
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

ANIMAL ABUSERS SHOULD FACE TOUGHER PENALTIES says study - Most criminals convicted of violent offenses against people have a history of animal abuse

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  • The following article focuses on Britain, but it applies everywhere in the world. 
  • Britain has now a growing Muslim population, which has led to a spike in animal abuse.  The Koran itself determines that dogs are impure, and Muslim culture condones the abuse of dogs and other animals.  Halal butchering in itself is extremely cruel.
  • But sadistic treatment of animals is perpetrated by people of all races and religions.
  • This generation may be even more cruel, as kids' minds have been rewired by violent video games and videos of actual torture on the internet.
  • When the law treats cases of animal abuse leniently, it is ignoring the fact that most criminals convicted of murder, torture and rape have a history of animal abuse.  
THUGS who torture animals should face tougher penalties as many turn into rapists and killers, a new study reveals today.

By , UK Express
Britain should have a animal cruelty register similar to the sex offenders register so repeat offenders can be monitored, says a crime prevention think-tank.   Fresh research highlights the link between horrific animal abuse and violent crimes against humans - especially women and children.   A study by the Centre for Crime Prevention reveals more than 92 per cent of people found guilty of crimes against animals avoid prison.
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Peter Cuthbertson, director of the CCP, urged the Government to increase the maximum jail sentence for animal cruelty from six months to five years.
In the decade ending 2015, a total of 13,835 offences were committed by criminals with a previous conviction or caution for animal cruelty.
The crimes include 1,437 violent offences - 16 of them murders.  There were 202 sex attacks including 27 rapes - eight of them of children.  Nearly 100 child cruelty offenders had tortured animals.
Mr Cuthbertson said: “Animal lovers will be horrified to learn that animal cruelty is one of the many offences treated extremely leniently by our courts,” he said.
“The government is currently exploring tougher sentences for animal cruelty. 
“This is absolutely necessary. We need more serious, prolific criminals in prison. 
“This would protect people and animals alike, because it’s so often the same criminals who are a threat to both people and animals.” 
Ranil Jayawardena, Conservative MP for North East Hampshire, said: “Animal, especially pets, have a special place in British society and in the hearts of British people.
“Deliberately causing pain, suffering or death to pets is wholly abhorrent. The problem is that bad people are still getting away with it.”
Mr Jayawardena, who is a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, added: “I am shocked at the number of animal abuse offenders who are either repeat offenders, or who have been convicted of other, often violent, offences. 
“It is staggering. These are not only bad people, they are very dangerous. We must do more.”The CCP study revealed an alarming variation in the treatment of animal cruelty offenders by courts across the country.
Offenders were jailed in nearly a third of cases in Cumbria. But only one per cent of cases in Surrey resulted in a prison sentence.
The link between animal cruelty and violent crime against has been established by psychologists in the past.
Some of Britain’s most notorious killers had a history of violence against animals.  The list includes Moors murderer Ian Brady, Dunblane killer Thomas Hamilton, gunman Raoul Moat and James Bulger’s killers Robert Thompson and Jon Venables.
Psychologists say the killing and torturing of animals is very often a rehearsal for what is to come later in life.


March 2016:

The cruel, the bad and the sickening... Britain's pet crime shame

HARROWING stories of torture, cruelty and pure evil inflicted on thousands of pets defy Britain¹s claims to be a nation of animal lovers.

RSPCa worker

Thirteen horror cases showing the depraved depths people will sink to make animal suffer are being revealed today to highlight our national shame.
Dogs and cats are feeling the brunt of lost tempers and sadistic wickedness with a litany of beatings, knife attacks, scaldings and stranglings.
The relentless waves of animal cruelty mean that every hour of every day, the RSPCA's hotline receives 16 new cases for its inspectors to investigate.
No animal seems spared the horrors  callous people are prepared to inflict for their warped and wicked reasons.
Last year, the RSPCA investigated  33,884 cases involving cats and a further 15,965 relating to horses and ponies, yet "man's best friend" is suffering worst with 81,146 complaints of cruelty.
In total, the RSPCA's complaints 143,004 complaints were down on the 2014 figure of 159,83, while the number of pet owners who offered and accepted animal welfare advice rose to 81,475.

RSPCA worker and happy dog

Dermot Murphy, assistant director for the RSPCA Inspectorate, said today: "People think of dogs as man's best friend but these statistics tell a different story. 
"They are by far the most abused animal in this country and we investigate more complaints related to them than any other species.
"The stories we are telling today show a snapshot of the horrific level of cruelty we have seen in the last year, which have to be some the most extreme cases I have ever heard of.
"Particularly shocking for me was the story of the little Chihuahua cross who was subjected to unimaginable torture for nearly 48 hours, including being set on fire and having his neck broken. It is harrowing to think of the amount of suffering caused to this dog.
"It is encouraging that some of the figures are down on last year and that the numbers of complaints being dealt with by education and advice are going up, as we would always much rather improve animal welfare by giving advice to owners if at all possible.
"Yet even if some of the overall numbers are lower, the level of depravity we have seen in 2015 cases are up there with some of the most extreme we have ever known."
Long and often complicated investigations saw 796 people convicted of animal welfare offences last year.
As the country¹s leading animal welfare charity published its 2015 cruelty statistics, it highlights 13 of the most appalling cases its hard-worked inspectors investigated from across the country, starting the with the case of Chunky the Chihuahua cross.
They were:
1. Chunky's ordeal shocked and disturbed RSPCA staff who felt they had witnessed most forms of animal cruelty.
After being stolen by youths, he was kicked and punched, his leg and neck broken, then he was fed drugs and set on fire.
A passer by found him dumped near a rubbish tip in Margate, Kent, 24 hours after his ordeal had begun.
Somehow, Chunky survived to be reunited with his owner.
"This was the most disturbing case I have ever dealt with by an absolute mile," says RSPCA inspector Caroline Doe. 
"Chunky was found with a broken leg and neck, and with burns all over his face and eyes, caused after he had been set on fire by a deodorant aerosol can. He had been fed drugs, kicked and punched, and then dumped.
"The whole thing sends shivers down my spine - the little dog must have suffered horrendously for hours. It is a miracle he survived. I will never forget how terrified and depressed he was when I first saw him.
"Thankfully  he has now been restored to health and returned to his loving owners, though I fear he will always be timid and nervous as a result of his ordeal, and imagine his owners will never quite be able to come to terms with what was senseless and needlessly inflicted on their beautiful family pet."
Four youths were disqualified from keeping animals for five years after pleading guilty to charges under the Animal Welfare Act.

Dog with horribly injured eyes

2. A black spaniel cross called Coco was seen on CCTV being relentlessly pursued, punched, kicked and twice picked up by the throat and thrown across a room in a restaurant. Cumbria.
3. A dog called Jess who had to be put to sleep by vets after she was found with thick, horny growths on her feet which meant she could barely walk. County Durham.
4. Four black and white kittens brutally killed by a man who had threatened to harm them after falling out with his ex-partner. North Yorkshire
5.A dog with duct tape around her muzzle who was strangled to death with her collar and lead. Greater Manchester.
6.A dog found collapsed with scalds all over her body, thought to have been caused by boiling water. Cricklewood, London.
7.A dog stabbed 11 times and then left to slowly bleed to death in a bin. Hackney, London.
8. A pug puppy hit so hard by her owner that a chunk of her jaw the size of a 5p piece was knocked out. Wirral.
9. An 11 month old puppy found so badly starved he could not stand and virtually every bone in his body was visible. Warwickshire.
10. A young female whippet abandoned with duct tape tied painfully tight around her muzzle for 48 hours after being dumped in the countryside. Her torturer was never caught but the public raised £12,000 for her treatment. Oxfordshire.
11. More than 40 dogs, cats and guinea pigs found living in squalor. Two dogs had to be put to sleep and all of the other animals required urgent veterinary treatment for painful conditions, including rotten teeth, ulcers and respiratory conditions. Somerset.
12. An 18 month brindle greyhound found living in a filthy kennel with no food, water or bedding was described as the "thinnest dog ever seen". Newport, Wales
13. A terrier found wandering the streets with a skin condition that left her bald. Vets discovered she was suffering from rodent ringworm and has needed months of treatment. South Yorkshire.
The RSPCA says dogs are suffering the brunt of the animal cruelty epidemic with almost 57 per cent of its complaints compared to less than 24 per cent about cats.
London witnessed the most incidents, with 11,050 investigated complaints, followed by West followed by West Yorkshire (7,694) and then Greater Manchester (7,333).
In total, the RSPCA's complaints 143,004 complaints were down on the 2014 figure of 159,83, while the number of pet owners who offered and accepted animal welfare advice rose to 81,475.


IRAN TORTURES STRAY DOGS TO DEATH by injecting them with an acid that corrodes their insides while the animal is still alive - Muslim hatred of dogs endorsed by religious texts - Muslim animal abuse in Europe - Links to articles of Muslim abuse of animals for fun


Muslim animal abuse (shocking images)

Archive of Muslim animal abuse on BNI




Palestinians in Gaza celebrating the annual festival of EID


TURKEY: This is what happens when Islamic hatred for dogs is passed on to Muslim children
OMG! Communists and Leftist Fascists of “ANTIFA” join Muslims in their Islamic jihad against people’s pet dogs
IRAN: Muslims inject acid into stray dogs causing a slow, agonizing death (Viewer Discretion Advised)
TENNESSEE: Are Muslims, famous for their intense hatred of dogs, beheading them in America now, too?


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