
Sunday, October 1, 2017

THE NEWS IN CARTOONS - OCTOBER 1, 2017 - LITTLE ROCKETMAN threatens the USA - NFL players desecrate the national flag - Parts of the USA devastated by hurricanes - Tax Reform - HILLARY still in denial won't leave the stage

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This cartoon is brilliant.  In fact, it has been speculated that US intelligence agencies exercise control over top government officials because they have personal information on them which they can use to blackmail them.  A frightening scenario that would explain the discrepancy between what politicians promise during elections, and their ideological turnabout once in office.  
Cartoonist Ben Garrison's website:

Smile with more political cartoons by the very best

A rather accurate view of the European Union, where the rights of indigenous citizens are being eroded by EU bureaucrats. 
The insidious plan aims at integrating Europe into imported cultures from the Middle East and Africa, instead of demanding migrants' integration into European values.
EU authorities blatantly favor newcomers over Europeans who have contributed to their countries all their lives.

Freedom of speech is fine, but not on the employers' time. 
It Was the Deep State that Colluded with the Russians, not Trump
The Obama claque’s efforts were initially intended to help Clinton when they thought she would win and no one would know about their crimes. Then they continued the unlawful spying to cover up their role in the worst case of misuse of federal power in our history, to effect the removal or emasculation of the President, and now they are desperate to cover up their illegal actions when all that failed.  READ MORE HERE


PUERTO RICO - Unionized Truck Drivers on Strike
The real reason why thousands of containers full of aid are not getting to the people


Anti-Fa thugs arrested for violence against peaceful demonstrators


Librarian rejects Melania Trump's gift of Dr Seuss books to school library, saying the content is racist. 

Melania Trump Reacts to Librarian’s Rejection of Book Donation: ‘Remains Committed’ to Helping Children

Everything for Mexican illegals - nothing for Black Americans.  The Democrats' agenda to import foreign voters.


WASHINGTON, DC—The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) has launched a ten-day ad campaign bringing public awareness to Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) calling a judicial nominee’s strong Roman Catholic faith a “concern” regarding that nominee’s fitness to serve as a federal judge.


Dry Bones cartoon,Amazon, Dry Bones cartoons Fight Back, Book, Pakistan, Christians, blasphemy,

Won't she ever show some dignity and go away?



Kurds, Kurdistan, Israel, Iraq, Turkey,

Senator McCain saves Obamacare

DACA DEAL - TRUMP GOT NOTHING IN EXCHANGE AND BETRAYED HIS BASE, UNLEASHING A STORM OF CRITICISM - The truth about DACA in 9 points - And why does Trump look so helpless, like a captive of Deep State in the White House?

  See more cartoons and satire on this blog

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