
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

UK MUSLIM SCHOOL GIVEN LOW GRADE FOR NOT PROVIDING TOILET PAPER TO STUDENTS - Toilet paper is forbidden under Sharia law - Islam decrees that people use their left hand and water, never paper

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  • One of the basic tenets of immigration from cultures significantly different from ours is that if not the first generation, then the second generation will fully integrate. 
  • That was true in the past with so many migrants from eastern Europe and Asia arriving with barely the clothes on their backs, but through hard work and love for their country they proudly became Americanized.  
  • There are photos of eastern Europeans living in absolute squalor in New York in the early years of the 20th century.  Their grandkids are now CEOs, physicians, lawyers, successful professionals living in comfort with their families. 
  • There is also the case of Vietnamese, Koreans, and other Asian immigrants struggling with a difficult new language, but persevering and also moving up in the socio-economic scale. 
  • So immigration has served to enrich the country culturally and economically.  
  • But what if the immigrant's religion orders him to absolutely follow precepts that contradict American culture to the point where real integration is impossible?  
  • We all know the power of religion.  Millions of people have killed and died in its name over the centuries.  Religion leaves no room for rational argument.   People of true faith will follow religious mandates to the letter, and would rather die than violate them.
  • In these days of political correctness it is considered 'insensitive'  or 'racist' to even mention to prospective immigrants that their new country has social, political, and (in the following article) health standards that are non-negotiable.
  • From time to time we hear of immigrants beating up their wives, honor-killing their daughters, or waging jihad because that's what their religion tells them to do.
  • But that's not all.  There have been several cases where restaurant employees or owners have been found to have grossly violated hygiene standards because their religion forbids them to use toilet paper.  They use their left hand and a bowl of water after they go to the WC because that's what their sacred scriptures tell them to do. 
Wild Bill for America expresses his irreverence towards Islam
More shocking politically incorrect VIDEOS by Wild Bill
  • Muslims can now use toilet paper: Turkey’s top religious authority2015:  Turkey’s top religious authority has decreed that Muslims may use toilet paper – though water is still preferable for cleansing.
  • “If water cannot be found for cleansing, other cleaning materials can be used. Even though some sources deem paper to be unsuitable as a cleaning material, as it is an apparatus for writing, there is no problem in using toilet paper,” the Directorate of Religious Affairs, or Diyanet, said in a statement about the fatwa.
  •  According to the strict code, Muslims must squat or sit – but not stand – while relieving themselves. They also must remain silent while on the toilet and leave with the right foot while saying a prayer.
UK Daily Mail:  Curry house chef prepared food after wiping his bottom with his bare hands because he doesn't use toilet paper for 'cultural reasons' (read full article further down this page).
And now this recent article also from the UK:
UK Islamic School Which Did Not Supply Toilet Paper for ‘Cultural Reasons’ Graded ‘Inadequate’ by Regulator 
 A £1,500-a-year Muslim girls’ school has been given the lowest grading after a series of failings including not providing toilet paper for “cultural reasons”.
Staff at the Park Avenue Girls’ High School, in Stoke-on-Trent, said paper was available from the school office, but because most of the students were Muslim, they preferred to wash rather than wipe. 
The Ofsted report stated: “At the time of the inspection, it was not the school’s common practice to provide soap for pupils’ hand-washing, toilet roll in the toilets or suitable drinking water.
“Toilet paper is available from the school office when pupils request it. Pupils told inspectors that they sometimes avoided using toilets for the whole school day because of this.” But headteacher Abdul Ghafoor Salloo defended the policy, insisting the school catered for the cultural needs of the pupils.
Continue reading, watch VIDEO of man washing his behind with water from a drinking fountain in Italy after defecating in the street - and read the precepts of Muslim toilet etiquette.

Government regulator Ofsted identified a range of concerns at Park Avenue Girls’ High School in Stoke-on-Trent, including hygiene, safeguarding problems, and the discovery of sectarian material on the premises.
On the issue of toilets, staff insisted loo roll was available at reception on request, but not provided as a matter of course “because [the pupils] are Asian.” However, some pupils told inspectors they avoided the toilets for this reason.
Inspectors also criticised the fact there was a lack of soap in the lavatories. There were also no showers on the premises.
“At the time of the inspection, it was not the school’s common practice to provide soap for pupils’ hand-washing, toilet roll in the toilets or suitable drinking water,” the inspectors wrote in a report published last week.
“Toilet paper is available from the school office when pupils request it. Pupils told inspectors that they sometimes avoided using toilets for the whole school day because of this.”

Abdul Ghafoor Salloo, the head teacher, defended the policy by arguing they were catering to the cultural needs of children. He told The Telegraph:
“The children they do use the toilets and traditionally, because we are Asian, we wash, not only wipe. There are facilities for pupils to clean themselves,” he said.
“Some pupils, they avoid using toilets because they don’t like going in there. There are facilities for cleaning yourself in the toilet — it might be hard for someone who doesn’t traditionally wash to understand and washing is better than wiping clean.
“The Ofsted inspector said there has to be toilet rolls, we said there are always toilet rolls but they are not always out — so what?” 
The Ofsted report also revealed the “inspectors found published sectarian material” (jihad) on the premises. Mr. Salloo denied knowing about it, promised to destroy it, and vet literature entering the school in future.

Attainment was also a problem as pupils were not “consistently challenged” and were said to have “too few opportunities to discuss and develop their ideas”. There were further concerns about the safeguarding of pupils and the safety of the premises and playgroup, with broken windows reported.
There are 177 Muslim schools in England, with 148 being independent and 29 state-funded. Of the 139 independent Islamic schools inspected since 2015, 57 per cent were rated less than good, compared to 11 per cent of all schools. Many were marked down for failing to uphold British values.

The Ofsted report also revealed the “inspectors found published sectarian material” on the premises. Mr. Salloo denied knowing about it, promised to destroy it, and vet literature entering the school in future.

Attainment was also a problem as pupils were not “consistently challenged” and were said to have “too few opportunities to discuss and develop their ideas”. There were further concerns about the safeguarding of pupils and the safety of the premises and playgroup, with broken windows reported.


There are 177 Muslim schools in England, with 148 being independent and 29 state-funded. Of the 139 independent Islamic schools inspected since 2015, 57 per cent were rated less than good, compared to 11 per cent of all schools. Many were marked down for failing to uphold British values.

 VIDEO - ITALY 2016: Man washing his behind at public fountain after defecating in an alley

UK - Curry house chef prepared food after wiping his bottom with his bare hands because he doesn't use toilet paper for 'cultural reasons' 

  • Mahbub Chowdhury, 46, from Swindon, ran the Yeahya Flavour of Asia
  • Inspectors found bottle in kitchen that was covered in 'faecal matter'
  • Chef filled it with water from kitchen taps before using it to clean backside

A takeaway chef wiped his bottom using his hands before preparing food because he does not use toilet paper for 'cultural reasons', a court heard.
Mahbub Chowdhury, 46, from Swindon, was found to have a filthy bottle in the kitchen of Yeahya Flavour of Asia, which inspectors concluded was covered in faecal matter.
Mahbub Chowdhury, 46, from Swindon, wiped his bottom using his hands before preparing food at Yeahya Flavour of Asia 
When questioned, he said he filled the empty milk bottle with water from the kitchen taps before using it to clean his backside after going to the toilet.
Chowdhury prepared meat and fish curries at the takeaway, which was run out of a rented kitchen at the Nine Elms pub.
The chef, who no longer works at the takeaway, pleaded guilty to ten counts of breaching food hygiene regulations at Swindon Magistrates Court.
He was fined more than £5,000 last year for ten similar offences relating to food hygiene.
Rosie Heath, prosecuting, said environmental health officers who visited the business in May last year found 'very poor standards of hygiene'.
She said: 'In the kitchen under the double sinks [they] found an empty plastic milk bottle which was extremely dirty and was covered with brown fingerprints.
'When asked, Mr Chowdhury explained he filled the bottle with water from the kitchen taps and used it to clean his bottom after visiting the toilet.

'He did not use toilet paper for cultural reasons. Inspectors concluded the brown finger prints was faecal matter.' 
Mark Glendenning, defending, said the milk bottle was never examined and the marks could have been spices.
Chowdhury will be sentenced at Swindon Crown Court. 

A jug, called a lota, is filled with water to wash after going to the toilet 
  • A jug, called a lota, is filled with water to wash after going to the toilet 
  • Traditionally, the left hand is used to wash after going to the toilet, while the right hand is used to eat.
  • In Islam, there are a set of practices laid out regarding toilet etiquette.
  • Although they are not compulsory, many devout Muslims follow the teachings.
  • The Qadaa' al-Haajah code states that one should clean their private parts using water and their left hand, or three stones.
1. When going to the toilet, do not touch the private parts with the right hand. (Muslim)
2. Do not cleanse the private parts with the right hand. (Muslim)
3. After relieving oneself, use three stones or three clods of clay. (Muslim)
4. When using the toilet, do not face or sit with the back towards the Qibla.
5. When intending to urinate, find a suitable place of privacy.
6. Do not urinate in stagnant water (water that does not flow).
7. Do not urinate in a bathroom, as many a time due to this, evil temptations are aroused.
8. Do not stand and urinate. 
9. Do not converse (with another person) whilst relieving oneself. 
10. Do not relieve oneself at riverbanks, roads and shady places where people walk or rest.
11. Recite BISMILLAH before entering the toilet, as this will serve as a veil between the jinn and the private parts of humans. 
12. Do not perform istinja with bones or dung.


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