
Thursday, July 6, 2017


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  • The following conversation focuses on how the left has endeavored to undermine western culture and morality since the Sixties, and how they have used immigration from the third world to bolster their shrinking voting base. 
  • This immigration wave does not pursue freedom and assimilation, but the gradual imposition of their own ideologies and traditions. 
  • In addition the left has undermined the traditional family, sexual morality, childhood innocence, and western religions, as those are prime obstacles to the implementation of their insidious agenda.
  • While leftists advocate for diversity, they exclude, ridicule, and persecute all those who don't agree with their dogma.  
  • One aspect that Molyneux, Goldy, and many other commentators miss is the human capacity to get used to anything and everything.  There is not going to be an uprising against current migration policies or in protest against threats to society such as higher national debt, domestic terror, and so on.  Like the proverbial slow-boiling frog, people in the West have allowed themselves to be conditioned to tolerate what is destroying the civilization they once cherished. 
  • Defense of western civilization is not necessarily a racist concept. Your blogger is an olive-skinned woman of Mediterranean descent who recognizes that there is more good than bad in what we still have. 
  • The West has provided all of us with science, technology, free enterprise, and the many freedoms we enjoy.  It may only take decades, maybe a century at the most, to see it all suffocated by imported fundamentalism, corruption, and violence.
  • The conversation on this video starts with Canada but then it becomes more general.   Don't miss it, even if you disagree with them. These are two very passionate and articulate commentators. 
  • Faith Goldy is a journalist with REBEL MEDIA
  • Stefan Molyneux's has his own program and YouTube channel
VIDEO - The Ugly Truth About Cultural Marxism | Faith Goldy and Stefan Molyneux
More videos by Faith Goldy
More videos by Stefan Molyneux

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Brussels, Belgium


- And if whites are to blame for everything, how come African countries have so much racism, inequality, poverty, tribal violence, genocide and corruption?
Some of the greatest genocides since the end of World War II have occurred in Africa.   Millions of black lives have been destroyed in gruesome and sadistic violence by fellow black Africans.

Two examples:  (1)  In 1966 between 30,000 and 50,000 Igbos were massacred by Hausa-Fulanis in Nigeria. (2)  In 1994 Hutus massacred at least ONE MILLION Tutsis. 



Orwell’s Doublespeak:
The Language of the Left

By Linda Goudsmit


George Orwell introduced the language of doublespeak in his dystopian novel “1984” published in 1949. Doublespeak is the language of opposites. Up is down and down is up.
The word doublespeak derives from two Orwellian words “doublethink” and “newspeak.” Doublethink is when a person accepts two mutually contradictory thoughts as correct without being aware or troubled by the glaring contradiction between them. Doublethink statements like “war is peace” “freedom is slavery” “ignorance is strength” are made without discomfort.
Newspeak is a method of controlling thought through language – it is the language of fake news. Doublespeak combines doublethink and newspeak in language that deliberately obscures, distorts, disguises, or reverses the meaning of words to manipulate public opinion in a mass social engineering effort.

Orwellian doublespeak is the language of the hard Left leading a coup against Western democracies and their national sovereignty. Barack Obama spoke doublespeak when he promised hope and change. Obama deliberately obscured and disguised his hope for changing American democracy into socialism. Most Americans understood hope and change to mean a better life and the realization of the American dream – a hope to improve our democracy not to destroy it.
The left-wing liberal agenda seeks to destroy the socio-political infrastructure of American democracy and transform it into a dependent socialist state with cradle to grave control by the government. Their strategy of destruction is to target the traditional American institutions of family, religion, and education that promote independence, adulthood, individualism, and ego strength – the qualities that made America great and support American democracy and sovereignty.
The 21st century Leftist progressives speak doublespeak – their “progressive” narrative is entirely regressive.
The regressive infantile impulses and temper tantrums exhibited by left-wing liberals today cannot seriously be called “progressive” except by double-speaking Leftists who believe that going backwards is going forward. REGRESSIVE is the accurate word for the infantile behavior and impulses that inform the “progressive” Left.
Safe spaces, Play-Doh and counseling for disappointment, segregated black-only lounges are all regressive demands of an increasingly regressed population.
To understand why the progressives speak doublespeak, their goals, who benefits, and the purpose of relabeling up as down and down as up it is necessary to translate doublespeak into colloquial English.
In an effort to translate the language of doublespeak a glossary with explanations is helpful. The glossary will decode the disingenuous Doublespeak of the radical left-wing liberals broadcast incessantly by the colluding mainstream media, taught in the infiltrated educational curricula, and dramatized by the Hollywood gliteratti and television programming in the entertainment industry.
There is no informed consent in a society of lies and propaganda. If American democracy is to be preserved it is essential that an informed citizenry understand how they are being indoctrinated toward socialism by a deliberate program of propaganda and doublespeak.
1. Diversity = Differences in appearance
Diversity is a word that refers to variety. It has an inclusive connotation and in a social context means the inclusion of multiple races and ethnicities – black, white, Asian, Hispanic etc. For Leftists, what the word does not include is any variation in thought. Leftist diversity only extends as far as appearances – it does not tolerate any variety of opinions. Leftism is tyrannical in its demands for conformity to its politically correct left-wing narrative of moral relativism and historical revisionism it does not include any conservative opinions or ideas.
In Doublespeak diversity means differences in appearance.
2. Education = Indoctrination
Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially at a school or university. In a democracy public education is “inclusive, both in its treatment of students and in that enfranchisement for the government of public education is as broad as for government generally. It is often organized and operated to be a deliberate model of the civil community in which it functions.” – Wikipedia
Education in America has been commandeered by left-wing liberals and is now a vehicle for indoctrinating American youth from K-12 and throughout college. Conservative voices are no longer welcome in education. What was once a traditional American education of core subjects and pride in American democratic ideals has been transformed into an echo chamber of Leftist propaganda promoting globalism, socialism, American self-loathing, political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism.
In Doublespeak education means Leftist indoctrination.
3. Freedom of speech = Approved speech
Freedom of speech is the foundation for democracy. Without freedom of speech there is no other freedom which is why tyrants always eliminate freedom of speech first. Leftists in America are determined to eliminate freedom of speech by enforcing their own code of political correctness which labels any opposing speech as hate speech. Speakers with conservative points of view are disinvited or intimidated through organized boycotts and violent protests. It is unAmerican to disallow the expression of opposing views but Leftists are tyrannical in their demand for conformity to their approved rhetoric.
In Doublespeak freedom of speech means freedom of approved speech.
4. Globalism = One-world government
Globalism is defined as the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis. Globalism commonly refers to international trade among nations. Leftists seek to internationalize the world and are not using the word globalism to mean global trade. When Leftists say globalism they mean one-world government – their intention is to eliminate national boundaries, national sovereignty, and impose one-world government. The irony is that Leftists do not realize they are participating in their own destruction because the globalist elite who will rule the new world order consider the Leftists to be useful idiots.
In Doublespeak globalism means one-world government.
5. Global warming/climate change = Redistribution of wealth
In 1992 UN scientists on The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated: “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.” Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on June 24, 2014 that:
“Extremely likely” is not a scientific term but rather a judgment, as in a court of law. The IPCC defines “extremely likely” as a ‘95-100% probability.’ But upon further examination it is clear that these numbers are not the result of any mathematical calculation or statistical analysis. They have been ‘invented’ as a construct within the IPCC report to express ‘expert judgment,’ as determined by the IPCC contributors.”
Climate change is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on industrialized countries to transfer their wealth to non-industrialized countries. The United Nations is committed to globalization and one-world government and is supported worldwide by Leftists with the same objective.
In Doublespeak global warming/climate change means the redistribution of wealth.
6. Income equality = Redistribution of wealth
Income equality in a democracy is achieved through equal opportunity – there is no guarantee of equal outcome. When Leftist’s speak of income equality they mean compulsory income redistribution that guarantees equal outcome.
In Doublespeak income equality means redistribution of wealth.
7. Progressive = regressive
The word progressive has a positive connotation and is commonly understood to mean something that happens or develops gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step. Synonyms for progressive include continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing, accelerating, escalating, gradual, step-by-step, and cumulative.
In Doublespeak progressive is synonymous with regressive – the opposite of actual progress (see above).
8. Resistance = Anarchy
Resistance is the refusal to accept or comply with something. In a democracy there are laws and elections designed for citizens to legally and peacefully express their discontent at the voting booth. When Leftists speak of resistance they are fomenting the overthrow of the government.
In Doublespeak resistance means anarchy. 
9. Social justice = Reverse discrimination
Social justice in a democracy is achieved through laws and Constitutional protections that guarantee equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal protection under the law. When Leftists speak of social justice they mean reverse discrimination where a two-tier system of justice is acceptable, where sanctuary cities that protect illegal alien felons are endorsed, and where anarchy and violence are fomented to effect social change.
In Doublespeak social justice means reverse discrimination. 
10. Tolerance = Intolerance
The word tolerance has an inclusive connotation and is commonly understood to mean the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or
behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Synonyms for tolerance include acceptance, open-mindedness, forbearance.
In Doublespeak tolerance is synonymous with intolerance – the opposite of tolerance. It is exclusively awarded to those who LOOK differently and withheld from those who THINK differently. Leftists tolerate differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic status but are extremely intolerant of differences of opinion.




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