
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

VIDEOS - CIVIL WAR IN FRANCE - Police set on fire AGAIN by leftist protestors - Authorities afraid to deal with Islamists and leftist mobs have surrendered the streets and parts of France to extremists - The fatal leftist-Islamist alliance

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At least three officers are reported to have been injured during clashes with protesters in Paris
MAY DAY demonstrators in France went on the rampage today as they rallied against right wing presidential election candidate Marine Le Pen.   Fighting broke out in central Paris during a rally held close to the Place de la Bastille, where protestors shouted “Fascists out!”
This is not the first instance of setting police on fire.  Months ago several police received life-threatening third degree burns when their patrol car was firebombed by Islamist thugs.  They needed months of intensive care and rehabilitation in hospital.
Four French police officers were set on fire after masked thugs pelted their two cars with petrol bombs during a patrol on a notorious housing estate near Paris. Investigators are pictured at the sceneOctober 2016:  Four French police officers were set on FIRE inside their car as thugs pelted it with petrol bombs during a patrol near Paris.  The cars were attacked 'from all sides' by Muslim thugs hurling Molotov cocktails.  The attack likely to be linked to the Muslim drug gangs who roam the notorious estate.  'Two of the officers were in critical condition and rushed to intensive care units. Two others received hospital treatment. 
  • Although they have nothing in common ideologically, the left and Islam have formed a strong alliance to dismantle society.  Each thinks it is using the other for its own purposes. 
  • In the end Islamists, the most ruthless and the most prolific demographic group, is already winning and taking over European neighborhoods and entire cities.
VIDEO:  Commentary on France At War: May Day, Antifa, & Islam, by Faith Goldy, Rebel Media
More videos by Faith Goldy
See more images of May Day violence and watch related VIDEOS

May Day march in Paris turns violent with horrifying images showing riot cops engulfed in flames as left-wing protesters rally against Marine Le Pen

May Day 2017:  May Day protests in France degenerate into violence
Under orders to restrain themselves so as not to escalate violence, French police are routinely target for murderous attacks by protestors and terrorists.
One of the injured riot cops is said to have suffered bad burns from a Molotov cocktail thrown by demonstrators

Demonstrators hold a banner reading, 'No war between populations, no peace between the classes' during the annual May Day workers' rally in Paris
This is the face of those who want to dismantle western societies.  They are the same who violently attack free speech advocates in the USA, and attack both government policies and anti-Islamization groups in Europe.
A man in a skeleton mask holds a black anarchist flag and a flare aloft as he leads the May Day march towards police lines
The march soon turned violent, with protesters launching a burning trolley towards CRS riot officers
Cops battled against black-clad left-wing activists with their faces covered, protesting against Marine Le Pen's first round election win
Police fought back with tear gas and baton charges to try to keep the crowd at bay amid ugly scenes in the French capital
A trolley supporting a large with a cardboard dragon is set on fire and hurled towards police lines by protesters
French riot cops try to push away a burning trolley launched towards them during the annual May Day workers' rally in Paris
Demonstrators rampage through the city, smashing up a bus stop as they fight pitch battles with police
A demonstrator kicks a tear gas canister back towards police lines during clashes in Paris today
Demonstrators rampage through the city, smashing up a bus stop as they fight pitch battles with police

More videos by Black Pigeon
VIDEO - What Really Happened in Paris on May Day  - Comments and footage of violence against police  By Lauren Southern
More videos by Lauren Southern in Paris
VIDEO - The Fall of France?  CIVIL WAR 
Lauren Southern (from Paris) interviewed by Stefan Molyneux
More videos by Stefan Molyneux
VIDEO -  The Left & Islam: Unholy Alliance  - By Paul Joseph Watson (January 2017)
More videos by Paul Joseph Watson
2016 attack on police -

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