
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

CNN CAUGHT STAGING FAKE NEWS - Watch CNN reporter choreographing fake Muslim demonstration against terror - PALLYWOOD, or the Palestinian fake video industry, is adopted by CNN

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In Israel it's called Pallywood.  Palestinians - often in cahoots with the media - stage scenes of completely fake incidents of Arab victimhood.  Further down this page watch video with compilation of some of obviously fake incidents.    Just as Palestinian terror against civilians has been exported from Israel to the rest of the world, so is Pallywood .   

You may have noticed that after every terror attack there is hardly ever a spontaneous, sincere condemnation of terror by Muslims living in the West.  Other than lip service by Imams for media consumption, their main concern seems to be the negative perception of Islam by the public - or what they call Islamophobia.  Not a word of compassion for the victims of terror.

Well, CNN decided to fix that by staging a fake demonstration of Muslims against Islamic terror.    Watch  how a CNN reporter and her crew arranges a small group of what we assume to be Muslims in a fake demonstration against terror in the wake of one of the latest massacres in Britain.  See how they are handed signs as they are positioned in front of the cameras.

CNN busted arranging "fake news report"

Continue reading and see VIDEO showing Pallywood in action


By Richard Landes
See several incidences of choreographed footage, including some showing how "dead" Palestinians suddenly resuscitate when mistakenly dropped on the ground as they are being carried by their cohorts.



Palestinians used toy hats to impersonate Israeli police when photographing this 'brutal treatment of a Palestinian woman' -  See the same hat worn by a child dressed as police officer.

costume 2


READ MORE on the fake news industry about Israel and the Palestinians


UNITED NATIONS agency UNRWA Apologizes for Using Picture of Girl in Syria to Demonize Israel

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) apologized for using a photograph of a girl in a bombed-out Syrian building for a campaign to raise money for Palestinians in Gaza.
The photo was used twice by the UN agency during fundraising efforts and appeared on UNRWA’s website, Twitter account and Facebook page, where it was prominently displayed as the cover photo.
The organization misrepresented the girl in the photo as a Palestinian child named “Aya” from Gaza, who had suffered at the hands of Israeli “occupation.”
“Imagine being cut off from the world — for your whole life. That’s reality for children like Aya,” the caption on UNRWA’s post stated. “The blockade of Gaza began when she was a baby, the occupation in the West Bank before her parents were born. Now she is eleven, and the blockade goes on.”
The Geneva-based group UN Watch had demanded that UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krahenbuhl apologize for “pretending the girl is a Gaza victim of Israeli actions.”
UNRWA subsequently stated, “We had mistakenly posted an image from our archive of a child in Syria and had said that the child was in Gaza. The image has been replaced. Palestine refugee children we serve, whether in Syria or Gaza, are in urgent need of assistance and we hope people will continue to give generously to this important Ramadan campaign.”
The photo, taken in Syria in 2014, also appeared on several UNRWA website pages related to Syria, and on the cover of the organization’s “2014 Syria crisis response annual report.”
The Israeli government has long accused UNRWA of anti-Israel bias. In January, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon condemned UNRWA for issuing textbooks in Palestinian schools that denied Israel’s Jewish character.


Remember this iconic picture promoting coexistence between Arabs and Jews?
Fake too.  Both children were Jewish. 
The picture was an attempt by a liberal journalist to create an illusion.  Well meaning, but still fake.

A photo of a Jewish and a 'Palestinian' boy overlooking Jerusalem and embracing each other, 1993. The picture was later uncovered to be a farce. (screen capture: YouTube)

In the wake of the summer war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, an iconic 20-year-old photograph depicting a Jewish and a Palestinian boy embracing while overlooking Jerusalem reemerged on social media, with thousands across the world extending a message of hope and coexistence during an otherwise tumultuous time.
But the two youngsters portrayed in the 1993 photo, which illustrated aspirations for peace in Israel during the Oslo peace process, were actually both Israeli Jews — Zvi Shapiro, 11, wearing a skullcap; and Zemer Aloni, 12, sporting a Palestinian keffiyeh.
The photo, taken by American photojournalist Ricki Rosen, was originally shot for the Canadian news magazine Maclean’s and was reproduced countless times, often without Rosen’s consent.
“It was a symbolic illustration,” Rosen explained in an article published Sunday by the Jewish daily Forward. “It was never supposed to be a documentary photo.”
The picture was taken in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Tor, a mixed Arab-Jewish neighborhood that was home to the two young subjects. Rosen, who at the time was living in Abu Tor as well, was on assignment covering the peace talks between Israel and the PLO, which later culminated in the Oslo Peace Accords between prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Rosen said the photo was shot by specific request of Maclean’s photo editor, who even presented her with a hand-drawn picture of his expectations for the image.
“The magazine wanted a symbolic portrayal of the idea of a long road to peace,” Rosen told the Times of Israel. “[The photo editor] instructed me to find models and dress them up in order to convey this idea.”
To that end, Rosen recruited Shapiro, the yarmulke-wearing youth, and the boy’s friend Aloni, who wore a traditional Palestinian headdress known as a keffiyeh.
“Ricki told us to just talk to each other,” Shapiro told the Forward. “It’s also funny, because I don’t think we would have necessarily put our arms around each other the way we are.”
Shapiro also said his use of a skullcap was staged, since he was not religious.
While the integrity of the photo has been questioned since it was originally published, as the style of keffiyeh donned by Aloni is traditionally reserved for older Palestinian men, Rosen insisted that the image was purely illustrative, adding that recent accusations that the photo was fake were disingenuous.
“I didn’t ‘fake’ the photo for peace, as some have implied; I conducted the shoot in order to present a generic, symbolic idea
“I didn’t ‘fake’ the photo for peace, as some have implied; I conducted the shoot in order to present a generic, symbolic idea of what may be in the future,” Rosen said. “It’s dismaying that some have chosen to trash me, as if my photo were in the same category of an image of a dead Syrian girl which was published as if it had been taken in Gaza.”
Rosen said she had no issue with recruiting a Palestinian boy for the shoot, but did not dwell on the matter based on the nature of her assignment. She also expressed outrage at claims that her photo was racist, saying such assertions were “disgraceful and slanderous.”
The photograph, staged or not, has become one of the most exemplary images depicting coexistence and the hope for peace between the two peoples.
During Operation Protective Edge, the photograph was famously tweeted by pop superstar Rihanna along with a message calling for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Shapiro, now 32, told the Forward he now felt strange about the picture’s origins.
“I think it’s probably less acceptable today than it was then,” he said.
Shapiro, who lives in the United States, went on to express his dismay at the perceived regression in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “One of the things I feel about it is just kind of sad,” added Shapiro.
 “There was a brief period where it didn’t seem as far-fetched as it does now… I think there is a genuine belief that if there is a peaceful solution, there can be not only peace but camaraderie and real friendship.”
Aloni, 33, also expressed skepticism in the hope for peace and, in the Forward, referred to the image as a “wishful thinking picture.”
“Then, it was almost a reality; and now, it is like a vision.”


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