
Friday, June 30, 2017


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Imagine it is your baby born with a congenital disease.  You, the loving parents of this British baby, manage to raise money to pay for an experimental treatment in the US to save his life.  But then the European Court of Human Rights orders that your baby must die in the name of "death with dignity".  His life support was to be switched off on Friday June 30, 2017, but due to world-wide outrage his parents were given a few more days to say good bye.  UK parents do NOT have the right to save their sick children.  Courts decide whether to let them live or die.
baby Charlie
UPDATE July 3:  President Donald J. Trump has backed the fight to save the critically ill British baby Charlie Gard, saying he would be “delighted” to “help” the boy after a European court ruled his parents could not privately fund a final attempt to treat him.  The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has been slammed for acting like a “death panel” after denying Charlie’s parents the chance to take their son to the U.S. for “experimental treatment”.  (More further down this page.)
  • The following news story is not about the baby's chances of survival under experimental care, and it's not about whether people with severe disabilities can have a meaningful life.  Those are subjects for separate discussions. 
  • What really matters here is that a European institution can decide whether an English baby should live or die, overriding the desire of his parents to give him a chance with an experimental treatment abroad, even when those parents have the means to fully pay for it.
  • When Britain voted for Brexit it was to free itself from the dictatorial clutches of the European Union, which in only a few years has managed to override national democratic rights in all its country members.  
  • A bureaucracy now has absolute powers over every aspect of life and death in the European Union.    
  • Not many people are aware that notorious Nazis rehabilitated after the war were key in the creation of the European Union.  Watch shocking video on this page
  • Individual and national rights are being lost all over the western world. 
  • Schools now decide not only on the curriculum they teach, but also on the values with which they indoctrinate students. 
  • Tiny kids in kindergarten are now being brainwashed into thinking that it's up to them to be either a boy or a girl.
  • Schools explain to primary school kids the graphic details of unnatural sexual practices, and characterizes them as being perfectly OK. 
  • In Ontario, Canada, parents can lose custody of their children - even little kindergarten-age kids - if they object to their children's desire to identify with the biologically wrong gender.
  • There are some countries in Europe, such as Germany and Sweden, where home schooling is illegal, so kids are in fact hostages of the state.
  • Having lost the right to impart moral values on their children, now European parents have lost the right to save their lives when they suffer from a serious medical condition, as the following news story demonstrates.
  • Incidentally, the notorious European Court of Human Rights has stopped the deportation of hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners guilty of murder, rape, genocide, in consideration of their human rights.   
Breitbart - A European court has ruled that the parents of a critically ill baby cannot privately pay for him to go to the United States for “experimental treatment”, and the child must stay in a British hospital to “die with dignity”.
The parents of 10-month-old Charlie Gard are reported to be “utterly distraught” after the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) denied them a final effort to save their dying son. 

After losing a battle in the UK’s Supreme Court, they had appealed to the court in France to fight the decision of British doctors at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, who argued the baby could not be saved in the U.S. and must “die with dignity”. 

Chris Gard, 32, and Connie Yates, 31 (photo above), had raised more than £1.3 million to take Charlie to the U.S. for partially untested, “experimental” treatment, which they claim could save his life.
Continue reading this article, one about the EU Court of Human Rights protecting foreign killers and rapists from deportation, and VIDEO on how the European Union was developed in phases by notorious Nazis rehabilitated after the end of World War II.

Chris Gard leaves the Supreme Court after it ruled in favour of Great Ormond Street Hospital
Britain has a socialised healthcare system, and despite the fact his parents raised private funds for treatment, the courts could have acted as what some in U.S. politicians call a “death panel”, decided who is and who is not worth saving.
“We strongly feel as his parents that Charlie should get a chance to try these medications. He literally has nothing to lose but potentially a healthier, happier life to gain,” the mother wrote on a crowd-funding page.
Charlie was born healthy, but suffers from a rare genetic condition, called mitochondrial depletion syndrome, and has serious brain damage.
The ECHR ruled Tuesday that the British hospital was correct and the treatment in the U.S. could not help Charlie. The court said the application by the parents was “inadmissible” and added that their decision was “final”.

They acknowledged “sensitive moral and ethical issues” had been raised in the case and said they respected the “domestic legal framework” of the UK which had come to the same judgement.


A spokesman for Great Ormond Street Hospital said in a statement: “Our thoughts are with Charlie’s parents on receipt of this news which we know will be very distressing for them.


Chris Gard and Connie Yates with their son Charlie




Connie Yates leaves the Supreme Court after a panel of three Supreme Court justices on dismissed the couple's latest challenge“Today’s decision by the [ECHR] marks the end of what has been a very difficult process and our priority is to provide every possible support to Charlie’s parents as we prepare for the next steps.


“There will be no rush by Great Ormond Street Hospital to change Charlie’s care and any future treatment plans will involve careful planning and discussion.”
However, Charlie’s mother argued: “We just CAN’T let our baby die when there is something that might help him! We won’t give up on him because he has a rare disease.

“He deserves a chance and he deserves a life as much as anyone else. We understand that rare diseases don’t get enough funding for research but why should that be a reason for a child to die?! He’s here now and this could help our baby.”

A banner hung on railings outside Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London


Update July 4:

Update: Establishment Media Silent in Tragic Case of Charlie Gard
The ever-attentive Katie Yoder of the Media Research Center said that her organization had combed through network transcripts for mentions of “Charlie Gard” in the morning and evening news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC from June 27 to July 2 and found not a single reference to the child’s now celebrated case.

Update July 3: 

President Trump offers help

Helen Ferre, the director of media affairs at the White House, released a statement regarding President Trump’s offer to the little boy’s parents:
Upon learning of baby Charlie Gard’s situation, President Trump has offered to help the family in this heartbreaking situation.
Although the president himself has not spoken to the family, he does not want to pressure them in any way. Members of the administration have spoken to the family in calls facilitated by the British government. The president is just trying to be helpful, if at all possible.
Due to legal issues, we can not confirm the name of doctor or hospital where the baby could be treated in the United States.


The following report is from June 2016. 
Things have not improved since then.

The European Court of Human Rights has high regard for the rights of these murderers, rapists and perpetrators of other violent acts.   It won't let Britain deport them to their countries of origin because of European Union rules.

Top row, from left: Andrzej Stankiewicz, Mantas Baibokas, Joao Pedro Correie Lopes, Kingsley Chukwudinma Nwanekwu and Daha Essa. Bottom row, from left: Jordan Epee Homb, Learco Chindamo, Arqr Wazny, Darius Kersys and Theresa Rafacz
Top row, from left: Andrzej Stankiewicz, Mantas Baibokas, Joao Pedro Correie Lopes, Kingsley Chukwudinma Nwanekwu and Daha Essa. Bottom row, from left: Jordan Epee Homb, Learco Chindamo, Arqr Wazny, Darius Kersys and Theresa Rafacz

The Telegraph - June 2016 -  Murderers, rapists and violent offenders from across Europe have been able to remain in Britain after their crimes.  The Justice Minister reveals a dossier of 50 offenders who have used EU rules to avoid deportation.


A 2016 report warned that 5,789 criminals from overseas are free to walk the UK's streets - the highest number since 2012 – because they are protected under EU human rights laws.




What does the law state?


Under current British law, any foreigner who commits a “serious crime” or is sentenced to more than a year in jail qualifies for automatic deportation.

What if the convict is from the EU?
If the convict is from the EU that rule grates against their right to live within any of the 28 member states, enshrined in freedom of movement rules.
Many of the European Court decisions were linked to the fact convicts are only released by a parole board when incarceration is no longer “necessary” to protect voters – calling into question why they should be made to leave the UK.
However Eurosceptics argued the bar for deporting EU nationals was far higher than citizens from other countries and said British ministers should be the ones making the decisions.
Which criminals have used EU rules to avoid deportation?
Among the group of 50 criminals who could not be deported is Learco Chindamo, an Italian citizen who murdered a head teacher who tried to break up a fight but could not be deported after his life sentence expired.
Another is Theresa Rafacz, a Polish woman jailed for killing her husband by repeatedly stamping on his head in a “gratuitous” attack but allowed to stay in Britain thanks to EU rules. 
Dominic Raab, who works closely with Michael Gove in the Justice department, said that British families are “at risk” because European courts are refusing to allow UK judges to deport dangerous and violent criminals back to EU countries.
Mr Raab has compiled a dossier of the 50 most serious offenders who have been allowed to remain in the UK because of Brussels red tape. As justice minister, Mr Raab has had first-hand experience of many of the cases the UK has seen thwarted.

His dossier includes an Italian man who stabbed a head teacher through the heart, a Polish woman who kicked her husband to death and a Romanian rapist who was given permanent residence in this country under the orders of the EU.
Mr Raab said: “This is yet more evidence of how EU membership makes us less safe. Free movement of people allows unelected judges in the rogue European Court to decide who we can and can't deport. This puts British families at risk.”
A report last week warned that 5,789 criminals from overseas are free to walk the UK's streets - the highest number since 2012 – because they are protected under EU human rights laws.
Mr Gove on Monday warned that the EU’s lack of border controls on the continent “actively abets terrorism”.
"One of the things that we can do if we else the European Union is control our borders and also control who we deport,” Mr Gove said. 
“At the moment, unfortunately, the European law, which the European Court of Justice takes, has prevented us from getting rid of some people who are terrorists, or criminals who have been supporting terrorists.” 
Under current British law, any foreigner who commits a “serious crime” or is sentenced to more than a year in jail qualifies for automatic deportation.
However if the convict is from the EU, that rule can be meaningless because of the bloc’s “freedom of movement” rules that allow migrants to live and work in any member state.
Research released by the Leave campaign has identified 50 cases – most occurring under Mr Cameron’s premiership – when attempts at deportation where blocked by EU law.
They include six EU nationals convicted of murder, five found guilty of sexual offences and thirteen locked up for drug dealing or similar crimes.
Among the group who could not be deported is Learco Chindamo, an Italian citizen who murdered a head teacher who tried to break up a fight but could not be deported after his life sentence expired.
Another is Theresa Rafacz, a Polish woman jailed for killing her husband by repeatedly stamping on his head in a “gratuitous” attack but allowed to stay in Britain thanks to EU rules.
Many of the European Court decisions were linked to the fact convicts are only released by a parole board when incarceration is no longer “necessary” to protect voters – calling into question why they should be made to leave the UK. 
Speaking in the Commons, Sir Bill Cash, whose father was killed in Normandy during the Second World War, said that Britons who fought and died on D-Day did not do so to allow convicted EU national rapists, paedophiles and drug dealers to remain in the country.
However, D-Day veteran and former head of the Army Lord Bramall condemned Sir Bill for using the Normandy landings to boost the Leave campaign.
He said: "As a veteran of D-Day I'm disgusted at the use of this battle by the Leave campaign.
"We fought to bring World War II to an end; and greater European cooperation rather than British isolationism has helped keep the peace in Europe.
"We should stay in Europe to solve common problems not scapegoat foreigners in the way that Vote Leave is doing."
Iain Duncan Smith, the Eurosceptic former Cabinet minister, accused Lord Bramall of making a "sickening" allegation against Sir Bill.
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, admitted the Government needs to do more but said a record number of foreign offenders were deported last year.
And James Brokenshire, the immigration minister, insisted that the Prime Minister’s renegotiation with Brussels has made it easier for the UK to deport foreign criminals.
“The UK sought greater control over the deportation of foreign criminals in its EU renegotiation - and that's precisely what the Prime Minister’s deal delivered.
"The International Law Decision we secured means our ability to deport foreign criminals is strengthened, and it is now clear that the UK can take into account the full background of a criminal in a decision over whether to deport.”

THE NAZIS and FASCISTS who founded the EU and their influence today - by author Rodney Atkinson  

HITLER, THE NUREMBERG NAZI PARADE GROUNDS, and the resurgence of Nazi ideas in the EUTHE EUROPEAN UNION HAS BEEN A NAZI PROJECT DESIGNED AND IMPLEMENTED BY FORMER NAZIS who regained positions of influence in post World War II Europe
Author Rodney Atkinson's background.



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