
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

RADICAL IDENTITY POLITICS ARE CREATING RACISM WHERE NONE EXISTED BEFORE - Tolerance and inclusion are dwindling as fear and resentment rises in white America

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Black activists often talk of their fear of cops and white racists.  What they don't admit is that blacks fear blacks more than they fear cops or the KKK, particularly in violence-ridden ghettos.  Chicago alone had 762 murders in 2016.
There is also a growing feeling of dread among white Americans as they see social media calls for the killing of whites, mobs attacking whites, and Muslims plotting terror attacks.  
The chasm between white and non-white is growing deeper in America.  Much of the blame for this goes to politicians who, unable to win votes through a credible platform for the betterment of minorities, resort to identity politics to motivate voters. 
  • The virulent hatred and violence emanating from the left and from some non-white ethnic groups is making many average Americans rethink their previous tolerant and inclusive attitudes.  
  • Radical leftists and anarchists, Hispanics, Blacks, and Muslims are among the most vociferous and most demanding.  They want to manipulate and control the dynamics of culture and policy by being the loudest and the most threatening.  
  • But don't let that fool you.  There is a silent and growing wave of disgust rising among traditional Americans - including moderate liberals - who see danger in the emergence of mob rule and racial and religious strife.
  • The ultimate agenda.
    It has already started
    Conservative views among the young are expanding, partly in reaction to people who voice their desire to destroy American culture and the white race. 
  • White Americans have made extraordinary efforts to accommodate 'diversity' groups over the years.  But now, instead of gratitude, they see hatred, violence, and outright anti-white racism.  They realize that non-whites do not want to be part of the country, but to take it over and exclude whites and their culture.   
  • This does not bode well for the future.  Some leader may rise - someone much more radical than Trump - who will reflect the increasing shift to the right in the majority of the population.  
  • For those fanning the flames of racial division, beware of what you wish for.   There is already strife between blacks and Latinos.  After all, Latinos are taking jobs and perks away from blacks. 
  • In the following video Tucker Carlson sounds like one many moderate conservatives disgusted at the brazen attitude of identity politics activists. 
  • Watch the way DACA activists behave with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi in the first part of the video.  Imagine what they will be like when they obtain citizenship and real political power.   Why does she put up with it?  As American voters move to the right, Democrats desperately need to grant citizenship to these foreigners to win elections.
VIDEO -   "You Have NO Right to DEMAND Anything!!" Tucker Carlson RIPS Entitled Illegal Immigrant

Continue reading and watch videos on multiculturalism

A solution to the DACA problem would be to grant them residence but no citizenship.  They would have the right to study, to work, and to live in the USA, as long as they have no criminal record. 
Citizenship for 800,000 DACA applicants would swell the number of new citizens into the MILLIONS because the new Americans would be able to bring in all their relatives under a family reunification program:  parents, grandparents, siblings, and more.
Illegal Aliens Crash Nancy Pelosi’s DACA Press Conference: ‘All of Us or None of Us!’
Pelosi DACA protest (Screen shot / Andrés Brender / Periscope)

A group calling themselves the “Immigration Liberation Movement” crashed a press conference by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday, warning the Democratic Party not to “sell [us] out.”

The group shouted down Rep. Pelosi, who struggled to maintain control of the meeting, and unfurled a large banner calling for all illegal aliens to be legalized.
Others held up signs, including: “Fight 4 All 11 Million,” referring to the estimated total of all illegal aliens in the U.S.
In the “mic check” call-and-response style popularized by the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, the activists declared:
We remember all too well how for eight years the Democrats laid siege to our communities, raiding and deporting nearly three million people, of our family members and loved ones. Where was your resistance then? Ms. Pelosi, did you think we would forget? We send a clear message to our fellow undocumented youth and community: We are the resistance to Trump! Not the Democrats!
The activists also chanted “Brown power!” In a show of “intersectionality” — solidarity among left-wing groups — they also chanted “Trans lives matter!” and other slogans, while Pelosi stood silently behind the throng.
“You met with Trump, and you call that resistance?” they shouted in unison.
Earlier, Pelosi had spoken at the podium with community leaders and fellow members of Congress from the Bay Area in support of her legislative push for a bill that would legalize the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
President Donald Trump canceled DACA earlier this month, but left Congress a six-month window in which to find a legislative solution for the roughly 800,000 DACA beneficiaries. Pelosi said that she wanted the “DREAM Act,” a long-dormant Democratic Party bill that goes much further than DACA, “to be the basis of how we go forward.”
“We’re not giving up our fight to protect America’s dreamers,” she said.
However, she could not speak over the protests. “It’s clear you don’t want any answers,” she said.
As if to support her point, activists chanted: “All of us — or none of us,” meaning that they would only accept full amnesty for all illegal aliens, not just DACA beneficiaries.

Report: DACA Amnesty May Trigger Flood of 4-6M Foreign Nationals, Not 800KTRUMP'S DACA DEAL WITH DEMOCRATS
- The truth about DACA in 9 points
- And why does Trump look so helpless, like a captive of Deep State in the White House?
IT HAS BECOME increasingly popular to speak of racial and ethnic diversity as a civic strength. From multicultural festivals to pronouncements from political leaders, the message is the same: our differences make us stronger.
But a massive new study, based on detailed interviews of nearly 30,000 people across America, has concluded just the opposite. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam -- famous for "Bowling Alone," his 2000 book on declining civic engagement -- has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects.
In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.
"The extent of the effect is shocking," says Scott Page, a University of Michigan political scientist.
CONTINUE READING and watch videos
 VIDEO - Andrew Klavan: Multiculturalism Explained - in less than three minutes
VIDEO - Are some cultures better than others? Or are all cultures and their values equal?
Bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza, who was born in India and moved to America, explains

More DACA news and analysis

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