabaya zoo

    How fur is harvested in Asia

    China - the life of torture endured by angora rabbits in China - fur plucked by hand

    Japan - The cruel slaughter of whales and dolphins

    Japan - fun family park where you can swim with dolphins and eat dolphin meat afterwards



    The above articles focus on some Asian countries. 
    But there is extreme animal abuse perpetrated everywhere, including in the West.

    VIDEO - From Farm to Fridge
    This is how animals are tortured before they reach your supermarket or favorite fast food restaurant.


    The annual Muslim EID FESTIVAL

    slaugh3And let's not forget that the EID FESTIVAL is just starting.  Following their religious ritual, Muslim slaughter animals by slashing their throats and letting them bleed to death.  This is not just done by butchers, but by anyone who has animals for slaughter.  What is most shocking is how they torture the animals in the process.

    VIDEO - Palestinians celebrate EID with a sadistic slaughter of defenseless animals.
    Australia has suspended all cattle exports to Gaza

    Compilation of videos of Muslim animal torture

    Muslim slaughterhouses in Britain
    They do not stun animals before slaughter - That's Halal meat
    They cut the animals' throats while they are fully conscious





    1. The end of the world isn't a bad thing.

      1. Perhaps the human species was nature's mistake. Nature has a way of rectifying mistakes.


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