
Monday, January 15, 2018

HAWAII MISSILE SCARE - USA wastes more than ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in Afghanistan but has no fallout shelters in America - Hawaii parents were dropping kids in storm drains after missile attack alert that turned out to be false

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Video appears to show a family taking shelter in the sewer through a manhole cover after a false alert of an inbound ballistic missile sparked panic in Hawaii on Saturday morning
THIS IS AMERICA - Video appears to show a family taking shelter in the sewer through a manhole cover after a false alert of an inbound ballistic missile sparked panic in Hawaii on Saturday morning

  • You wouldn't know it from watching CNN and other media ongoing controversy over whether Trump said "shithole" or "shithouse" when referring to dysfunctional nations in Africa (the utterance of those words denied by Trump and other Republicans present at the meeting).
  • The media seem oblivious to the irony that the great USA itself cannot protect its citizens from nuclear fallout - or even have a decent system to warn citizens of an incoming attack, or to dismiss false alerts.  
  • In addition, American infrastructure is crumbling, and military veterans languish waiting for proper health care and housing, and end up committing suicide in the hundreds.  The country has a large homeless population.  Thousands of Americans of all ages are dying from opioid overdoses without a national plan to help them.  
  • Chicago's inner city is like a third world enclave, with rampant violent crime and the highest murder rate in the nation - almost all of it black-on-black violence.   Chicago, Illinois, is controlled by Democrat politicians who blame all minority shortcomings on white racism.
  • Trump promised to take care of America first, but Congress and leftist activist judges continuously anguish over the feelings and welfare of other nations, while sabotaging the agenda Trump was elected to implement. 
  • Then there is the ongoing threat of an EMP attack (electromagnetic pulse) that could occur as a result of a giant solar flare directed towards North America, or a nuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere. 
  • Either way the electric grid and all electronics would be fried and the USA would turn within hours and days into a place of scarcity, savagery, and millions of casualties from violence and starvation.  Remember how during the Texas hurricane floods there were heroes saving lives, but there were also mobs looting homes and stores.   
  • Our entire lives now depend on computers, and once they are permanently out of commission there can be no transportation, no distribution of food, no hospital technology, no communication systems at all, other than smoke signals....
  • It would take years to rebuild the electric grid. But, believe it or not, Congress so far has refused to deal with this threat.   (See link to EMP related article on this page.) 
  • Congress and previous presidents have been more interested in sending trillions of taxpayers' money to Afghanistan, Palestinian terrorists, and other dysfunctional and violent nations all over the world.  
  • More than a trillion dollars have been wasted in Afghanistan alone, much of it mysteriously vanished due to Afghan and US contractors' corruption.  
  • Natural disasters wreaked havoc in 2017, showing how vulnerable we all are.    The following report on the Hawaii scare shows how unprepared we are for emergencies.  

Hawaii's 38-minutes of terror: How islanders were gripped by panic as phones and TV stations broadcast a false missile warning telling them to urgently seek shelter
  • Alert warned people of a missile heading towards Hawaii Saturday morning
  • Took 38 minutes for a second alert to be sent out explaining it was a false alarm
  • Families huddled together crying and praying while waiting for the missile to hit
  • Some people placed their children in storm drains, others messaged loved ones
  • 'I was sitting in the bathtub with my children, saying our prayers,' one said 
  • Local police were aware that a missile attack warning for Hawaii was false only five minutes after it was sent, but it took a full 38 minutes for authorities to correct the inaccurate information.  One police supervisor advised to continue evacuations until official channels reported back that the alert was an accidental release.
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  Residents of Hawaii are furiously asking why it took officials a whole 38 minutes to correct a missile threat warning that was sent out on Saturday morning, sparking panic across the state 

Residents of Hawaii are furiously asking why it took officials a whole 38 minutes to correct a missile threat warning that was sent out on Saturday morning, sparking panic across the state

Visitors on dream vacations and residents were awoken by a terrifying alert ordering them to take cover as a ballistic missile rocketed towards the island at 8.07am Saturday.
At the same time as the phone alert, an emergency alert was broadcast across radio and television networks.  It told viewers and listeners: 'If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter in a building. Remain indoors well away from windows.
'If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road and seek shelter.'  

Over the next 38 minutes, while bungling officials sought to correct the mistake, families huddled in bathtubs and garages crying and praying while waiting for the missile to hit.
Some placed their children in storm drains while others desperately messaged their loved ones to say their final goodbyes. 

Officials say at about 8.05am a routine test during a shift change was initiated, and at 8.07am a warning was erroneously triggered statewide by an employee at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA). 
Social media users soon began posting videos, photos, and testimonials about residents hurriedly taking up shelter.

'I was sitting in the bathtub with my children, saying our prayers,' Hawaii state representative Matt LoPresti told CNN in emotional interview after false missile alert. 
Sara Donchey wrote: 'My family was hiding in the garage. My mom and sister were crying. It was a false alarm, but betting a lot of people are shaken.'
'Talking to loved ones in Hawaii, the reality of the situation is everyone thought they were going to die for 40-minutes,' another Twitter user said.
'Let that sink in. Extremely traumatizing and please send your love to everyone there.'
Current NBA star Karl-Anthony Towns tweeted: ‘Words cannot describe the relief my family and I feel that the alarm in Hawaii was false.
‘My girlfriend was born and raised in Hawaii and with most of her family there, the panic was real.
‘We should thank god for every day no matter the struggles and tell our family we love them.’ 
Terror: People began to flee for their lives after the warning was sent that a ballistic missile was inbound to Hawaii 
Terror: People began to flee for their lives after the warning was sent that a ballistic missile was inbound to Hawaii 

Students at University of Hawaii at Manoa panicking after missile threat was issued #hawaii
— Joe Walker (@_JoeWalker) January 13, 2018
'Under mattresses in the bathtub with my wife, baby and in laws,' tweeted golfer John Peterson, who was participating in the US PGA Tour's Sony Open in Honolulu. 'Please lord let this bomb threat not be real.' 
Actor Jim Carrey, like many others, said he woke up thinking he had 'ten minutes to live'.
Honolulu is seen on Saturday morning, when a false alert of an inbound ballistic missile sent residents running for shelter in terror
Honolulu is seen on Saturday morning, when a false alert of an inbound ballistic missile sent residents running for shelter in terror
CNN host Jake Tapper tweeted: 'So sorry for all the people in Hawaii who went through that - we know someone who's there with her family.
'Crying in closet texting goodbyes to loved ones, husband shielding their baby. Sounds traumatic. Hang in there, folks.' 
Maureen McCormick explained: 'My family in Hawaii got a phone alert and hid in the bathroom with kids for a good 10 minutes thinking "This is going to be it." So terrifying.'
Lorenza Ingram, a producer for CNN, told the network: 'We got alerts on our phone… we opened our sliding glass door to look out onto the beach, we saw probably 10 different families running, not walking, running back to their room.' 

Another CNN producer, David Shortell, told the network: 'There was a bit of running and shouting after [the alert was received]… People were nervous.'

Shortell described 'a pretty harrowing 15 minutes' huddling in a garage with families and young children.  
Twitter user Sarah Emerson explained that she received a chilling message from her father, who is in Hawaii with her mother.
'I know we all shield ourselves from fEeLiNgs with a thick layer of irony these days, but think about those minutes when Hawaii thought this was real. here’s the first thing i saw today,' she tweeted.
She then posted a screenshot of the message she received from her dad.
'Hi sweetie,' the message read. 'I guess you heard about...[the] missile headed towards Hawaii I guess from Korea...I'm downstairs and...on the stairway.
'...Just want to tell you I love you I don't know what's going on um but I try to give me a call bye...'   

In those panicked minutes, people sought shelter wherever they could, according to 

Hotels and businesses were inundated with people who came in from the street to take cover. 

Robbyn Levinthal, a resident of Kailua, said that she was paddling about 20 minutes offshore when the alert came down.
'We didn't know what to do except paddle in and do as best we could. We debated whether we should just stay out,' Levinthal said.
One tourist staying in Waikiki recalls seeing hotel lobbies and hallways flooded with visitors who were unsure of what to do next. 
'We just packed up what we could and came (downstairs),' the visitor said.  
'I was just putting on my makeup when this popped up and I got the biggest fright of my life,' another visitor said. 
One Twitter user snapped a photo of people in a shelter. One of those was apparently former NBA superstar Magic Johnson.
John Haltiwanger tweeted that he received a text message from a friend saying: 'My friends are in a "fall out shelter" in Hawaii due to the missile threat and hanging with Magic Johnson.' 
'Get a false nuclear holocaust alarm, hang with a legend. Only in 2018,' Haltiwanger tweeted. 
Tulsi Gabbard, a US Congresswoman who represents a district in Hawaii, tweeted: ‘Over a million of Hawaii's people were faced with the immediate reality of having 15 minutes to find a place to "take shelter," wondering where do I go?
‘What shelter is going to protect me & my family from a nuclear bomb?! But there’s nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.’ 
For those lucky enough to see it, HI-EMA issued a public notification of cancellation via their Facebook and Twitter accounts at 8.20am, however it took until 8.45am for HI-EMA to issue a 'Civil Emergency Message' remotely, cancelling the false alert.
The second message said: 'There is no missile threat or danger to the State of Hawaii. Repeat. False Alarm.' 
The false alarm was caused by a HI-EMA employee who 'pushed the wrong buttons' during an internal drill timed to coincide with a shift handover.
Incredibly, officials said the employee who made the mistake wasn't aware of it until mobile phones in the command center began displaying the alert.
'This guy feels bad, right. He's not doing this on purpose - it was a mistake on his part and he feels terrible about it,' said EMA Administrator Vern Miyagi in a press conference Saturday afternoon.
Miyagi, a retired Army major general, said the employee had been with the agency for 'a while' and that he would be 'counseled and drilled so this never happens again' - but stopped short of saying whether there would be disciplinary measures.


One Twitter user wrote: 'My family was hiding in the garage. My mom and sister were crying. It was a false alarm, but betting a lot of people are shaken'

One Twitter user wrote: 'My family was hiding in the garage. My mom and sister were crying. It was a false alarm, but betting a lot of people are shaken'

Twitter video is loading


False alarm fallout: Man who accidentally pushed Hawaii emergency button has been REASSIGNED say authorities as they announce a new ‘buddy’ system to ensure it never happens again
  • Hawaii civil defense worker who triggered false alarm reassigned, not fired 
  • The employee works for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency 
  • His error sparked a massive, state-wide panic that lasted for nearly 40 minutes 

EMA Administrator Vern Miyagi (left) and Hawaii Governor David Ige (right) apologized for the error at a press conference Saturday afternoonEMA Administrator Vern Miyagi (left) and Hawaii Governor David Ige (right) apologized for the error at a press conference Saturday afternoon


Officials have given the following timeline for the false alert on Saturday.
Approx. 8.05am: A routine internal test during a shift change was initiated. This was a test that involved the Emergency Alert System, the Wireless Emergency Alert, but no warning sirens.
8.07am: A warning was erroneously triggered statewide by an employee at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA).
8.10am: State Adjutant Maj. Gen. Joe Logan validated with the US Pacific Command that there was no missile launch.
Honolulu Police Department notified of the false alarm by HI-EMA.
8.13am: State Warning Point issues a cancellation of the Civil Danger Warning Message. This would have prevented the initial alert from being rebroadcast to phones that may not have received it yet. For instance, if a phone was not on at 8.07am, it would not receive the alert later on.
8.20am: HI-EMA issues public notification of cancellation via their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
8.24am:   Governor Ige retweets HI-EMA’s cancellation notice.
8.30am: Governor posts cancellation notification to his Facebook page.
8.45am: After getting authorization from FEMA Integral Public Alert and Warning System, HI-EMA issued a 'Civil Emergency Message' remotely, cancelling the false alert



Officials scrambled to notify citizens that there was no inbound ballistic missile threat, but it took 38 minutes to issue an all-clear phone alert because it had to be sent manually

The US Federal Communications Commission said on Saturday it was launching a full investigation into a false emergency alert that said a ballistic missile was headed for Hawaii, the chairman of the commission said.

The alerts to Hawaii cellphone users were issued at about 8.07am local time, saying 'ballistic missile threat inbound' and urging residents to seek shelter immediately. The message also appeared on Hawaii television stations, according to news reports. The alert was officially canceled about 38 minutes later.

The FCC has jurisdiction over the emergency alert system. Earlier this week, Pai said the FCC would vote at its January meeting to enhance the effectiveness of wireless emergency alerts, which have been in place since 2012. 
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai posted on Twitter that the FCC was launching a full investigation and FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said the commission must find out what went wrong.
'Emergency alerts are meant to keep us and our families safe, not to create false panic. We must investigate and we must do better,' Rosenworcel wrote on Twitter.

CNN reported Hawaiian Governor David Ige told reporters the mistake was the result of human error and someone at the state emergency management agency pushed the 'wrong button' during a shift change.

Wireless carriers do not prepare or write the alerts but they run simultaneously on all networks.

The FCC is working to better target alerts to impacted people and will vote this month on a proposal to 'more precisely target these alerts to affected communities.'

Pai is proposing that providers 'deliver these alerts to match the geographic area specified by the officials sending the alert with no more overshoot than one-tenth of a mile,' he said in a statement earlier this week.


Police Knew That Hawaii Missile Attack Report was False Within Five Minutes After Alert

A report from Sunday says that local police were aware that a missile attack warning for Hawaii was false only five minutes after it was sent, but it took a full 38 minutes for authorities to correct the inaccurate information.

According to 911 recordings obtained by Mercury News, police dispatchers had realized that the missile warning was a false alarm only minutes after the warnings flashed across cell phones.

The warning hit cellphones at 8:07 AM on Saturday, January 13, but dispatchers were aware that the report was a false alarm by 8:12, the paper reported. Despite that, officials didn’t rescind the warning until 8:45.
“Somebody should get fired,” one police officer is heard saying dourly on the recordings.
Only minutes after the alert went out, one Island police officer was heard letting out a “wheww” in relief as he learned that the whole thing was untrue.
“They’re really scared,” the officer added of people he was meeting.

“They probably made an error in their testing,” the dispatcher responded on the recordings. “And we’ll just have to relay this to everybody.”
Several other dispatchers and officers reiterated that the report was a false one, but one supervisor advised to continue evacuations until official channels reported back that the alert was an accidental release.
“We don’t mess around with this kind of stuff,” the supervisor says on the recordings.
But a full 38 minutes went by before that official confirmation was released.
By Monday, it was reported that the government employee who accidentally flipped the switch to issue the warning to 1.4 million islanders was merely “reassigned” and not fired from his government job.


The $1.07 trillion bill can be divided into three segments. Overseas Contingency Operations funds specifically dedicated to the war come to $773 billion.
$243 billion can be attributed to increases in the base budget of the Department of Defense while the increase in the Veterans Administration budget cost $54.2 billion. 
The financial side of the conflict reached its zenith amid Obama's troop surge in 2010 when costs ran to $112.7 billion.
As the military gradually shifted its focus away from offensive operations and concentrated more on training Afghan forces, costs gradually fell, reaching $30.8 billion in 2016.
General John Nicholson, the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, called on the Taliban to agree on peace talks and said that the president's strategy is a sign of long-term commitment to Afghanistan.
Trump has said that U.S. commitment to Afghanistan is "not a blank check" but given his decision to boost troop levels in the country, it's hard to see how his strategy is any different from his predecessors.


Afghanistan War Costs Summary Table (in billions)
FYCost of Afghanistan WarDoD Budget IncreaseVA Budget Increase    Total          Boots on Ground*Comments
2001$29.3$6.5$1.5$37.39,7009/11. Taliban falls.
2003$68.4$36.7$2.6$56.713,100NATO enters.
2004$92.1$11.6$2.6$29.618,3001st vote.
2005$99.8$23.6$3.1$47.417,821Karzai agreement.
2006$114.7$10.5$0.7$29.920,502Violence rises.
2009$149.1$34.2$9.8$100.069,000Obama surge.
2010$158.9$14.7$3.9$112.796,900NATO surge.
2011$153.3$0.3$3.3$110.494,100Bin Laden killed.
2012$120.9$2.2$2.3$105.165,800Troop drawdown.
2014$82.2$0.8$2.0$80.232,500Troops leave.
2015$63.1$1.0$1.8$60.99,100U.S. trains Afghan troops.



Abandoned vehicles litter Highway 63, south of Fort McMurray, Alta., as residents fled the wildfire engulfing the city on Tuesday, May 2, 2016. 

HOW TO DRIVE AWAY FROM CATASTROPHE - Preparing a good bug out plan - And see list of the 50 BEST PREPPER WEBSITES


says Congressional report
- The USA is unprepared for an ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE EVENT (EMP) caused by an atmospheric NUKE or a giant SOLAR FLARE that would fry all electronics, starve people, and bring the USA down to the Stone Age 
 - NORTH KOREA and IRAN would be among likely suspects


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