
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

TWO THOUSAND YEARS OF THE EUROPEAN WAR AGAINST THE JEWS - And how Europe contracted out the Arabs to continue this war - EU countries give millions to fund and encourage Arab jihad against Israel and the Jews

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VIDEO - History of European Anti-Semitism
  • European and Jewish histories have been entangled for 2000 years.
  • We remember the Holocaust because it was so massive, and because it happened almost within our lifetimes.  Many of us have met survivors, visited the concentration camps, and read memoirs and historical accounts of the time. 
  • But the European war against the Jews started 2,000 years ago with the powerful Roman army fighting and defeating the Jews of Israel.  The Romans enslaved Jews, killed or expelled most of them, and renamed Judea "Palestine" in a futile attempt to erase all memory of the Jews.   
  • You may have seen carvings on the Arch of Titus near the Coliseum in Rome describing the defeated and enslaved Jews being paraded by the Romans while carrying a menorah.  
  • The Coliseum itself was financed with Jewish treasure looted by the Romans, and quite possible built with Jewish slave labor.
  • Eventually, Jews living in Europe were confined to ghettos, and limited to only certain jobs where the talented and overachieving Jews would not compete with the rest of the population - such as money lending. 
  • The Christian Church, in its effort to secure pre-eminence over Judaism, engaged from the beginning in a vicious campaign of demonization, incitement, persecution, and genocide against Jews.   The Church became the ideological and propagandistic machine that mobilized murderous mobs and entire countries against the Jews. 
  • There were millions of Jews massacred by Europeans over the centuries, but there is little mention of these genocidal campaigns.  Maybe we've heard of the Inquisition, but not of the millions of Jews who were tortured, burned alive, and slaughtered by a variety of gruesome means in the centuries preceding the Holocaust. 
  • And yet, when Jews were emancipated in the 19th century, there was nobody more patriotic than the Jews, eager to demonstrate their loyalty to their countries.  They offered their talents and their lives.  Many died heroically as soldiers in 19th and 20th century wars, up to World War I. 
  • Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ ever recorded, and so they contributed in disproportionate numbers to European science, the arts, business, medicine, literature, and every field of human achievement. 
  • The Nazis and their European accomplices destroyed much of this amazing gene pool.   Physics - the so-called Jewish science - for example, after a few dazzling years in the late 19th century and early 20th century has stagnated.  There was Einstein and a few others to change our world view, and then nothing. 
  • Jews are still winning a good chunk of the scientific Nobel Prizes, but aside from Israel and a few clusters of Orthodox Jews in the West, western Jews are intermarrying and thus diluting their unique genetic heritage.
  • Defeated Germany felt ashamed of having been caught killing Jews in an industrial scale.  The Nazis had intended to hide their atrocities, and even tried to blow up death camps crematoria before their retreat west.   However their escape was so precipitous that they left plenty of evidence for the Allies to witness and record for posterity.  
  • Germans and Europeans in general have never felt genuine regret for their actions against the Jews, only for having lost the war. 
  • The American army forced the de-Nazification of institutions and culture in general.  The results were mixed.  Nazi ideas went underground, and in spite of the show trial of top Nazis at Nuremberg, most Nazi criminals went back to their jobs, received state pensions, and even became movers and shakers in the new Europe.  Britain welcomed thousands of Ukrainian mass murderers as refugees.  No problem, they had only massacred Jews. 
  • And then Europe continued courting the Arabs in earnest - the same Arabs who had been allies of Hitler. 
  • Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, for example, worked alongside Hitler in implementing the Final Solution, and created a Nazi SS division made up of Muslim Bosnians, that committed gruesome atrocities against Jews in eastern Europe. 
  • After the war Al Husseini escaped to the Middle East, where he trained a new generation of Nazi Arabs, among them his relative Yassir Arafat, and Mahmoud Abbas - both of them Palestinian leaders adored by European governments, the Pope, the media, and celebrities.
  • And that European-Muslim connection continued.  Europe welcomed with open arms PLO terrorists who were killing Israeli Jews, protecting them and funding them. 
  • After Israel liberated its ancient biblical land of Judea, Samaria (West Bank) and the biblical half of Jerusalem in the 1967 war, Europeans ratcheted up their moral and financial support for genocidal Arabs.
  • Arab armies had failed to perpetrate a second Holocaust, so the Arabs living on Jewish land became "victims of Israeli occupation". 
  • To this day, and in spite of daily acts of Muslim terror against Jews in Israel and in Europe, European governments continue to provide millions of Euros to the corrupt and genocidal Palestinian leadership. 
  • In other words, European governments have openly contracted out the Arabs to do the killing of Jews and to usurp Jewish land.  Europeans hypocritically celebrate Christmas and Jesus - a Jew born in Israel - while they call today's Jews "occupiers" of their own land.   
  • And here is the deep irony in all this.  As European couples don't make enough children to replace them, and as they allow the entry of millions of African and Middle Eastern Muslims, they are committing demographic suicide.  Europeans, so fanatically eager to destroy the Jews, are destroying themselves and their culture in a psychological and demographic twisted and self-destructive process that is now irreversible.
  • Much of Europe is becoming a hell hole, with city districts now under Islamic control, rampant crime, soaring cases of rape of women and children, and the financial burden of policing thousands of Muslim criminals and terrorists.  European Jews are fleeing for Israel and other parts of the world, as they are prime target for torture and murder by the EU Muslim population. 
  • The following column, by well-known Israeli author Caroline Glick, focuses on European reactions to president Trump's announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital.  Here are some highlights:
Europe’s response to Trump’s announcement has been extreme, violent and more outspoken than the response of the Arab world.   
While the Arab street was indifferent to Trump’s declaration, the European street went berserk. Thousands of protesters assembled in London and Paris, in Berlin and Stockholm. They burned Israeli flags and called for the annihilation of Israel and the murder of Jews.
Physical attacks on Jews have been an integral component of the anti-Trump riots in Europe. Saturday night a group of 20 rioters firebombed a synagogue in Gothenburg, Sweden where Jewish children were holding a party. Friday a man clad in a keffiyeh attacked a Jewish restaurant in Amsterdam with a club while screaming Allahu Akbar.
European officials have refused to call these attacks hate crimes. As they see it, attacks against Jews in the name of hatred for Israel are totally justified.  And whereas the Europeans refuse to condemn antisemitic attacks launched in the name of rejection of Israel, they rapidly condemned Trump for accepting Israel’s right to its capital city.

BY CAROLINE B. GLICK, Jerusalem Post
 On Sunday and Monday Israeli PM Netanyahu visited Paris and Brussels to confront Europe’s leaders and challenge their hostility toward Israel.

Europe is the epicenter of the political war against Israel. Europe fights Israel on the streets of Europe. Europe fights Israel in the corridors of power in Brussels, other Western European capitals and the UN. Europe fights Israel in Israel itself.
Europe’s war against Israel is a passive-aggressive campaign fought and denied simultaneously. But in recent years, the mask has fallen over and over again.
In the days that have passed since US President Donald Trump’s dramatic announcement that the US recognizes that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and is beginning to take concrete steps to move its embassy to the city, Europe’s war against Israel has again become impossible to deny or ignore. Europe’s response to Trump’s announcement has been extreme, violent and more outspoken than the response of the Arab world.

The EU-funded Palestinian Authority reacted to Trump’s move by exhorting its subjects to riot and attack Israelis.
Sunday, Yassin Abu el-Qura heeded his call. Qura stabbed Asher Elmalich in the heart and critically wounded him. Elmalich was a security guard at Jerusalem’s central bus station.

Continue reading this article, cartoons, and other related material

According to Channel 2, Qura is a member of a prominent family of Fatah members with close ties to the PA and its EU- and US-funded and trained security forces. His father is the commander of one of the security forces in Salfit, in Samaria. Two of his brothers are also PA security officers.
Around the same time Qura was stabbing Elmalich, the British government announced it was providing the PA with 20 million pounds in supplemental budgetary funding.
Qura’s attack was notable because it took place against the backdrop of lackluster attendance at PA-organized protests.
violent Muslim Antisemitism
As former US Middle East mediator Aaron David Miller tweeted on Sunday, the low attendance at these demonstrations, like the low attendance at anti-US and anti-Israel demonstrations in the Arab world is an “indication of how much the region has changed [in recent years] and the loss of centrality of [the] Palestinian issue. [The] Palestinian street is exhausted; the Arab street has disappeared.”
But while the Arab street was indifferent to Trump’s declaration, the European street went berserk. Thousands of protesters assembled in London and Paris, in Berlin and Stockholm. They burned Israeli flags and called for the annihilation of Israel and the murder of Jews.
Physical attacks on Jews have been an integral component of the anti-Trump riots in Europe. Saturday night a group of 20 rioters firebombed a synagogue in Gothenburg, Sweden where Jewish children were holding a party. Friday a man clad in a keffiyeh attacked a Jewish restaurant in Amsterdam with a club while screaming Allahu Akbar.
European officials have refused to call these attacks hate crimes. As they see it, attacks against Jews in the name of hatred for Israel are totally justified.
For instance, as The Jerusalem Post’s Benjamin Weinthal reported in January, a German regional court found that perpetrators of a 2014 firebombing of a synagogue in Wuppertal had not committed a hate crime. Instead, the court ruled the Arab German perpetrators firebombed the synagogue as a result of their legitimate concern over Israel’s military operations against Hamas terrorists in Operation Protective Edge.
They all received suspended jail terms.
And whereas the Europeans refuse to condemn antisemitic attacks launched in the name of rejection of Israel, they rapidly condemned Trump for accepting Israel’s right to its capital city.
Everyone who is everyone, including EU High Commissioner on Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel slammed Trump for recognizing reality. They insisted he “endangered” prospects for peace and threatened to throw the region into “even darker times.”
Then there are the anti-Israel campaigns that the EU and its member states wage against Israel in Israel. In the aftermath of Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem last Wednesday, Israeli Arabs carried out violent riots in Wadi Ara, forcing the closure of sections of Highway 65 which connects Tiberias with central Israel.
An Israeli girl was hospitalized after being wounded by rocks thrown at the passenger bus she was traveling in on Saturday night.
A photographer for Yediot Aharonot was attacked and his motorcycle was smashed while he tried to report on the riots.

An illustration of the Roman siege of the Jewish fortress of Masada.  In the end the Jews fighting on this hill chose suicide over surrender to the Romans.  The new Romans, now calling themselves the European Union, still haven't given up.  They support and fund Arab terrorists who kill Jews, calling it "resistance," and boycott Israel, while looking the other way as Muslims in Europe terrorize and murder Jews.  (Blogger) 

The EU has invested tens of millions of dollars radicalizing the Israeli Arab community in recent years.
Organizations including Adalah, Baldana, Massowa, Zohrot and the Negev Coexistence Forum have indoctrinated, urged and paid Israeli Arabs to abandon their Israeli identity, view themselves as Palestinians and reject Israel’s right to exist.
Survey data shows that a large and growing majority of Israeli Arabs wish to integrate into the wider Israeli society. And yet, with effectively unlimited funding from European governments, radical, irredentist forces inside the Israeli Arab community have managed to intimidate their opponents into silence and incite their members to reject Israel.
This then brings us to the EU’s role in subverting Israeli politics more generally. For the past several months, leftist political strategist and self-styled anti-corruption dragon slayer Eldad Yaniv has been leading a political campaign to demand that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted.
Yaniv’s campaign has involved weekly demonstrations against Netanyahu which are widely covered by the media.
Netanyahu’s supporters have repeatedly pointed to chants and placards at those demonstrations spending less time calling for Netanyahu to be indicted than they spend calling for him to be overthrown. That is, Netanyahu’s supporters allege Yaniv is manipulating the public by using unproved allegations of corruption to diminish public support for the government in the service of the radical Left.
Last Saturday’s demonstration in Tel Aviv bore out those allegations. Prominently displayed was a giant, brightly illuminated sign that read “BDS.” Radical demonstrators called for Israel to be destroyed and vowed never to defend “Zionism.”
According to an investigative report on the demonstration published Monday in Israel Hayom, among the demonstrations’ major financial backers and organizers are One Voice, a US-registered NGO that receives financial support from the EU, the British Muslim Organization and Labour Friends of Palestine.
Other groups similarly receive money from EU governments and government-funded NGOs. In other words, according to the report, the EU is funding Israeli groups that are working openly to overthrow the democratically elected government of Israel.

On Sunday and Monday Netanyahu visited Paris and Brussels to confront Europe’s leaders and challenge their hostility toward Israel. He told his European hosts that their opposition to Trump’s recognition of reality in respect to Jerusalem was indefensible. Far from harming the cause of peace, Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital advanced it. After all, there is no way a sustainable peace can be based on rejection of reality, he argued.
As the lukewarm responses Netanyahu received from the likes of Mogherini and Macron made clear, the Europeans behind the war against Israel have no intention of permitting reality to get in their way.
They aren’t waging their political war geared toward delegitimizing Israel internationally, even at the expense of their local Jewish communities, and subverting Israel’s government domestically to advance peace. They are doing it because they think their interests are served by waging war against Israel.
Ahead of Netanyahu’s trip to Europe and US Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Israel later this week, the PA announced its leaders would boycott Pence in retaliation for Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem. The Palestinian notion – supported by their Israeli far Left supporters – is that the EU should replace the US as the mediator.
During his meeting Sunday with Netanyahu, Macron rejected those suggestions. And that makes sense. Because even if he wanted to supplant the Americans, there is no chance he would succeed. Israel will never permit the Europeans to mediate anything. Their war against Israel internationally and inside of Israel itself has achieved one clear result. The Europeans have convinced Israelis not to trust them, not to admire them, and not to consider them friends.

VIA ISRAPUNDIT - Column originally appeared on The Jerusalem Post

Reference - The Jews in Europe - Wikipedia


The following is a list of topics from the Jewish Virtual Library.  Click on any of them for further information on European anti-Semitism. 

In Europe


Israel is that tiny sliver of land in RED - Arabs want it too.
All countries in GREEN are Arab.  They once had their own indigenous cultures, religions, languages.  Today they are under Arab occupation and their past has been obliterated and replaced with Islam.  Egypt still has its pyramids because they bring in tourism dollars.

Screenshots from PMW videos - The shocking evidence of the Muslim genocidal agenda against Israel.

READ MORE and watch PMW (Palestinian Media Watch) VIDEOS here:

Palestinian Media Watch YouTube channel

 Russia, Jerusalem, Palestinians, capital city,

On April 6, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow issued a statement which should have led to extensive Israeli diplomatic efforts all over the world. The sensational part of the announcement is that Russia is the first country in the world to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in an official statement, signed by the president. 
Granted, it’s only a recognition of the western part of the city, alongside a statement that the eastern part of the city will be the capital of the Palestinian state when that state is established, but still, the statement as is stands as a significant development, and also a surprising one, in light of the identity of the country making the statement (Russia) and a rare diplomatic opportunity to receive similar recognition from many other countries. In a normal country, the Israeli Foreign Ministry would have turned this statement into a major PR campaign.,7340,L-4968222,00.html


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