
Friday, August 8, 2014

YAZIDI WOMEN CAPTURED BY ISIS TERRORISTS - CHILDREN DYING - Part of the blame lies with White House "Hands-Off" policy regarding ongoing carnage by Muslims in Iraq and Syria - (with US Govt micromanaging Israeli defense in order to protect terrorist Hamas)

 Innocent: Yazidi Iraqis on Mount Sinjar carry the limp bodies of children as they flee their ISIS hunters. Up to 50,000 terrified Yazidis - half of them children - have sought refuge from the bloodshed in the barren mountain range to the north of their hometown. But there they face an impossible dilemma - try to make it to the Turkish border and risk being captured and killed by insurgents, or remain on the mountain without food or water in the searing heat in the hope that aid will somehow get through
ISIS takes hundreds of Yazidi women hostage in bid to call Obama's bluff as America begins bombing Iraq after Islamist fanatics reach the gates of former Kurdish safe haven where thousands have fled.
Photo - Yazidi children dying of hunger, thirst, and exhaustion, while the world focuses on Gaza. 

Where are the mass demonstrations calling for ISIS end to their butchery, and for the West's genuine and effective help for their victims? 

  • Two F/A18 fighters dispatched to unleash 500lb laser-guided bombs on Islamic militants outside Kurdish capital Erbil. It is America's first military offensive in Iraq since it pulled out of the country in 2011 after eight years at war..
  • Comes after Obama vowed to 'help' Iraqi forces with airstrikes to prevent 'a potential act of genocide'
  • Hundreds of thousands of religious minorities have been driven from their homes as ISIS jihadists storm towns
  • Some 50,000 Yazidis - half of them children - fled to hills after ISIS took Sinjar, the Yazidis' heartland in Iraq
  • ISIS calls Yazidis devil worshippers because of their beliefs that predate Islam, Christianity and Judaism
  • Obama said U.S. warplanes had already carried out airdrops of humanitarian aid to Yazidis holed up in Sinjar hills
  • David Cameron welcomes airstrikes to help Iraqis 'in their hour of desperate need' but rules out British military action
  • Foreign Office urges British nationals to stay away from Kurdistan as America pounded Islamic State positions
  • FAA prohibits U.S. airlines from flying over Iraq, British Airways also announces it is suspending flights over country


    There are about 700,000 Yazidis in the world, living chiefly in northern Iraq and on Mount Sinjar.  They are ethnically Kurdish but adhere to a religion founded some 6,000 years ago by an Ummayyad sheikh.
    The religion, while it predates Christianity and Islam, incorporates elements of each, as well as Zoroastrianism, an ancient belief founded by an Iranian philosopher in around 6BC.
    The Yazidis live in small communities mainly scattered through northwest Iraq, north west Syria and south east Turkey, although members are also found in Georgia and Armenia.  Accounts of their population vary, with estimates ranging from 50,000 to a million, and their number has fallen considerably over the past 100 years.  Despite this, they have a well-organised society, following a chief sheikh as their religious leader and an emir, or prince, as the secular head.
    The religion is centred around worship of the fallen archangel Melek Tawwus, or Peacock Angel.  But unlike Satan's fall from grace, Melek Tawwus was readmitted into Heaven by God and represents humanity's potential for both good and evil.  For this reason, the Yazidis have unfairly garnered a reputation as devil-worshippers among certain faiths, and have faced centuries of alienation, oppression and attempted extermination. Yazidis - who do not believe in hell or evil - deny they are.
    Many Yazidi traditions are shrouded in such secrecy that most have never been witnessed by outsiders. Yazidis regard marriage outside their faith as a sin punishable by ostracism or even death to restore lost honour.  Most Yazidis, even young people, choose to live in their isolated communities, though they often face extreme poverty. 
    The Yazidis have been targeted before, and claim to have been subjected to 72 genocides during the Ottoman rule of the 18th and 19th centuries.  In 2007 a series of massive truck bombs in northern Iraq killed nearly 500 villagers from the group in August 2007.  Now, forced to flee after the Islamic State group gave them an ultimatum to convert to Islam, pay a religious fine, flee or face death, the plight of these secretive people is under the world's spotlight.
    Read more
    and see additional disturbing pictures of a genocide perpetrated by Muslim ISIS on the Yazidi religious minority in Iraq.


    Previous report - Yazidis waiting for world help, and a few air drops of food and water from the United States government.
    Read more -

    Article has link to graphic pictures

    White House no change in vacation or fundraising plans.
    White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed on Friday that President Obama is still planning to go on vacation this weekend, in spite of the violent developments in Iraq and his decision to authorize military air strikes in the region.
    Read more -


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