
Monday, September 29, 2014

THE INSIDIOUS INFLUENCE OF THE ISRAELI JEWISH LEFT - Pro-Arab, anti-Jewish, and ideologically detached from reality - Jewish Israeli journalist who supports Palestinian rock-throwing was ejected out of an Arab conference for being Jewish - That's apartheid.

The erosion of Israel from within.
Main points
  • Israel is being eroded from within by leftist pro-Arab Jews with clout.
  • Jewish leftists are a tiny minority in Israel, but they exercise overwhelming influence from the Supreme Court, the Knesset, the media, universities, secular schools, police, city halls, and even from top appointed positions within the military.
  • Facts - such as daily threats of annihilation by Palestinian leaders and bloody terror attacks - don't get in the way of their pro-Arab, anti-Jewish ideology.
  • Not even outright anti-Jewish hate and discrimination from their beloved Arabs can change their minds.
  • Many left-wing Jewish activists acknowledge being funded by anti-Semitic European and other international governments and 'human rights' organizations.
  • Their subversive activities often cross into the areas of treason, but police and leftist judges treat them kindly, and government officials often react with indifference. 
 Poster of Amira Hass -
UPDATE - Israeli Jewish professor Ilan Pappe, who has written hateful books about Israel and the Jews, also banned from attending the same conference in Palestinian Arab university - for being a Jew.

Ilan Pappe, the Haifa University anti-Israeli professor who moved to Exeter University U.K, was scheduled to speak in Birzeit University near Ramallah.

As well known, Pappe is the architect of the boycott movement who falsifies historical data to accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing and genocide. But because he was not allowed to enter the campus, he was forced to give his lecture in an off-campus venue. 
Read more about this influential leftist minority and how they undermine the survival of Israel.

Jewish leftists in Israel are small in numbers but they call the shots from within places of influence in the country.
The early Zionist leftist pioneers.  This leftist control dates back to the very early years of the reconstitution of the state of Israel, when the Labor socialists - who were Zionists at that time - basically rebuilt Israel from scratch:  from government institutions to the economy.  They were the dominant ideology that set the foundations for what became modern Israel.
The anti-Zionist German Jews.  Many key German Jews arrived to the land of Israel not out of Jewish ideals, but in a desperate move of survival. 
Israel, under the British Palestinian Mandate at that time, was able to take in a limited number of German Jews fleeing the Nazis, when visas to other countries were almost impossible to obtain.  
These were mostly assimilated, wealthy, well-educated Jews, who in their hearts felt more German than Jews - and who were able to rise immediately to centers of control over the newly developed society.
New generations came under the spell of German Jewish leftist professors
Something happened along the way within that tiny country fighting desperately for survival.  Secular youth became influenced by Non-Zionist German Jews, who had  ensconced themselves in places such as the media and universities, and from where they indoctrinate new generations of Jews hypercritical of the notion of a Jewish Israel. 
The intellectual progeny of those anti-Zionist and leftist intellectuals' stubbornly cling to anti-notions ridiculously detached from history and from the perilous reality of daily life in Israel. 

The country is increasingly turning hawkish and pro-Jewish, except for a loud minority
It was obvious as a few hundred leftists gathered for a pro-Gaza demonstration a few weeks ago, while Gazan rockets were raining on Israel and Palestinian Authority Arabs rioted and attacked Jews on the streets.  Leftists engaged in pro-Gaza chants, while the whole country huddled in shelters.  Polls showed an overwhelmingly support of military action to stop Gazan rockets and for the destruction of their terror tunnels.  
Israeli left-wingers would be a rather quaint and pathetic presence in the country - except that they also run Israel from positions of high authority and influence.

The case of Ha'aretz
Ha'aretz is a Jewish newspaper dating from pioneer years, which has morphed into outright advocacy for the Arab cause.  This according to their own stated mission.  Not informing and telling the truth but:

... actively supporting the two-state solution and the right to Palestinian self-determination

This newspaper, partly owned by a German family with very close ties to the Nazis, is still being quoted by unwitting international media as representative of Israeli thought.

A Ha'aretz editor a few years ago turned to the US Secretary of State (C. Rice) and told her point blank that "the US should rape Israel in order to force it to make concessions to the Arabs". 
One of Ha'aretz journalists, Amira Hass, notorious for her extreme pro-Arab and anti-Israel views - including a defense of Arab rock throwing that injures and kill Jews -  got a reality check just the other day. 
She arrived at a conference entitled "Alternatives to Neo-Liberal Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territories – Critical Perspectives" at Birzeit University located within the Palestinian Territories, only to be thrown out because she is Jewish.
She - who has been denigrating her own country with false allegations of "apartheid" - got a taste of real apartheid within Arab society.
According to Israel National News, her colleagues and professors told her that she was being ejected "for her own protection" and also to give the students "a safe space" free of Jews.
Arabs ongoing war against the Jews
Jews who by mistake drive into areas mostly populated by Arabs in Jerusalem, for example, risk being lynched.  These situations are very dangerous. 

Other Jews who must necessarily drive along roads near Palestinian Authority towns are pelted with rocks daily.   These are not "mischievous" activities, as a leftist military judge once called them, but potentially deadly.  Several Jews, children among them, have ended up either dead or with severe injuries. 
Why are these criminal activities allowed?  Because many leftists - judges, politicians, top military, and police - have achieved positions of authority in Israel.  They tend to side with the Arabs regardless of the facts.
When Arabs attack Jews, and they do it all the time, the police modus operandi is to arrest the Jews and let the Arabs go.  All that Arabs have to do is to say that they were provoked by the Jews. 

This has reached ridiculous extremes, as when Jews are left bruised and bleeding by an Arab mob, but the Jews are still charged with assault.

Authorities in charge of housing, for example, turn a blind eye to the widespread practice of illegal Arab squatter villages on both sides of the Green Line.  By the time they are well established, the Israeli government grants them a permit to avoid vacating them.
At the same time Jewish housing construction within Israel proper is closely monitored, and completely frozen across the Green Line (Judea, Samaria). 
Recently there was a sort of Jewish revolt in Jerusalem, when the pro-Arab mayor decided to grant a huge swathe of land for Arab construction.  With Jerusalem being a hot spot for control by both Jews and Arabs, every inch of land that is used by either side takes on a huge political significance.
Bedouin, who traditionally have been nomads, have become politicized and developed an urge to settle down and expand their territory.  They squat on government land in makeshift towns, all under the indifferent eye of Israeli authorities, who eventually build schools for them and grant them permits. 
Israel is being eroded from within.  And the ones who are primarily to blame are not the Arabs, but Jews with deranged suicidal ideologies, who would not mind being overwhelmed and killed by a hostile Arab population - as long as they do everything in their power to destroy the country in the process.


Anti-Jewish discrimination by pro-Arab authorities in Israel

The silence about anti-Jewish and pro-Arab bias among Leftist Jewish media, judiciary and government
Read more -

The Israeli Supreme Court - How it threatens Israeli liberties

Read more -

Recent incident of police cover up
Police try to portray terror murder of a Jew as a workplace accident
Police ignoring mysterious death of Jewish construction worker

Police abuse of Jews in Israel.

This news archive under the tag "Police abuse" was suspended by this news organization early this year.  Fear?
You can still access news events until that date.

Archive under the tag "Yassam Police", a police division tasked with harassing Jews,  was also suspended by Israel National News.  You can access reports up to June of 2014.


How the leftist Jewish mayor of Jerusalem encourages Arab land takeover

And how it undermines the security and the very existence of Israel
Read more -

Leftist Jewish activist admits it: 
We are all on the payroll (of European anti-Semites)

Amira Hass

Pro-Arab Amira Hass ejected from Arab conference for being Jewish
Amira Hass encourages rock throwing and terror 
Amira Hass in Ha'aretz not only justifies Arab terror, but suggests that it be taught in Palestinian Arab schools!
Amira Hass colorful biography

Palestinian Rock Throwing

Some of the many victims of Arab rock throwers:

Left:  Asher Palmer and  his baby son Yonathan.  Killed by rock throwers
Right:  Baby Adele Bitton almost died from her injuries. 
She spent many months in hospital with brain damage. 
She is home now, but her life will never be the same.

More on newspaper Haaretz

Haaretz editor David Landau asked US Secretary of State that the US should rape Israel
Haaretz shareholders - A German family of Nazi collaborators

Haaretz mission - in their own words:  activism, not journalism

This Ongoing War - A very good blog about daily Arab attacks against innocent Jews
The truth about Palestinian rock throwing

An organization to monitor and defend Jewish legal rights in Israel

Palestinian Media Watch
Palestinian genocidal threats are real.

Regavim -
Protecting the land of Israel from government neglect and Arab illegal takeovers

Monitoring Israeli academic fifth column

Isracampus -
Israel Academia Monitor

News sources

Israel National News

Jewish Press

More news sources at the top on the right-hand bar of this blog


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