
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

THE GAZA NETWORK OF TUNNELS BUILT WITH ISRAELI CEMENT - While Israeli officials knew it was being used to build tunnels - How business influences policy - And the personal financial reasons that may have motivated former PM Sharon to expel Jews from Gaza in 2005, thus unleashing a disaster

This is hard to believe but an Israeli cement company has been supplying Hamas with enough cement to build an entire network of tunnels in Gaza. 
Some of these tunnels lead into Egypt, and are used to smuggle all kinds of products, from consumer goods to illicit drugs, to weapons.  These are sophisticated tunnels, with electricity and other conveniences.  Some Gazans have become very rich operating these clandestine operations.

But there is another set of tunnels leading into Israel that have been specifically built to commit acts of terror against Israeli civilians. 

Now, you must be aware that Israel is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world.  Israel also has intelligence services second to none.

You would think that by using technical devices that can detect underground activity, plus the many warnings by the country's intelligence services about Hamas tunnel construction and operation, someone in government would have said, We need to destroy these tunnels leading into Israel before they are put to use.

But no.  The government allowed the construction of an entire network  -  the equivalent of a time bomb that could go off at any moment - and they DID NOTHING.

Why?  We can only speculate.  SEE UPDATE with article on Canadian expert's puzzlement at IDF lack of interest in following up after a meeting in which he explained all the latest technology for tunnel detection.  As IDF casualties mount in their effort to find and destroy tunnels, the public is bound to start asking questions.  (Continued below)

David Bedein is a very astute investigative reporter who has been exposing the close connections between Israeli business interests and government policies.  And in this case between Israel's cement conglomerate and government officials.

On an October 14, 2013 article he wrote:

Israeli intelligence issued a warning, that “Hamas uses cement for military needs”, especially in the construction of munitions supply tunnels.

Yet the Israel Civil Administration, which reports to the Israel Ministry of Defense, issued orders to provide massive cement supplies for the construction of seventy five UNRWA school buildings in Gaza.

At the time, our agency asked the Israel Civil Administration if any of the contractors in Gaza who received the cement deliveries were connected to terror groups or to the Gaza regime itself, which is controlled by Hamas.   The Israel Civil Administration responded that it did not know the identities of the contractors who received the cement. 

In other words, Israeli security experts tell the government that the cement will be used for tunnels instead of schools, and government officials still give the go ahead for the sale of cement to terrorists.  Worse, they appear to have no interest in who will be using the cement - legitimate builders or terrorists.

On a September 25, 2013 David Bedein wrote:

A leading member of the military's General Staff suddenly says that Hamas suddenly serves Israel's interests in Gaza.   The military support for Hamas came in wake of Israel's transfer of construction material to the Gaza Strip.  The delivery, the largest since 2007, came a year after Israel asserted that construction material sent to the Gaza Strip was being used by Hamas to build military facilities. 
Now, why would the military support selling cement to Hamas?  This will be explained a few paragraphs down from here.
On a May 15, 2012 David Bedein wrote about these baffling events:
During the second week of March, 2012, while the Gaza regime launched more than 300 aerial attacks against southern Israel, driving one million people to cower in shelters, Israel announced to the world that it was bolstering that same Gaza regime, dispatching 180 trucks filled with Israeli merchandise crossing into Gaza under fire.

In other words, Israel announced that it was facilitating the economic growth of an entity in a full scale state of war with Israel, whose overt purpose is to overthrow the Jewish State.
On October 12, 2011, and at the time when Israel was trying to negotiate the release of an Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas,  David Bedein wrote about the economic interests that influence government policy affecting Gaza and the Palestinian Authority. 
This is extremely disturbing.  (The names may have changed since then, but these were the individuals involved in trade with Gaza at that time.)
Bedein writes:
One of the Israeli firms that would express outrage at an economic slowdown in Gaza would be Dor Alon, Israel's leading gasoline conglomerate, which owns a contract as the primary supplier of gasoline to Gaza.
The new owners of "Dor Alon" now include a former Israel Finance Minister, and the son of the the former head of the World Jewish Congress.
Another Israeli firm that does business in Gaza is Nesher, Israel's cement cooperative, which is owned in part by an influential former Israel Defense Forces Commander in Chief.


But there is more.
Back in 1967 Israel liberated Gaza in a defensive war.  Jews built successful communities and developed state-of-the-art greenhouses, using their own new methods for growing excellent products admired throughout the world. 
They provided employment to a large number of Arabs, and aside from the actions of stone-throwers, Arabs and Jews lived and worked in relative peace and prosperity.
But then in 2005 then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - a man with a hawkish reputation - broke his promise to the electorate and forced a pullout of Jews from Gaza.  He called it the Disengagement. 
There was widespread popular opposition, but he and his cohorts managed to trick the protestors, and eventually the police and the army forcibly expelled all ten thousand Jewish residents of Gush Katif, in Gaza.
It was a very traumatic event.  Jews saw their lives and livelihoods destroyed, and even to this day some of them are still living in sub-standard housing.  Many were not able to restart productive lives elsewhere. 
Sharon made many promises about how this pullout was going to be best for everybody.  The result was disastrous.   The greenhouses were looted by Arabs, and destroyed.  Terror and internecine conflict surged between Hamas and Fatah.  Today it is a dysfunctional and violent society, a danger to Israel, an ally of Iran that supplies them with weapons, and a place where the innocent suffer from the corruption and arrogance of their leaders.
What motivated PM Ariel Sharon to lie to his people and to order the expulsion of ten thousand Jews out of their homes?  The answer, some speculate, may be rooted in corruption.  The articles provided below will explain the convoluted machinations of men in power.


Why Israel has been selling cement to Hamas, which builds tunnels to kill Jews.

Articles by journalist David Bedein: Israeli intelligence had warned...

Pressure from Nesher Cement - Hamas as Israel's new trading partner

Feeding the hand that bites you

David Bedein's archive on the subject


Why PM Ariel Sharon forced the pullout from Gush Katif, Gaza, in 2005, also called The Disengagement. 
The role allegedly played by corruption. 

Remember how this mess began - Sharon's lies

The possible corrupt motives for PM Sharon's Disengagement from Gaza
All about a casino. 

UPDATE - July 23, 2014
IDF didn't show enough interest to follow up on a variety of the latest technology to find tunnels when offered by expert
Israel has sent troops into Gaza City to blow up terrorist tunnels, at heavy cost. What puzzles one expert is why the IDF hasn’t instead used technology to find the tunnels, just as it has exploited high-tech capabilities for the conflict’s greatest success — Iron Dome.
Paul Bauman, a Canadian who is one of the world’s foremost experts on discovering underground tunnels and voids, insists that the technology exists and has been used in the US, Canada, Korea, and other places.
 “We actually did some work with the IDF some years ago, showing them how the technology we’ve developed works,” Bauman told The Times of Israel in an interview. “They were interested, but there was no follow-up. Why, I couldn’t say.”
Bauman then goes on to explain the strengths and limitations of each available technology, and why the best option is to use a combination of them.
Regarding Bauman's statements, the IDF said it could not comment on the matter.
Read more

News from Israel

Israel National News - The Gaza campaign

Elder of Ziyon

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  1. My last comment vanished. I should have known better and copied it before posting. This is a bad fault with Blogger.

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    Shalom Shirlee

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    2. Thanks Tracy.
      I have a website and I thought you might sometime might like to cross-post


  2. I was familiar with Jews Down Under. Thank you, Shirl, for visiting my blog.



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