
Monday, September 29, 2014

WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE ONLY A MAKE BELIEVE WAR ON ISIS? - Americans drop bombs on empty buildings, except when they hit a grain silo full of civilians - British planes don't drop any bombs at all, just fly over

US F15-E jets fly over northern Iraq
US-led airstrikes against the Islamic State terrorist group (IS or ISIS) in Syria are failing to slow the jihadis' advance on the Kurdish border town of Kobane.
Kurdish fighters from the People's Protection Unit (YPG), backed by fighters from the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), have been engaged in a fierce battle with ISIS, as the Islamists seek to seize control of the key town on the border with Turkey.
But though US airstrikes - which President Barack Obama pledged would "degrade and destroy" ISIS - have extended from Iraq to Syria to aid the defense of Kobane, local sources say the strikes have been largely ineffective.

Limited access: Syrian refugees are allowed through the Mursitpinar border gate
Refugee from Syria at the Turkish border - (EPA)

"They struck empty buildings," YPG's chief of defense for Kobane, Ismat Sheikh Hassan, told The Independent. "ISIS fighters used to be there but they left, so they haven’t helped us. If anything, they are now fighting harder to push forward before there are more strikes."
ISIS have reportedly advanced to within 3 miles of Kobane after captured dozens of surrounding villages, and residents have reported hearing airstrikes on the outskirts of town.

Six civilians were killed on Saturday by ISIS shelling.
Some 140,000 Kurdish civilians have fled the town since ISIS's advance began; refugees from villages near Kobane said ISIS terrorists had beheaded civilians in the communities they captured and paraded them in the street in order to intimidate locals into submission.

Source -



ISIS fighters now 'at the gates of Baghdad': Islamic militants fighting 'just one mile from Iraqi capital' despite days Western airstrikes 
  • Fierce clashes between jihadists and government forces near Iraqi capital
  • Militants understood to be attempting to enter and seize control of Baghdad 
  • Reports of militants' proximity to Baghdad came from Canon Andrew White
  • He is vicar of the city's St George's Church - Iraq's only Anglican church
  • News comes despite ongoing Western airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq

    Peshmerga fighters hold a position at a post in the strategic Jalawla area near Baghdad during a battle with Islamic State militants at the weekend. The location is considered a gateway to the Iraqi capital

    KURDS, the only ones doing any serious fighting against ISIS
    But they have been denied proper weapons by the West, which does not want them to establish an independent state of Kurdistan.   There are 30 million of them, without a state of their own. 
    Here you see Kurdish Peshmerga fighters hold a position at a post in the strategic Jalawla area near Baghdad during a battle with Islamic State militants at the weekend. The location is considered a gateway to the Iraqi capital - Photo (AFP)

    Read more
    Andrea Mitchell:  Why aren't we bombing the hell out of them (ISIS) right there?
    MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” anchor Andrea Mitchell grilled Pentagon Spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby on why the US wasn’t more aggressively bombing ISIS militants who were operating out in the open on Monday. 
    Andrea Mitchell MSNBC mic crop.jpg
    After Kirby admitted that ISIS militants were operating in the open, Mitchell asked “why aren't we just bombing the hell out of them right there?” She added “we’re not hitting people so as much as we’re hitting a tank here and a placement there...we’re not hitting troops or forces." 
    Kirby responded “it's a little bit of both, right now Andrea, the prime focus in Syria has been, in the last few days, on strategic targets, things that get at their ability to sustain themselves. That’s why we hit those oil refiners, and we hit more over the weekend. You are also starting to see the target list change a little bit in Syria to include some tactical targets as well some vehicles and some check points and that kind of thing. So, we are mixing it up a little bit and we are hitting them a little harder in the north and still in Iraq as well.”
    Frightened, homeless and fleeing from ISIS: Kurdish refugees are met at the Turkish border by riot police determined to stop conflict spilling over from Syria 
    Shield wall: Turkish soldiers block access to the Mursitpinar crossing near the Syrian border, as Syrian Kurdish people try to pass, in the southeastern town of Suruc
  • Syrian refugees call for 'safe haven' close to Turkish border as fighting between Kurds and ISIS intensifies
  • The town Kobani, hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees, has been targeted by ISIS fighters
  • Britain has joined air campaign launched by America, France and Arab allies to hit militant strongholds
  •  Photo (right) - Shield wall: Turkish soldiers block access to the Mursitpinar crossing near the Syrian border, as Syrian Kurdish people try to pass, in the southeastern town of Suruc (AFP-Getty Images-Daily Mail)

    Syrian Kurds wait with their animals behind the border fences to cross into Turkey

    Photo (left) Syrian Kurds wait with their animals behind the border fences to cross into Turkey (Reuters - Daily Mail)

    Read more


    US planes hit a grain silo full of civilians
     - by mistake

    "Helluva pinpoint operation":
    US airstrikes hit Syrian grain silos, killing workers
     In July, John Kerry was caught insulting Israel by sarcastically saying about Israeli airstrikes, "It's a helluva pinpoint operation." He then repeated it for emphasis.

    Apparently, the Secretary of State was believing Hamas-fed media reports that Israel was targeting civilians, without checking what Israel had to say.

    Today's news
    U.S.-led air strikes hit grain silos and other targets in Islamic State-controlled territory in northern and eastern Syria overnight, killing civilians and wounding militants, a group monitoring the war said on Monday.

    The aircraft may have mistaken the mills and grain storage areas in the northern Syrian town of Manbij for an Islamic State base, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. There was no immediate comment from Washington.
    And this:
    6 civilians ( all men ), were killed by air strikes by coalition warplanes on al-Fadghami area in the southern countryside of al-Hasakah.
    Will reporters even ask the State Department about this?
    Will there be sarcastic comments about US pinpoint airstrike capability and intelligence?
    Will there be any video reports showing mangled bodies and wailing mothers?
    Will anyone say that targeting a grain silo is a war crime of depriving people of food, as Goldstone did?

    Or are Arab lives only valuable when their deaths can be blamed on Jews?
    Source -


    U.S. airstrikes on ISIS 'killed Syrian civilians after mistaking grain silo for jihadist base' 
  • British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, gather information from sources in Syria
  • They say missile set grain silo ablaze in ISIS town of Manbij, northern Syria
  • Claim only civilians killed including 'workers who provide food for people'
  • Group count at least 19 civilians killed so far in coalition airstrikes
  • US-led coalition has been targeting ISIS-controlled towns in Syria since last week
    Read more


     British planes make three raids on ISIS jihadis
    But don't drop any bombs
    Read more -


    Strong presence: Military leaders have said about two-thirds of the estimated 31,000 Islamic State militants were in Syria. But ISIS have held a number of towns and villages close to the Iraqi capital since earlier in the year, when government troops melted away following a lightning advance in the west of the country
    Military leaders have said about two-thirds of the estimated 31,000 Islamic State militants were in Syria. But ISIS have held a number of towns and villages close to the Iraqi capital since earlier in the year, when government troops melted away following a lightning advance in the west of the country


    More on the West betrayal of the Kurds

    More on ISIS


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