
Monday, September 4, 2017

DEMOCRAT MAYOR OF HOUSTON DELIBERATELY IGNORED FED WARNINGS AND HID VITAL SAFETY INFO FROM POPULATION prior to Hurricane Harvey as HE REFUSED TO EVACUATE THE CITY - City authorities dismissed as FAKE NEWS leaked projected losses of property and life

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  • Harris County, where Houston is located, is heavily Democrat. It voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton.  The population loves and trusts their Democrats.  They trusted their Democrat mayor. 
  • But he did not tell them the truth at a time of life-threatening crisis.  He had been informed ahead of time by federal government experts about the projected damage but he kept this information away from the public, so as not to panic them. 
  • And when one woman leaked information  about the expected severity of the storm (which eventually turned out to be very accurate), city officials and the media attacked her as purveyor of fake news.  Here is the story.
TurnerSylvester.pngFederal and State authorities warned Houston's mayor and city council  of the expected damage from Hurricane Harvey and advised an evacuation, but the mayor chose to withhold that information from the public and told the population to "shelter in place".

The alarming projected details leaked online, but city officials officially declared them to be "fake news".  Only now, after all the unnecessary distress suffered by the most vulnerable victims, we realize that city authorities lied to the population.

Mayor Sylvester Turner's decision not to call for Houston's evacuation has been criticized by experts and victims, but the media itself has kept itself away from the controversy.  Turner is a black Democrat, after all. 

Turner's argument has been that it is risky to evacuate millions of people all at once.  Highways get clogged, people run out of gas.  It has happened before. 
However, between a full evacuation and none, there is a more rational alternative:  Evacuate the vulnerable:  the elderly, the sick, pregnant women, those living on a ground floor.  There does not seem to have been even a mention of this possibility.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner defied Federal and State authorities' recommendations for an evacuation and ignored their scientific projections for damage and losses from such a big storm.  The Federal Government made it clear to Turner and city council:
Houston and Harris county’s four commissioners were briefed on Thursday morning, August 24 after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers warned officials that Hurricane Harvey, which at that point had not made landfall, was shaping up to impact the region even worse than Hurricane Allison in 2001. That storm killed 22 in Houston, left 30,000 residents stranded, and damaged over $5 billion of property.

City officials were given ample time to evacuate the city, federal officials and correspondences examined by True Pundit confirmed.
According to sources familiar with the federal briefing, county and Houston officials were specifically warned that there was a high probability the storm event would be catastrophic, including the following intelligence provided to Houston and county officials the morning of Thursday, August 24:
  • Hurricane Harvey would impact the county and surrounding Texas counties far beyond what weather forecasts predicted.
  • A minimum projection of 10,000 homes would be underwater and at least 100,000 more homes would be flooded in Houston.
  • Houston is expected to be hit with five days of rain and at least three days without electricity.
  • The hurricane was projected to impact the “heart of Houston.” Harris County would see 30 inches of rain with a possibility of 50 inches of rain which was likewise projected for Colorado County. That county sits west of Harris. The storm turned east and impacted Houston, as was warned.
  • Homes and properties south and near Katy, Texas would be severely impacted, possibly flooded out. Houston is on a parallel with nearby Katy.
  • Despite this information, provided two days before the hurricane, officials did not call for a mandatory evacuation of the area and Houston. In fact, the Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner defiantly told residents to ignore weather warnings and to “think twice” before evacuating the city, often referring to the threatening hurricane as a “rain event” and implying residents were not in any real danger until the city issued an evacuation mandate


    The mayor, other city authorities, and the mainstream media dismissed as "fake" reports alerting the population of the true details of the upcoming disaster   Not to evacuate was not just a bad decision on the part of the mayor.  There was outright the misleading and the withholding of key life-and-death information.    
    Prior to Hurricane Harvey hitting Houston, Texan Rebecca Reisig posted a warning on her Facebook page that went viral.  She projected specific details that have been proven accurate with the official announcement that 100,000 homes have been seriously damaged after more than 50 inches of rain fell during the storm.
    Ms. Reisig charged that the Houston City Council knew Hurricane Harvey was expected to do far greater destruction than was being reported to the public – and she forecasted precise data that was subsequently officially confirmed on all counts.  Her predictions proved right, but city officials and the media strongly dismissed them as fake news.

    The mainstream media, along with Mayor Turner and fellow officials, launched an immediate smear campaign against Ms. Reisig and “false forecasts and irresponsible rumors on social media.
    Continue reading

    “Harris County officials are batting down false information making the rounds from a Sugar Land lawyer, warning people not to fall for online hysteria,” reported the Houston Chronicle on August 25. “The false information, in an email from the address of lawyer Ross Bale, indicated officials believed the approaching Hurricane Harvey could be far more devastating than first estimated.”
    Ms. Reisig’s public shaming effectively sent her into hiding, as she has since deleted her social media accounts, but now many are thanking and praising her – and calling upon mainstream media and Texas officials to formerly apologize and admit their fault.
    The White House has now confirmed that at least 100,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed by Harvey.   And the storm drowned Houston in over 50 inches of rain – a new US record – also just as Ms. Reisig said it would.   Additionally, Ms. Reisig warned of particularly intensive flooding in a region south of the Katy Freeway, the local name for Interstate 10 which slices through the heart of Houston, which also took place eventually.   An NOAA real-time flood map reveals this to also be quite accurate:



    Houston Mayor ignored warnings

    Excuses for not evacuating

    Republican Texas Governor recommended Houston's evacuation

    Texan Rebecca Reisig accurately warned on Facebook of the real damaged expected from Hurricane Harvey.  Hers were dismissed as fake news:

    Houston Officials Downplayed Flood Warnings as "Fake News"


    Hurricane Harvey: SCHOOLS SHOULD TEACH LIFE SAVING SKILLS instead of sexual depravity in the name of political correctness 

    - Harvey's collateral damage: infectious diseases, mold, and more
    READ MORE and see list of best Prepper websites

    - Women who disparage and hate men now quietly accept their help
    READ MORE and see images of rescue

    William Bruso filmed the moment a hawk wouldn't budge from his taxi cab as Hurricane Harvey barreled towards Houston, Texas on Friday HAWK FLEES HURRICANE HARVEY IN TEXAS AND SEEKS REFUGE IN A TAXI

    - Hawk refuses to leave and makes himself at home in William Brusso's place - 




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