
Friday, July 7, 2017

UK RECLASSIFYING PRO-ISRAEL WEBSITES AS "HATE SITES" - The UK continues its long tradition of anti-Semitism now bolstered by its ever growing anti-Semitic migrant population

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It is common knowledge that sites such as Twitter and Facebook have a blatant double standard:  they censor anti-Palestinian comments while they give a wide platform to anti-Israel and anti-Jewish ones.
Some time ago an Israeli NGO conducted THE FACEBOOK EXPERIMENT.  It opened two new separate pages on Facebook, one anti-Israel and the other anti-Palestinian.  They used exactly the same hateful language, except that they referred to either Jews or Arabs.  Facebook rushed to censor the anti-Palestinian site, while they let the anti-Israeli one stand because it did not violate community standards.   The Facebook Experiment is exposed on this VIDEO:

The same double standard exists on mainstream media, particularly on the BBC, CNN, and other similar news websites.  Typically they headline the death of Palestinians, and only as an afterthought - if at all - the fact that they were killed in the act of slaughtering Jews.  Here is a recent example: 

BBC DENOUNCED:  Former BBC chairman Lord Michael Grade exposes BBC’s coverage of Israel, and anti-Israel terror as ‘inexcusable’, saying, “When Israel acts in self-defense, the narrative is distorted to fit their (the media) narrative of Zionist aggression.”  Read more:

TERRORISTS WELCOME - Britain has allowed in, and even given legal residency and citizenship to tens of thousands of jihadis who incite against Jews and against Britons themselves.  However the British government bars entry to foreign moderate commentators who criticize Islamic terror.  One of them  is well-known radio host Michael Savage.  Also banned from British soil are US anti-Sharia activist Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. 
PM Theresa May and previous governments have also condemned Muslim terror at home, but they donate millions to the Palestinian Authority, which uses that money to pay salaries to convicted murderers of Jewish men, women and children.  If killed during their acts of terror, the terrorists' families receive generous salaries.  Killing Jews, according to Theresa May and other donors such as the United States and EU countries, is not regarded as terror but as resistance.

The following article was posted by Edgar Davidson on his BLOG on July 5, 2017 -  The website he refers to below,  THIS ONGOING WAR, focuses on acts of terror in Israel, and uses moderate language.  Visit this site and see for yourself.  So, why would reporting on Palestinian terror be considered hate?  Britain and others seem to think so. 

Blog by parents of murdered Israeli teenager censored as 'hate site' in the UK


I have previously posted about how pro-Israel blogs in the UK (and elsewhere including even in Israel) are censored or blocked completely by internet service providers.
Continue reading and see list of recommended pro-Israel websites

 After discovering that his own site was blocked by Sky-UK
Elder of Ziyon discovered that this was due to Symantec classifying his site as "Hate". He noted (as I had previously reported) that other pro-Israel sites such as Israellycool, Israel Matzav and Abu Yehuda all get the same "Hate" classification. Most internet service providers (including Sky, Virgin, and EE) use the Symantec classification and normally either block such sites or require 'parental unlocking' to view them.

Using the
symantec link I checked a number of other pro-Israel sites (including this one and found that they too were classified as "Hate". Included inevitably were pamelagellerjihadwatch  and thereligionofpeace, as well as the outstanding sultanknish (by author Daniel Greenfield).
But what shocked me was that the "Hate" classification was also assigned to
This Ongoing War. 
This is the moving blog dedicated to the memory of 15-year-old Malki Roth who was murdered in the 2001 Hamas massacre in Jerusalem’s Sbarro restaurant that was engineered by Ahlam Tamimi. Malki's parents Frima and Arnold have campaigned for Tamimi - who is on the FBI's most-wanted terrorist list - to be brought to justice (she is currently living in luxury, inciting more terrorism, under the protection of the Jordanian government who have refused a US extradition request).
While it is shameful that all of the above sites are classified as hate sites, it is especially pernicious in this case, as it demonstrates the extent to which the antisemites who masquerade as  'Palestine supporters' in the UK will go to prevent the truth being heard and justice being done.
Inevitably none of the anti-Israel sites, most of which are dripping with overt antisemitism, are classified as hate sites. 

For the record it is also worth noting that most of the sites will not be blocked outside of the UK because the classification changes when the "uk" suffix is changed to another country.  For example the Israel version of this site is classified as "Dynamic, Blogger, English".
UPDATE: Symantec have sent me all round the houses, first through a FaceBook messenger conversation when they finally said they were not qualified to help and told me to contact their regular support desk which has no email address. I called the UK number (which unlike the US one is not free) and was passed from person to person eventually being put through to the mobile number of someone who 'should be able to help'. No answer, left message, no response so far.
Also it seems Symantec have a long history with this sort of behaviour - they were doing the same thing to other types of sites that did not fit the politically correct (meaning extreme leftist) narrative.
This article first appeared on

 See also:
UK DAILY MAIL exposes British generous donations to Palestinian Authority that fund terror against Jews, Palestinian corruption, and more.
Palestinian corruption, terror, and a lavish lifestyle at the top - all paid by EU and American taxpayers.
UK taxpayers money has funded TERRORISTS, The Mail On Sunday can reveal
HOW BRITAIN FUNDS PALESTINIAN TERROR, TORTURE, AND MURDER - The machete attack against Kay Wilson and Kristine Luken. 
 - The murderers and all other terrorists receive salaries paid for by British, European, and US taxpayers through generous funding of the Palestinian Authority
The PA presidential palace / Photo credit: Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR)
Mahmoud Abbas palace, built with British, American and EU funds.

FACEBOOK CENSORED THIS POSTER for being offensive to Arabs
 - "THE FACEBOOK EXPERIMENT" exposing its double standards when allowing vicious anti-Jewish incitement while censoring criticism of Arabs
- FACEBOOK officially stated that "Death to Israel" poster does not violate their community standards
- In Israel there is a murder attempt against Jews every two and a half hours on average, and there have been dozens of murders in the past few months. Women are particularly targeted.
This Ongoing War
Honest Reporting - Exposing anti-Israel media bias -
Palestinian Media Watch -
Jewish Press -
Israel National News -
Edgar Davidson -
Abu Yehuda -
Elder of Ziyon -
Gatestone Institute -
David Bedein - investigative journalist -
Israel and Stuff -
Israel Hayom -
Khaled Abu Toameh (noted Israeli Arab journalist)  -
Jihad Watch -
Ari Fuld (banned by Facebook)  -
Daniel Greenfield - Sultan Knish
Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage Magazine -
HONENU - Exposing police bias and abuse in Israel -
Middle East and Terrorism - Columns -
Israpundit - Columns -
IDF blog -
Very Good News from Israel - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NEWS -

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