
Friday, June 9, 2017

WHY DID THERESA MAY SABOTAGE BREXIT by calling for a risky and unnecessary election?

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Theresa May was always against Brexit.  Did she sabotage it deliberately, or did someone persuade her this election was a good idea?

By Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig
The sinister world of a globalist puppet.
There was something very suspicious in Theresa May's sudden call for a new election at a time when neither her party nor the country needed one.  
Theresa May was always against Brexit until she happened to become Prime Minister after the referendum. 
Brexit won but only by a small majority.  The country appeared to be equally divided on the subject.  A new election was another opportunity for the Remain camp after their defeat - another referendum, in fact.
After the referendumTheresa May appeared to be thoroughly committed to Brexit.  But, was she sincere? 
Theresa May is just a globalist puppet.  In the dark and malevolent globalist world the job of any PM is expendable, just a minor detail. 
Mrs May has lost this General Election.
Theresa May in the USA:  Islam is Peaceful,
 Globalism and Multiculturalism Good
What the globalists truly wanted was to put as many obstacles as possible in the path to Britain's independence from the EU.    If Theresa May became a political casualty in the process, that is a mere detail in the big globalist picture.   
And think about it:  this election was perfect.  It gave the malcontents another chance to round up more ethnic and youth voters to oppose the Conservatives' Brexit.  
Theresa May was the globalists puppet and she performed as required, with a clumsy and ineffective electoral campaign that allowed the opposition to make big advances.
Brexit is toast.  Negotiations will be geared towards a soft exit, instead of the drastic independence act that voters chose in the referendum.  A soft exit means that there won't be a true divorce, only an arrangement that will satisfy no one, and Britain will remain enslaved to the EU forever.
What were voters thinking?   Another issue is that Labour won more seats.  Why?  This party is rife with anti-Semitism and in favor of unlimited migration from the third world into the UK.  
This at a time when Britain is under siege by ISIS-inspired terrorists, when the country has 3,000 hard core terrorists under surveillance, and another 30,000 jihadists that the state is unable to watch. Thanks to unrestricted immigration jihadists' numbers keep growing, outpacing police resources.
The British people have not only surrendered to this situation but on top of that a significant number of Labour supporters voted for MORE OF THE SAME!!!
Oh, and by the way, UKIP, the only political party opposing immigration, received a pathetic number of votes.   Which goes to show that the British people are quite happy to let their nation transform itself into a colony of the same people they once colonized.  
You could not make this up.

Continue reading

Some recent headlines:

Theresa May in U.S.: Islam is Peaceful, Globalism Good, Climate Change a Priority

Jeremy Corbin opposes shoot to kill terrorists

Labour Party's Platform Main Points

DAILY MAIL - On an extraordinary day of drama at Westminster:

  • Tory MPs savaged the party's manifesto, with one minister who lost his seat saying it 'put an Exocet through the heart of our main supporters – older people';
  • Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he was ready to try to form a coalition with the SNP, Liberal Democrats, Welsh nationalists and Greens if Mrs May falls short;
  • Brexit was plunged into chaos just days before negotiations with Brussels are due to begin;
  • In further embarrassment for Mrs May last night, the last parliamentary seat to be decided – former Tory stronghold Kensington – was won by Labour's Emma Dent Coad by a razor-thin 20 votes from Victoria Borwick;
  • Rumours swirled that Mrs May's joint chiefs-of-staff Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill were on the verge of quitting over their role in the campaign;
  • A Tory surge in Scotland killed off the prospect of a second referendum on independence, with SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon admitting she would have to 'reflect' on the loss of 21 MPs;
  • Mrs May was warned she could undermine the Northern Ireland peace process by striking a deal with the DUP;
  • Ukip leader Paul Nuttall resigned after a disastrous night that saw the anti-EU party lose more than three million votes.
Daily Mail

A traumatised woman wrapped in a foil blanket was led away from the scene of chaos. Police officers were seen screaming to people and ordering them to run

Stunned survivor of the latest Jihadi attack on London Bridge


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