
Sunday, October 12, 2014


The Fuhrer is believed to have taken crystal meth before a meeting with Mussolini in the summer of 1943, when he ranted non-stop for two hours

Hitler’s secret addiction to crystal meth: The Fuhrer took drug before ranting at Mussolini... and in his last days in the bunker.  And he took other strange energy boosting supplements too.
A 47-page wartime dossier compiled by American Military Intelligence reveals that Hitler, a notorious hypochondriac, took an astonishing 74 different medications including crystal methamphetamines.
Crystal meth is prized by addicts for the feelings of euphoria it produces. But it was also valued by the military during the war as a drug which could help combat the effects of fatigue.
The Fuhrer is believed to have taken crystal meth before a meeting with Mussolini in the summer of 1943, when he ranted non-stop for two hours.   And he had nine injections of a drug called Vitamultin, which contained meth-amphetamine, during his final days in his bunker.
Hitler fell under the spell of Dr Morell, who ran a clinic in Berlin, in 1936. He gave him medication called Mutaflor to cure stomach cramps, and Hitler became a devotee. Morell then prescribed the barbiturate Brom-Nervacit, the morphine-based drug Eukodal, bulls’ semen, to give him a testosterone boost, and Pervitin, a pill containing crystal meth.
Morell also gave him two artificial stimulants, Coramine and Cardiazol. To counteract the effect of the stimulants, Morell gave Hitler more sedatives. By the end of 1943, the Fuhrer was dependent on a destructive mix of uppers and downers.
Bill Panagopoulos, an American collector who discovered the dossier, said: ‘Morell was a quack and a fraud and a snake oil salesman.  He should not have been practising medicine anywhere outside a veterinary clinic.’
He added: ‘Some [of the drugs] were innocuous, some not so innocuous, some poisonous. Did he develop a dependence on any of these drugs? Which of these drugs, if any, were addictive? And did he become addicted to them? I’d be interested to know what the combination of these medications would do to someone who’s otherwise in good health.’

The dossier also debunks one of the most enduring legends about the Fuhrer – the claim that he lost a testicle when he was injured at the Battle of the Somme. Morale-boosting ditty ‘Hitler has only got one ball’ was popular during the Second World War and his admirer Unity Mitford suggested he ‘lacked something in the manly department’.
Hitler’s Hidden Drug Habit is on BBC Channel 4 at 8pm on October 19.

Book claims that there is evidence Hitler fled to South America, where he lived to old age.
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