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The gesture was caught on camera by amateur photographer Kutub Uddin. The 27-year-old keeps the frogs as pets at his home in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, UK.
See more - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2546578/Frog-shows-chivalrous-using-leaf-umbrella-shield-partner-pouring-rain-tender-moment-captured-camera.html
Sometimes it's just a pathetically lonesome frog under the rain.
Photographer Penkdix Palme, 27, caught the tiny tree frog sheltering from the rain in his neighbour's back garden.
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This frog was born to be a movie star. In an unusual meeting of nature and technology, the curious tree frog struck a pose on top of wildlife photographer Nicholas Reusens' Canon camera.
On another picture we see it climbing up a vine and showing off how it can do its own movie stunts.
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It's important to keep in shape. This bodybuilding amphibian was spotted doing pull-ups for 10 minutes to beef up his arms, but doesn't bother working the legs. This White's tree frog probably gets plenty of leg exercise already with its habitual bouncing. Amateur photographer Hendy Mp took pictures of the frog in a friend's back garden in Sambas, Indonesia.
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I'm stuck... I need to be toad away: Rat rescued from the middle of a pond after hitching a lift on a frog. Unusual animal alliance photographed in a pond in Lucknow, India. The rat was clinging on to debris but made it to the shore thanks to the help of the frog. Photographer Azam Husain managed to capture the unique moment as he was hanging out next to the water.
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And some frogs just don't get any respect. Incredible moment a snail makes its way over the back of a sleeping frog in the slowest game of leapfrog ever. Photographer Lessy Sebastian, from Jakarta, Indonesia, captured this rare moment in his front garden.
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The quest to photograph frogs long believed to be extinct
by Robin Moore
In Search of Lost Frogs is a story about my epic quest to find and photograph the rarest amphibians in the world – amazing frogs and salamanders not seen since the turn of the century. These Lazarus frogs, appearing against all odds years or decades after they were believed extinct, could hold vital clues to help us stem the hemorrhaging of life on our planet.
Enjoy this snapshot of the weird and wonderful creatures I encountered on my journey from Colombia to Costa Rica and Guatemala to Haiti in search of Lazarus frogs, and feast your eyes on more in my new book “In Search of Lost Frogs” - More info: insearchoflostfrogs.com
Hourglass Frog
Reticulated Glass Frog
Lazarus Frog
Masked Tree Frog
Cuchumatan Golden Toad
Palawan Horned Frog
Hourglass Frogs
More images of frogs on a tree
Beautiful pictures of frogs in the rain
using flowers as umbrellas
Photos by Ajar Setiadi.
See more images of these frogs in Jakarta, Indonesia, here:
Amazing photography of frog
diving into a tank of water
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Frog daydreams on a lazy afternoon:
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Snail in a hurry hitches a ride on a frog
Read more and see additional images of this unlikely pair
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