
Tuesday, July 25, 2017


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VIDEO Where are Europe's men? The 'testosterone recession' and girly men

By Faith Goldy of Rebel Media

Image result for images male fish turn into females due to pollutants

The growing incidence of human homosexuality is being framed as a social and political issue and normalized by legislation in almost all western countries. 
But instead of being a matter of personal choice and an expression of sexual freedom, scientists are now providing evidence that homosexuality can also be regarded as a biological aberration, an abnormality caused by environmental toxicity. 

Industrial pollutants in the water make fish develop abnormal sexual organs.  Male fish are turning into females, and this cannot be attributed to fish personal choice.  

Soybeans, which are included in various forms and names in many processed foods, have chemicals that mimic estrogen.  Soy's genistein and daidzein act so similar to estrogen that they are known as phytoestrogens (plant-produced estrogens).    Even low doses of these soybean chemicals can seriously alter men's hormones and sexual characteristics.

VIDEO by Faith Goldy of Rebel Media
More videos by Faith Goldy

Something nefarious is going on in our environment, but those with a particular political agenda are trying to ignore and cover up scientific evidence that debunks it. 
Homosexuality has always existed and its causes go from psychological to biological.  But something has happened to western males in the past couple of generations that may result in their demographic demise.  Not only they are becoming much more feminized in personality and sexual preferences, but their sperm levels are dropping precipitously. 
And by the way, to feminizing chemical pollutants we must add the socially and psychologically toxic effects of modern militant feminism that viciously derides and condemns traditional male qualities.  Mothers, female school teachers, and the liberal media relentlessly berate masculinity, and thus we now have the perfect chemical and psychological storm for the destruction of western men.
Sperm levels among Western men
 PLUMMET to record low
The UK Express:  A study shows that the count among men from Europe, North America and Australia has fallen by more than 50 per cent in 40 years.   And the study indicates the rate of decline is not slowing down with samples from between 1996 and 2011 still showing sharp decline.   Scientists have suggested that “chemicals in commerce” are partly to blame for the stark numbers.  

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Men in Western countries are becoming less fertile every year according to a new study (stock image)

The study, published by researchers from the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, screened 7,500 studies that took place between 1973 and 2011. 
The researchers found a 52.4 per cent decline in sperm concentration, and a 59.3 per cent decline in total sperm count, among men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand who were not selected based on their fertility status.


In contrast, no significant decline was seen in South America, Asia and Africa, where far fewer studies have been conducted.


The research, published in the Human Reproduction Update, was led by Dr Hagai Levine with Dr Shanna H Swan and an international team of researchers from Brazil, Denmark, Israel, Spain and the United States.
While declines in sperm count have been reported since 1992, the question has remained controversial because of limitations in past studies. 
However, the current study uses a broader scope and rigorous methods, conservatively addresses the reliability of study estimates and controls for factors that might help explain the decline such as age, abstinence time, and selection of the study population.
Dr Levine said: "Given the importance of sperm counts for male fertility and human health, this study is an urgent wake-up call for researchers and health authorities around the world to investigate the causes of the sharp ongoing drop in sperm count, with the goal of prevention."
Dr Swan added: "Decreasing sperm count has been of great concern since it was first reported twenty-five years ago. 
"This definitive study shows, for the first time, that this decline is strong and continuing.    The fact that the decline is seen in Western countries strongly suggests that chemicals in commerce are playing a causal role in this trend."
While the current study did not examine causes of the observed declines, sperm count has previously been plausibly associated with environmental and lifestyle influences, including prenatal chemical exposure, adult pesticide exposure, smoking, stress and obesity. 
Therefore, sperm count may sensitively reflect the impact of the modern environment on male health across the lifespan and serve as a "canary in the coal mine" signalling broader risks to male health.



 Estrogen Residue in Water
 turns Male Fish Into Females

Estrogen can also be found in recycled drinking water

After an exhaustive seven-year research effort, Canadian biologists found that miniscule amounts of estrogen present in municipal wastewater discharges can decimate wild fish populations living downstream.
The research, led by Dr. Karen Kidd, an NSERC-funded biology professor at the University of New Brunswick (Saint John) and the Canadian Rivers Institute, confirms that synthetic estrogen used in birth control pills can wreak havoc on the sex lives of fish. Small amounts of estrogen are excreted naturally by women whether or not they are taking birth control pills.
Male fish exposed to estrogen become feminized, producing egg protein normally synthesized by females. In female fish, estrogen often retards normal sexual maturation, including egg production

Is This the Most Dangerous Food For Men?   There may be a hidden dark side to soy, one that has the power to undermine everything it means to be male

Pollutants make birds act homosexual

National Geographic -  Mercury Poisoning Makes Birds Act Homosexual  
Metal may influence sexual development in white ibises, expert says.
Once the birds had reached sexual maturity at around a year old, homosexual bonding increased in all three groups exposed to mercury. This behavior led to a 13 to 15 percent decline in the number of young, compared to the mercury-free control group.
The metal also impacted heterosexual couples. Overall, female birds exposed to mercury yielded 35 percent fewer babies than the control group.


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