
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

VIDEO - ARIANA GRANDE WAS ONCE OUTRAGED BY TRUMP'S MUSLIM BAN - That was before her fans were blown up to pieces by a terrorist - Ariana said that the Trump years would be VERY DARK YEARS AHEAD because of his conservative agenda

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  • While celebrities are passionate and generous in their support for unlimited Muslim migration into the west, they live in gated communities away from migrant populations, and have the money to pay for bodyguards to protect them
  • They send their children to posh private schools instead of regular schools where kids have to contend with incredible ethnic violence. 
  • They would never consider sharing their vast homes with migrants. 
  • These celebrities indulging in virtue signaling never really have to bear the consequences of this African and Middle Eastern migration. 
  • Unless they happen to give a concert where a terrorist blows up their young fans to pieces with a bomb full of nails.   
VIDEO IRONY: Outraged by Muslim Ban, Ariana Grande’s Anti-Trump Rant After Election Warned Her Fans of “Very Dark Years”
Weeks later, a Muslim terrorist suicide bomber murders 22 victims (several more are unaccounted for so far), all of them Ariana Grande's fans attending her concert, and injures dozens of others
TRUE PUNDIT writes:  Liberal irony. When you rant about a man proposing to tighten immigration to enhance national security and a Muslim ISIS-backed suicide bomber — in a country with no immigration controls — kills your fans and injures dozens more at your concert months later.

Ariana Grande. London. Liberal logic. Perfect together.

Continue reading and watch VIDEO

To watch Ariana Grande's rant go to minute 2.11 of this video:


ARIANA GRANDE - TERRIFIED OF TRUMP and in tears after his election.   Will she change her mind now, or is her liberalism a terminal affliction?


- VIDEO ON EUROPE'S FAILURE TO ACT TO PREVENT TERROR ATTACKS out of concern with political correctness

 READ MORE and watch VIDEO


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