
Tuesday, February 13, 2018


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  • Before Barak Hussein Obama became a presidential candidate he and his wife attended for many years the church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, well known for cursing America and for being a vicious hater of whites and Jews.  It was only when  Obama was about to become president that he felt obliged to disavow his former friend and mentor. 
  • Obama's love for Islam indirectly endorses that ideology's hate for Infidels, particularly of Jews.  Decapitation is the religiously correct way for Muslims to get rid of Infidels and to punish lawbreakers.
  • Now it turns up that the painter Obama chose for a very important portrait is well known for portraying black women with the decapitated and bloody heads of white women. 
  • This is not just artistic imagination, it is reality.  In now black-ruled South Africa there are daily attacks on white farmers, and thousands of them have been tortured and killed.  Is this the future for the dwindling white race?  Watch video further down this page.
  • And as anti-white rhetoric is normalized in America, the former president's choices speak louder than words. 

Irony:  Notice the culturally appropriated straight hair and European medieval dress.  At the heart of anti-white hatred lies a deep, deep sense of envy.

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Obama Portrait Artist Paints Black Women Severing The Heads Of White Women 
Can you imagine if Donald Trump’s portrait artist painted white women holding the decapitated heads of black women?  There would be social chaos, blood in the streets, non-stop coverage on CNN. The National Guard would be called in. Baltimore and St. Louis would burn to the ground. Meanwhile, not a peep from our biased media about the disturbing choice of a portrait artist by a former president.

A Racist Con-Man: Obama’s Portrait Artist, Who Hires Cheap Chinese Labor To Paint “His” Work, Says “Kill Whitey” Is A Major Theme
And Wiley certainly can check quite a few boxes off that checklist: a black, gay man, who pushes the anti-white rhetoric that the left revels in these days. But there is another problem, a big one:
Wiley doesn’t actually paint his work.

A common technique used, especially by Chinese labor “painters” who mass produce work, is to repeat a pattern over and over rather than use an artist’s intuition to create a scene.
The fawning New York Magazine piece makes this clear after the writer attempts to snap a few pictures of the studio space. Wiley immediately grows uncomfortable and begins skirting around the truth:
There’s nothing new about artists using assistants—everyone from Michelangelo to Jeff Koons has employed teams of helpers, with varying degrees of irony and pride—but Wiley gets uncomfortable discussing the subject. “I’m sensitive to it,” he says. When I first arrived at his Beijing studio, the assistants had left, and he made me delete the iPhone snapshots I’d taken of the empty space. […] “I don’t want you to know every aspect of where my hand starts and ends” […]
Producing work in China cuts costs, but not as much as it used to, Wiley says. These days in Beijing he employs anywhere from four to ten workers, depending on the urgency, plus a studio manager, the American artist Ain Cocke. 
And there you have it, disgusting as it may be. Is the skill of Wiley’s work good? No, but maybe that’s because he outsources the work to underpaid Chinese labor. Are his concepts good or original? No. It’s very unoriginal these days to be a racist black man whose raison d’etre purely centered around anti-white ideologies.
So why is Wiley famous now? How did a former president of the United States end up tapping this sly con artist to paint his portrait, an incredible honor for any artist?
What does it say about the state of the arts and modern American culture that we’re willing to pay a hustler hundreds of thousands of dollars to have underpaid Chinese women paint large anti-white paintings?


Homosexual painter Kehinde Wyley with 'artwork' exhibited at the North Caroline Museum of Art.

Notice Obama seems to have SIX FINGERS
 on his left hand, including an invisible thumb.

How Obama's jungle theme compares with the portraits of other American presidents.

A bit too late, president Obama was forced to disavow his beloved mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Obama with Reverend Wright, in better times

 (Recommended website with news headlines and videos)

VIDEO - White Farmers Slaughtered in South Africa | Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux

More videos with Stephan Molyneux

WATCH LAUREN SOUTHERN's videos.  -  She is an independent journalist, formerly with Rebel Media.  She has just produced  FARMLANDS, a documentary on the South African massacres against white farmers..

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