
Thursday, February 22, 2018

#NeverAgain hashtag - The irony is lost among anti-gun activists - NEVER AGAIN originated with Holocaust survivors who swore they would never be caught unarmed and helpless again

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Image result for images NEVER AGAIN HOLOCAUST
  • When Hitler took over Germany, he confiscated guns belonging to the Jewish population. 
  • As Nazi goons, police, and soldiers attacked, rounded up, and killed Jews, the victims were completely helpless and unable to defend themselves.
  • In 1943 some of the last survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto decided to confront the Nazis, and to die fighting if necessary.  The problem was that they had no guns.  The Polish resistance sold them a few handguns at a very high price, so the Jewish fighters had to manufacture their own Molotov cocktails.
  • For several weeks a bunch of starving and badly armed Jews managed to resist against the powerful German army while the ghetto burned.  Approximately 300 Nazis and 7,000 Jews were killed in the Warsaw ghetto Jewish uprising.  
 Image result for images warsaw ghetto uprising
  • In the wake of the latest school massacre we watch the pathetic image of American youth calling on the US government to disarm Americans, leaving them helpless.
  • Just a few weeks ago, when Florida was flooded by hurricanes, people had to confront gangs of looters.  Only owners with guns kept criminals at bay.  This situation is bound to reoccur, as police are not capable of protecting everyone all the time. 
  • In the meantime criminal elements buy their arsenal in the black market.  No gun laws apply to them. 
  • The hysteria against guns has quelled all talk about the FBI's epic failure to prevent the Florida school massacre, in spite of at least two clear and specific warnings given to them by the public.
  • To add to the absurdity of the anti-gun lobby, most American Jews routinely side with the Democrat agenda, so now they are at the forefront of the war against  the Second Amendment - the right to bear arms. 
  • The method anti-gun activists use is to chip away one gun right at the time.  Not all guns at the same time - only assault weapons to be banned now.  Then they'll go for the rest.
  • And, incidentally, the super rich, celebrities, and politicians advocating against private gun ownership have ARMED GUARDS protecting them and their families. 
Image result for images florida school massacre kids ask to be disarmed
PATHETIC:  PLEASE,  DISARM  ALL CIVILIANS!  So that we'll feel safe.
  • The media, along with powerful donors such as George Soros, are orchestrating the youth anti-gun movement.  Only anti-gun voices are given a platform, as you will read on the following articles.  

Continue reading and watch related VIDEOS

CNN refuses to invite hero to townhall  meeting because his questions did not fit the anti-gun narrative

Another Shooting Survivor Quit CNN Town Hall After Refusing to Ask ‘Scripted’ Question 
READ MORE about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

THE FBI DISTURBING RECORD OF IGNORING INFORMATION ON TERROR AND MASSACRE PLOTS - Judge Jeanine Pirro's scathing indictment of the FBI - The bizarre case of the Garland plot against freedom of speech demonstrators, where the FBI encouraged jihadis and then did nothing to stop the attack
VIDEO - Judge Jeanine Pirro:
The FBI needs a complete overhaul


The former Attorney General — who helped run thousands of illegal guns to Mexico in his “Fast & Furious” scandal which killed Border Agent Brian Terry — simply tells folks during a speech that the Democratic plan is to brainwash children about guns in school.
"What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes," Holder said. He later added, "We have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it Monday. We need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."


Obama's Attorney General ERIC HOLDER called for the brainwashing of children against guns.  Notice that he does NOT argue against violence, but against the ownership of guns.  That alone should tell you that his real hidden agenda is the disarming of the American people, not a reduction of violence and an increase in the safety of children.  Notice as well how comfortable he is using the word "brainwashing" - seeing it as a positive process of mind control of the masses. 

VIDEO - Holder Says People Need to be Brainwashed


VIDEO  Sen. Ted Cruz Says Celebrities are Hypocrites on Gun Control | TMZ


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THIS NEWSPAPER PAGE IS FAKE.  But this is what the headlines would say if the Warsaw Ghetto uprising had happened today, as reported by the anti-Israel mainstream media.   
The tiny nation of Israel is surrounded by genocidal enemies, and it would only take one military weakness by its defenders for six million Israeli Jews to be exterminated.


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NEVER AGAIN - During the Nazi regime some Jewish resisters took to the forests, and survived.  Every gun and piece of ammunition was precious.  

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Yesterday and today.  Jews as victims, and Jews as proud and armed Israelis.

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Image result for images hitler confiscated guns

Image result for images hitler confiscated guns

Image result for images hitler confiscated guns

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