
Thursday, November 2, 2017

HALLOWEEN TERROR in Manhattan - TERROR, HURRICANES, AND PANDEMICS - Why do authorities tell us not to fear terror, but to take precautions against other threats?

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  • When there is a major weather event, such as a hurricane, we are told to either evacuate or take precautions at home. 
  • When there is a pandemic we are told to vaccinate, avoid crowded places, and take other health-related measures.
  • But when there is a major terror attack we are told to carry on as usual, as if that were the best strategy to either prevent terror attacks or defeat the perpetrators.  President Bush famously sent Americans shopping right after the 9/11 attacks to demonstrate that life went on as usual in America. 
  • In the aftermath of yesterday's truck ramming attack that killed eight cyclists and injured many  more in Manhattan, Governor Andrew Cuomo stated the often repeated message for these occasions:  "We go forward together and we go forward stronger than ever, we're not going to let them win, and if we change our lives... then they win and we lose."  That was president Obama's formula as well. 
  • Imagine applying the same formula in case of an approaching deadly storm or a pandemic:  just carry on as usual.  If you change your usual routine, the storm will get stronger, or the microbes more virulent.  
There are countless measures that could be applied to stem the growth of terror in the West, most of them involving the law and its enforcement.  But there are others that require a big change in our mindset. 
While there are terror-minded people already living among us, many young Muslims could be given positive options if only our governments changed their tune.  This would require the following: 
  • (1)  There should be no media self-censorship in publishing the contents of the Koran and Hadith that promote hate and violence against Jews and other infidels - instead of mindlessly repeating that Islam is a religion of peace.  The public deserves to know the truth. 
  • (2)  Authorities should denounce and explicitly outlaw Islam's apostasy law (death penalty for offending or abandoning Islam) that prevents Muslim dissidents from criticizing, reforming, or abandoning their faith.  Offer solid protection for those who do. 
  • (3)  Establish moral and material support for moderate Muslims. Often moderate Muslims who dare to criticize the most extreme ideas of their faith are denounced by OUR authorities and OUR media as "Islamophobes"!!!  So far it is the most orthodox who get rewarded with influence in our institutions, and get OUR recognition of them as leaders of the Muslim community. 
  • The Obama administration endorsed and hired members of the hard-line Muslim Brotherhood as legitimate representatives of the Muslim faith.  Some of those individuals are now ensconced in positions of power and influence in US government agencies. 
  • Their aim not to integrate into mainstream society but to gradually change it to fit their religious principles.  They plan to do it by growing immigration and natural demographic growth, by political and financial influence (i.e. donations to universities and politicians), and by demanding social accommodation to their customs, thus institutionalizing Sharia law.
  • (4)  Enforce the law banning female genital mutilation (FMG).  There are thousands of cases in the USA that go unpunished.
  • (5)  Authorities should be proactive in protecting girls and women from so-called "honor killings," where family members or others determine that they are violating Islamic law, and so they must be murdered.
  • (6)  Reduce immigration overall and make it based on merit.  End chain migration, where one single foreign individual is allowed to bring in dozens of relatives under the family reunification clause.
  • (7)  Ban Saudi and other foreign funding of madrassas and mosques, where people are indoctrinated into the most extreme versions of Islam.
  • (8)  Past waves of immigrants came into the US penniless, and sometimes barely literate, but their children got educated and eventually fully integrated into society.  This is not the case with Muslim migrants whose Islamic faith puts them at odds with western social customs and political principles.  
  • Feeling lost, away from their ancestral countries and unable to integrate into what they regard as an immoral society, they look for identity in fundamentalist Islam.
  • Which is a set of ideas incompatible with a society based on democracy, separation of religion and state,  respect for science, conflict resolution through reason and secular law, and other liberal principles to which we have arrived after many efforts through the centuries.
  • Those who defend current immigration laws often say that newcomers should not be feared because domestic jihadists are often second generation.  But logic says that without a first generation there would NOT be a radicalized second generation.  

Continue reading, see compilation of today's astonishing headlines on this issue, watch VIDEO by Hannity on Democrat's facilitating terror in the USA ("Where are your Tears now Chuck Schumer?"), VIDEO by John Cardillo, and see more images

He planned the New York attack for WEEKS and had knives along with ISIS flag and notes in truck when he killed eight and injured 12 by mowing them down on bike path.


  • Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, 29, followed ISIS instructions for truck attacks which he found on social media
  • Police say the father-of-three had been planning the attack for weeks before he carried it out on Halloween 
  • Inside the Home Depot truck he used, police found notes written in Arabic which said ISIS would live forever
  • They also found 'multiple' knives and Saipov's pellet gun and paint gun were recovered at the scene
  • He remains at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan under arrest and is said to have boasted during questioning 
  • Eight people were killed in the attack and another 12 were taken to hospital. Nine remain there under care
  • Two Americans, a Belgian and five Argentinians were those who were murdered in the afternoon attack 
  • Saipov's wife and friends are being questioned in Paterson, New Jersey, as part of the investigation  

Where are your Tears now, Chuck Schumer? 
13 minutes
Reminder:  Prominent Democrat Congressman  Schumer openly cried months ago at the effects of President Trump's Muslim Travel Ban. 

Read more

why some people are afraid of the doubling of the US Muslim migration.

More videos by John Cardillo
About John Cardillo, now with Rebel Media

GOP-Led Congress Ignored Plan to Ax ‘Diversity Visa’ Program for Months

This was the harrowing scene immediately after the incident on Tuesday. Crumpled bicycles which carried innocent tourists lay discarded in the middle of the path in a sign of the terror which had just occurred 

Headlines from CITIZEN FREE PRESS:

  • THIS WAS PLANNED: Chilling Image Of ISIS Jihadi Flag Was Taken At Exact Site Of Attack…
  • VIDEO: Trump’s Full Remarks On New York City Attack…
  • Mark Levin Goes Off: ‘Lottery Program Is An Idiotic Way To Handle Immigration’
  • Trump Goes Hard After Chuck Schumer…
  • Muslim Killer Did Prior Reconnaissance, Planned Assault For Weeks…
  • Complete Summary Of President’s Terror Briefing…
  • Senators Back Trump: ‘He Understands We’re In A Religious War With Islam’…

  • Schumer Bragged About Diversity Visa Program… While Riding His ‘Bike’ Around NYC…
  • Uber Terrorist Sayfullo Saipov: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know…
  • Details On Hero Cop Who Stopped Killing Spree…
  • VIDEO | Laura Ingraham And Jimbo Hanson Nail It: ‘It’s Impossible To Vet These 3rd-World Migrants!’…
  • Saipov Has Ties To More Terrorists In USA… FBI ‘Allowed To Vanish’…

  • VIDEO: Hey Fake Tears Chuck Schumer, This Attack Is On You…
  • BREAKING VIDEO: President Speaks On NYC Attack, Starts Process To End ‘Diversity Lottery Program’…
  • Trump Says He Would Send NYC Killer To Guantanamo…
  • Muslim Monster ‘Proud Of Attack’… Followed ISIS Instructions…
  • Entered USA In 2010 Through Chuck Schumer’s Diversity Visa Lottery Program…
  • President Orders Homeland To Step Up ‘Extreme Vetting’…
  • Obama DHS Interviewed Suspect In 2015 For Terror Ties, But Let Him Go Free…
  • Schumer Busted For ‘Disgusting Political’ Hypocrisy… Reacted Quite Differently To Las Vegas..

  • Omar Mosque in Patterson, New Jersey, which Saipov belonged to. There was a large police presence there on Wednesday morning 
    SEE ALSO compilation of daily headlines at WHATFINGER


    After driving down the path, mowing down innocent people, he crashed into a school bus at Chambers Street. Two adults and two children were inside at the time. Fire fighters are pictured sawing open the side of the bus to get them out 


    Surprise! Study Shows Islamic Terrorism is Islamic

    In 2015, Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt — a prestigious institution that educates mainstream Islamic scholars — refused to denounce ISIS as un-Islamic. 
    by Judith Bergman, GATESTONE INSTITUTE
    Author is a columnist, lawyer and political analyst.
    • Although the internet evidently did play a role in the radicalization process, the study showed that face-to-face encounters were more important, and that dawa, the proselytizing of Islam, played a central role in this process, as the men themselves became missionaries for Islam.
    • The third factor was the establishment of a “them and us” distinction between the radicalized men and the rest of the world, especially the belief that the West is an enemy of the Muslim world. The distinction also involved a rejection of democracy and a commitment to the establishment of a caliphate governed by sharia law, which the men want to bring about either through dawa(proselytizing) or violence (jihad).
    • “The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al Azhar’s programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic? Al Azhar says there must be a caliphate and that it is an obligation for the Muslim world. Al Azhar teaches the law of apostasy and killing the apostate. Al Azhar is hostile towards religious minorities, and teaches things like not building churches, etc. Al Azhar upholds the institution of jizya [extracting tribute from non-Muslims]. Al Azhar teaches stoning people. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic?” — Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah Nasr, scholar of Islamic law, graduate of Egypt’s Al Azhar University, explaining why it refused to denounce ISIS as un-Islamic, 2015.
    Western leaders insist that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. Evidence to the contrary appeared again this week from Mohamad Jamal Khweis, an ISIS recruit from the United States who said in a 2016 interview with Kurdistan24, “Our daily life was basically prayer, eating and learning about the religion for about eight hours.” Khweis was sentenced to 20 years in prison on October 27 for providing material support to ISIS, according to CBS News.
    As early as 2001, immediately after 9/11, then-President George W. Bush gave a speech in which he claimed that in the United States, the terrorist acts in which over 3,000 people were killed “violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith” and that “Islam is peace”.
    Twelve years and many spectacular terrorist attacks later, in 2013, when two jihadists murdered Lee Rigby in broad daylight in London, the prime minister at the time, David Cameron, declaredthat the attack was “a betrayal of Islam… there is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act”.
    In January 2015, jihadists in Paris shouting “Allahu Akbar” attacked Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket, murdering 15 people. French President François Hollande said that the jihadists had “nothing to do with the Muslim faith”.
    Two years later, when a jihadist targeted the very heart of European democratic civilization, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge, British PM Theresa May said: “It is wrong to describe this as Islamic terrorism. It is Islamist terrorism and the perversion of a great faith”.

    In the face of hundreds of Muslim terrorists yelling “Allahu Akbar” while bombing, shooting, stabbing, and car-ramming thousands of innocent civilians to death and wounding thousands of others, it would be reasonable to assume that elected representatives might feel obliged to put their denial of reality on hold long enough to read at least bits of the Quran.
    They might start by reading the commands in “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them…” (9:5), or, “So fight them until there is no more fitna [strife] and all submit to the religion of Allah” (8:39).
    If that is asking too much, perhaps they might be willing to consider a recent study by Islamic theologian and professor of Islamic religious education at the University of Vienna, Ednan Aslan, which was commissioned by the Austrian ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    The purpose of the 310-page study, which was conducted over 18 months and involved interviews with 29 Muslims who were all jailed or in juvenile detention (over half for having committed terrorist offenses) was reportedly to investigate the role that Islam plays in the radicalization of young Muslims in Austria.
    The study showed that jihadists are not, as Western leaders claim, ignorant of Islam and therefore “perverting” it. On the contrary, the jihadists apparently have a deep understanding of Islamic theology. Aslan explicitly warns against reducing the issue of Islamic terrorism to questions of “frustrated individuals, who have no perspective, are illiterate and have misunderstood Islam”.
    The study found that three factors were particularly relevant to the radicalization process of the interviewees. The first factor was Islam itself: The interviewees had actively participated in their own radicalization, by engaging with the content, norms and standards of Islamic doctrine, and had apparently found this engagement to be a positive turning point in their lives.

    The study describes the approach to Islam of these men as “Salafism”, which it defines as the view that Islam comprises all aspects of life, religious, personal and societal. Moreover, the majority of the men evidently came from religious Muslim homes and were therefore already familiar with the foundations of Islam.
    The study explicitly states that the prevailing assumption that the majority of radicalized Muslims know very little about Islam could not be confirmed by the interviewers’ findings.

    The second factor was the environment: the specific mosques and imams to which the men went and on which they relied. Although the internet evidently did play a role in the radicalization process, the study showed that face-to-face encounters were more important, and that dawa, proselytizing Islam, played a central role in this process, as the men themselves became missionaries for Islam. Notably, the study showed that the level of theological knowledge determined the individual’s role in the hierarchy — the more knowledge they had of Islam, the more authority they had.
    The third factor was the establishment of a “them and us” distinction between the radicalized men and the rest of the world, especially the belief that the West is an enemy of the Muslim world. The distinction also involved a rejection of democracy and a commitment to the establishment of a caliphate governed by sharia law, which the men want to bring about either through dawa(proselytizing) or violence (jihad).
    Critics might argue that a qualitative study of 29 radical Muslims is not representative of most Islamic terrorists, but that is hardly true. In 2015, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah Nasr, a scholar of Islamic law and graduate of Egypt’s Al Azhar University, explained why the prestigious institution, which educates mainstream Islamic scholars, refused to denounce ISIS as un-Islamic:
    “The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al Azhar’s programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic? Al Azhar says there must be a caliphate and that it is an obligation for the Muslim world. Al Azhar teaches the law of apostasy and killing the apostate. Al Azhar is hostile towards religious minorities, and teaches things like not building churches, etc. Al Azhar upholds the institution of jizya [extracting tribute from non-Muslims]. Al Azhar teaches stoning people. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic?”
    Western leaders did not listen.
    They also did not listen when, in 2015, The Atlantic published a study by Graeme Wood, who researched the Islamic State and its ideology in depth. He spoke to members of the Islamic State and Islamic State recruiters and concluded:
    “The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam”.
    How much longer can the West afford to ignore reality?
    Source Gatestone Institute


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