
Thursday, November 23, 2017


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By Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig
As accusations of sexual harassment against men in the workplace continue to grow, there is one element in the discussion that is the elephant in the room:  how the level of morality in American society has dramatically decreased in the post-World War II period - particularly in women. 

Unfortunately many good, decent women are preyed on because of something that is not their fault.   They are the true victims of a massive change in morals that have degraded traditional values in sex, marriage, modesty, and women.
Our entertainment and advertising industries keep sinking ever lower in their vulgarity and normalization of depravity.  They send a powerful message, particularly to children, that everything goes. 
Modern feminism dictates that women have as much right to promiscuity as men, and to flaunt their bodies by wearing revealing clothes, even to the office.
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Is it any surprise that men have lost all respect for women, and that they consider them easy prey for their vulgar, and sometimes sexually aggressive, behaviour?

Married women engage in affairs with their married co-workers at the office.   Open flirtation is rife.   Where is the written code that says that flirtation must stop at one particular point, and that if it proceeds beyond that it is to be regarded as offensive? 

The annual office party. 
What happens there, stays there.


While very few men are sexual psychopaths, the vast majority of them take their cues from women's behavior and choice of clothes and makeup.  And although women's attractiveness does not excuse men's boorish or sexually aggressive behavior, there is a connection between women who act or look in a provocative manner and men who take that as invitations for flirtation and more. 
The very common sexualisation
of children in advertising

American society's tidal wave of sexualisation of everything now includes young children.  Little boys are encouraged to express their assumed femininity by wearing make up and girls clothes.  Pre-pubescent girls wear makeup and outfits more fitting of streetwalkers.

So before women howl in outrage at men's behavior at the office, they should take a close look at their own values.  This revolution against men's predatory activities must include a new moral code for everyone, including film, advertising, sex-ed gone mad at schools, and feminine moral values themselves.
It's easy for women to take a strong moral stand against men who prey on them, but these are the same women who defend the chopping up of viable babies in the womb in the name of "choice". 




WITH OPPORTUNISTIC PURITANISM NO MAN IS SAFE from allegations of sexual misconduct in the USA
Careers and entire lives can be destroyed, whether the allegations are true or not - VIDEO




Trump's accusers in the media are now exposed as sexual harassers themselves.  And media women who still denounce Trump, covered up their male-coworkers' crimes for decades.

The Mainstream Media’s Accused — The Rap Sheet, 19 So Far
November 30, 2017

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the very same mainstream media that attempted to disqualify then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 over the phrase “binders full of women,” the very same media that grinded Republican senate candidate Todd Akin into dust over something he said, appears to be, itself, a depraved institution populated by powerful abusers and their enablers.

Over the past two months a number of powerful men have been fired or placed on suspension over allegations of sexual misconduct, horrific behavior that ranges from masturbating in front of female subordinates to pay-for-play. And time and time again we hear the words Everybody Knew!

You read that correctly, according to those within this wicked institution, everyone knew … and did nothing.

There is no question there is a cancer of abuse and enabling within our elite media, an institution that, through its unceasing fake news and hypocrisy on matters such as these, has deservedly lost all public trust and moral authority.

Anymore questions about why the media (along with Harveywood) want to disarm us?

Below are the names of the accused, so far. Please keep in mind what the elite media itself does not when a Republican is involved — that unless otherwise noted, these stand only as allegations.

Fired over three allegations of  “behavior that does not align with the standards and values of CNN.”
Fired over allegations of sexual harassment.

Left the company over allegations of sexual harassment.
Fired over allegations of inappropriate behavior.
Fired for sexual misconduct.
Fired over numerous allegations of harassment, misconduct, and groping.

On suspension over multiple allegations of harassment and unwanted touching.

Fired over numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, unwanted sexual touching.
Fired over allegation of sexual harassment.
Resigned over allegations of sexual harassment.
Multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, unwanted touching.
Numerous allegations of sexual misconduct.
Numerous allegations of sexual harassment.
Numerous allegations of sexual harassment.
Confessed in non-fiction memoir to the sexual abuse and the enabling of the abuse of female staffers. Now says he made it all up.
Accused of sexual misconduct.
Allegations of sexual harassment, groping.
Allegations of sexual harassment, groping.
  1. Matt Sullivan – Guardian
Fired over allegations of sexual misconduct, groping.



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