
Sunday, June 18, 2017

REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS UNITED IN THEIR PLOT TO OUST PRESIDENT TRUMP - The GOP winks and watches complicitly as the president is besieged by Congress, the media, multiple investigations, and subversive and murderous 'resistance', and does absolutely nothing to defend him

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    Image result for MUELLER TRUMP
  • There is a concerted effort by Democrats and establishment Republicans - most of them in the pockets of globalist enterprises and sinister agitators such as George Soros - to bring down the Trump presidency. 
  • Aside from whether we like Trump or not, the alarming fact is that Republican and Democrat men and women elected to Congress are collaborating in a plot to topple the US president.  
  • The following video  and others on this page outline the choreography of the coup d'etat, and the background of those associated with bringing down the president through endless innuendo, attacks, and sordid investigations.   The most eloquent video is this one by Judge Jeanine Pirro.
VIDEO - Judge Jeanine: Where is GOP establishment support of Trump?

Watch more related videos

The following video is a conversation between Judge Jeanine Pirro and former Congressman Newt Gingrich on the ongoing process of toppling the president.


VIDEO - Judge Jeanine Talks To Trumpian Newt Gingrich About Enemies On The Left & Those From Within The Gate 

Judge Jeanine Pirro on Twitter

Her YouTube Channel


*  The following video is by Roger Stone, author and former member of the Trump campaign.  Although controversial, he does good research on the Swamp and has long experience as a political observer. 
*  He is now part of the Infowars team, and although I personally dislike Alex Jones, Stone is worth listening here.
*  Skip the brief one minute introduction where he praises Alex Jones and listen to what he has to say about Robert Mueller's disturbing background and the coup against Donald Trump.

VIDEO - ROGER STONE 17 06 14 What Mueller Is Up To, Why Trump Supporters Must Be Vigilant

Roger Stone's website


What you should know about how special counsel Robert Mueller sold the FBI out to designated terrorist group CAIR


More about the FBI under Mueller and CAIR and how it diminished the abilities of our counter-terrorism officers to stop terror attacks. There were several Islamic terrorist attacks after Mueller purged all the intel in 2011.


FBI SUBMITS! Agrees to drop Islamic counter- terrorism training because of threats of litigation jihad by Terrorist Front Group CAIR


Thanks to revised FBI training manuals demanded by CAIR, FBI investigation of Boston Marathon Muslim terrorists was significantly impeded











ALLEN WEST: “Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic radical groups influencing U.S. policies is resulting in our ‘cultural suicide’”

Another round of purging of Islamic content in FBI counter-terrorism training manuals
Republicans to FBI: “Stop bowing down to CAIR, put back the anti-Islam materials into counter-terrorism training”

 CAIR Calls for Reform of FBI’s Training on Islam, Muslims


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