
Thursday, September 7, 2017

YOUTUBE CENSORSHIP OUT OF CONTROL - Now they are censoring videos that do NOT even break any rules, just because YouTube disagrees with their ideological point of view - This is the result of allowing YouTube to be a monopoly

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VIDEO - MARK DICE - YouTube's New Censorship Will Creep You Out
More Mark Dice Videos
  • First, let's state the obvious:  Why is it that such a technologically advanced and innovative society such as the USA cannot produce a viable alternative to YouTube?   
  • I searched online and there are a handful of alternatives, but why is it that other than VIMEO I haven't heard from any of them till now?  Why is it that every video account I like is still on YouTube?
  • American science and technology produce the most amazing innovations every single day, but why is it that they can't improve on something as simple as a program that archives and plays videos online. 
  • While it's true that most techies are politically left wing, and so they don't object to YouTube censorship, isn't there a single right wing genius in the country who can come up with an effective competitor to YouTube? 
  • YouTube acts as a monopoly.  Can you imagine a cellphone carrier cancelling your account because it has come to their attention that you are a Trump supporter?  This has not happened yet because of cellphone competition. 
  • Some weeks ago, before Rebel Media had a meltdown, Ezra Levant announced that he intended to pre-empt YouTube from cancelling his controversial news channel by purchasing an alternative technology to post his videos online.  So it exists somewhere. 
  • He quoted a price in the low hundreds of thousands of dollars, but he thought that with contributions from his subscribers he would be able to afford it.  Then The Rebel had its meltdown and many of its journalists scattered away.  It may still recover and eventually implement its promised new technology.  We'll see.
  • The list of victims of YouTube censorship keeps growing.  It's not pornography and excessive violence that seem objectionable.  YouTube is not disturbed by pornography or by ISIS gruesome videos.  I've read that they continue to thrive on YouTube. 
  • What YouTube does not like is perfectly moderate centrist or right of center people who are even mildly critical of liberal policies.  These people are being censored, not because they have violated YouTube's standards but because they are getting too popular and too good at disseminating notions that the left does not want you to know or think about.

The latest victim is Dave Rubin, a liberal Jewish gay man who conducts video interviews with interesting people.   I have watched him a couple of times and, although he seems OK, I'm not a fan of his.

Anyway, some of his videos have been demonetized, and that's the first step before being fully censored.  The final step is the closure of an entire account - with its videos all wiped out.   That's the 21st century equivalent of book burnings.
VIDEO:  YouTube Censoring Free Speech
Tucker Carlson interviews David Rubin  
More Tucker Carlson Videos

BREITBART - YouTube has continued to demonetize videos from popular content creators, now affecting interviewer Dave Rubin, and the fast food reviewer TheReportOfTheWeek.  Rubin announced the demonetization in a series of posts on Twitter, where he claimed nearly his “entire catalogue” of videos had been affected, including interviews with former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, professor Jordan B. Peterson, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, feminist activist and scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, television host Larry King, and conservative commentator Steven Crowder.

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Rubin also claimed to have had several “pointless exchanges” with YouTube representatives, who declined to discuss the issue of demonetization and censorship in one of his videos.

Several other popular YouTube creators have also been demonetized recently, including fast food reviewer TheReportOfTheWeek, who had both a Burger King review and a video update on Hurricane Irma demonetized by the platform.
During an interview between Dave Rubin and fellow YouTube creator Philip DeFranco, who has also been affected by YouTube demonetization, the two discussed the current problems with censorship on the platform.
There is a lot of people very frustrated with YouTube, just from creators to people watching, people are feeling this whole demonetization thing, which you’ve done a bunch of videos on, there’s a feeling that there’s some censorship being involved, happening right now,” declared Rubin. “We now have videos for this month that’s just gone, we have videos in our backend that were not tagged, not titled, they had no metadata attached to them, and they were demonetized.”
Last month, YouTube demonetized several videos from former presidential candidate Ron Paul, following their announcement that they’d “police YouTube like it never has before,” according to a report.
Over the past year, several large and prominent YouTube creators have revealed they no longer make money on videos, following a wave of demonetization crackdowns by the company.
As previously reported, “The list includes popular conservative commentators such as Diamond and Silk and Prager U, but also includes some of the platform’s biggest creators, ranging from comedy and politics to sex education and gaming.”
A popular technique by YouTube is to “age-restrict” videos which aren’t “suitable” for advertisers, resulting in the creator’s inability to make money from advertisements.
 Earlier this month, YouTube also declared that if “enough users flag a video as ‘hate speech’ or ‘violent extremism,’ YouTube may impose restrictions on the content even if it breaks none of the platform’s rules,” according to a report.
The company also announced a partnership with the left-wing biased Anti-Defamation League, which previously blamed Trump supporters for the rise of anti-Semitism, added a popular cartoon frog meme to their Hate Symbol Database, and attempted to slander Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

The Rubin Report

Dave Rubin on Twitter
The left not only has a near monopoly in the media, but it has been hijacking organizations such as the ADL and Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam in order to give some repute to their witch hunt against anyone critical of left wing policies whom they can mislabel as a Nazi.  
The left has already hijacked education, from childhood on to university.  Schools are now indoctrination centers producing  an army of useful idiots propagating left-wing ideology, with many of them willing to use violence to make a point.    
The ADL case is very interesting.  The Anti-Defamation League fought against anti-Semitism for decades, but it has now been practically hijacked by the left, which uses its former reputation as an organization fighting for a right cause to give legitimacy to what has become an ideological war against anybody and everybody who is not on the extreme left.  
The ADL has concocted a black list of right wing websites and smeared many moderate conservatives as being alt-right and 'racist', thereby placing them in the bull's eye for violent attacks by anti-fa goons.
Anne Frank, that icon of the Holocaust, has also been hijacked by the extreme left wing.    
According to the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, Anne would have supported Elizabeth Warren and opposed Trump’s immigration pause.... The organization, which claims to be dedicated to the memory of a murdered Jewish girl, has not mentioned any of the little Jewish girls murdered by Muslim terrorists. Instead it denounces President Trump for trying to protect little Jewish girls from being murdered......  The memory of a murdered Jewish girl (Anne Frank) was used to vocally advocate for Muslim migrants, many of whom, like the Muslim Brotherhood, support the murder of Jewish girls today. A poll showed that 77% of Syrians supported aiding Hamas which calls for the extermination of the Jews.



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