
Thursday, May 18, 2017

TRUMP BOWS TO SAUDI ARABIA - Will sell them hundreds of billions in sophisticated weapons and military technology, helping them become a superpower and a major threat to ISRAEL - TRUMP also gave Saudis OWNERSHIP OF USA LARGEST REFINERY

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 The Saudis' new deals with Trump turned out to be much sweeter than they had ever dreamed of.  Trump's reputation as a shrewd businessman and supporter of Israel is shattered, as he adds more gasoline to the Mideast fire and Saudi sponsored fanaticism and terror.  There is evidence that Saudi Arabia was behind the 9/11 terror attacks, it's a sponsor of terror, and a cruel and violent oppressor of women, minorities, and dissenters. 
  • The largest oil refinery in America — and the 600,000 barrels processed per day in Texas — is now officially owned by Saudi Aramco
  • Saudis unexpected success
    The Gulf Coast refinery deal comes less than two months after President Trump met with Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the White House. 
  • Saudi Arabia “is hoping the Aramco IPO [in 2018] will be valued at a stunning $2 trillion
  • At the same time Trump is aiming to build up what he calls an Arab NATO, although there is already such an organization in place called the Arab League with 22 members.
  • The arms deal could be worth as much as $350 billion over 10 years, and would include sales of ships, armored personnel carriers, missiles, bombs and munitions for the Saudi army and navy. 
  • It would be one of the largest deals of its kind in US history.  The intermediary in this deal is Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law, and notorious New York Democrat and former supporter of the Clintons. 
  • The sales include huge upgrades for the Saudi army and navy to include Littoral Combat Ships and THAAD missile defense systems.  
  • The Saudis and the US military industry will undoubtedly benefit from this deal - to the detriment of world peace. 
  • The deal is made even sweeter by locating some production and assembly in Saudi Arabia itself - in other words, giving them US technology to attack other Arab countries and ISRAEL.
  • There is a good probability that these weapons and military technology will one day soon pass into the hands of radical Islamists, as Saudi royalty are in peril of eventually being toppled by insurgents.
  • Saudi Arabia's adversary, Iran, is now close to developing nuclear bombs, thanks to president Barack Hussein Obama's infamous deal.   The Trump administration has expressed there will be no renegotiation of that deal.
  • In the meantime the Israeli military continues to slide downward, with top brass appointed from among liberal and globalists officers, and a comparatively inferior strength.
  • There is incontrovertible evidence that Saudi Arabia was connected to the 9/11 attacks on the US.   Much of this evidence was covered up by the US government because of politics and shady alliances between American politicians and the Saudis.
Saudi oil giant takes full command of largest U.S. oil refinery, worth trillions of dollars, after Saudi meeting with Trump

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President Trump with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

The largest oil refinery in America — and the 600,000 barrels processed per day in Texas — is now officially owned by Saudi Aramco. 
Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA) released a statement Monday on the “completion” of a deal between the two oil giants, which has been in progress for the last year. The company, known as Motiva Enterprises LLC, relinquished its 50 percent ownership of the Port Arthur refinery. 
Saudi Aramco (through its wholly owned Saudi Refining, Inc. subsidiary) assumes full ownership of the Motiva Enterprises LLC name and legal entity, including the refinery at Port Arthur, Texas and 24 distribution terminals,” the company’s statement said. 
“Additionally, Motiva has the right to exclusively sell Shell-branded gasoline and diesel in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., as well as the eastern half of Texas and the majority of Florida.” 
The Gulf Coast refinery deal comes less than two months after President Trump met with Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the White House. 

“This meeting is considered a historical turning point in relations between both countries and which had passed through a period of divergence of views on many issues,” a senior adviser to Prince Mohammed said in a statement released March 14. “The meeting today restored issues to their right path and form a big change in relations between both countries in political, military, security and economic issues.”  

Saudi Arabia “is hoping the Aramco IPO [in 2018] will be valued at a stunning $2 trillion,” CNN reported Monday. “The kingdom continues to grapple with low oil prices and a bloated budget, making it critical that the Aramco IPO goes off without a hitch.”



Trump wants to turn the Saudis into a military and political superpower


President Trump wants to create an anti-terrorism alliance with Saudi Arabia and other friendly Mideast nations in a pact that White House officials likened to an “Arab NATO,” a new report said Wednesday.  A major part of the plan would be one of the largest arms deals with the Saudis in history, the Washington Post reported.

Team Trump and the Saudis have quietly been negotiating terms of the pact during talks led by Trump senior adviser Jared Kushner and Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the paper said.


The talks began after the election, when Mohammed, known as “MBS,” sent a delegation to meet with Kushner and other administration officials at Trump Tower.  “They were willing to make a bet on Trump and on America,” a senior White House official told the paper.
The Saudis wanted to boost economic and security cooperation and investment, White House officials said.
Trump wanted the repressive kingdom to beef up the fight against radical Islamic terrorism, specifically ISIS. 
The Trump administration plans to make a number of major announcements during the president’s first foreign trip, which begins Friday.
The top objective is to put together a coalition of Sunni countries that would set the stage for the NATO-like organization — even though 22 Mideast nations already form the Arab League.
“We all have the same enemy and we all want the same thing,” the White House official told the paper. “What this trip hopefully will do is just change the environment.”
Other participants could include the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan, with the US offering support but not being a member of the alliance.
“This is the sort of gesture many of America’s security partners have been looking to get from the United States for many years,” Brian Katulis, a senior fellow at the Center of American Progress, told the paper.
“The value of any such a pact would depend on the results it produces — whether it achieves greater stability, helps resolve conflicts like Yemen and Syria, and achieves progress in the fight against terrorist groups across the region.”
The arms deal could be worth as much as $350 billion over 10 years, and would include sales of ships, armored personnel carriers, missiles, bombs and munitions for the Saudi army and navy, officials said.
The sales include huge upgrades for the Saudi army and navy to include Littoral Combat Ships and THAAD missile defense systems, officials said. 
Some of the production and assembly could be located in Saudi Arabia, boosting MBS’ project to build a Saudi domestic defense industrial capability. But most of the items would be built by American defense contractors.
“The US has sought for a long time to get the Saudis to do more to focus on its navy, to modernize and make the forces in the Gulf more effective,” said Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “From the US perspective, the stronger the Saudi deterrent is, the lower the risk of any military confrontation with Iran.”
The pending announcements of the new security framework and the huge arms deal are evidence that the Saudi courtship of the Trump White House has been successful beyond expectations. 
Whether that results in real stability in the region, real progress against terrorism or real deterrence against Iran depends on what happens after Trump’s overseas trip is over.





Saudi oil giant takes full command of largest U.S. oil refinery, hopes for $2T IPO

Trump wants to create an ‘Arab NATO’ in the Middle East

JOHN TOLLEY SHOW  - VIDEO -   Saudi Arabia Just Bought President Trump - Buys US largest refinery
Trump's State Department upholds Iran sanctions relief
US continues to relieve Iran of nuclear-related sanctions.
Israel drops to 15th on list of world's strongest militaries
Global Firepower list puts Israel ahead of Iran, but behind Turkey and Egypt.

Saudi Arabia Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims
How Many American Politicians Do the Saudis Own?  John McCain, is one
How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11HOW THE US GOVERNMENT OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE and covered up the Saudi role in the 9/11 terror attacks 
 - ISLAM is responsible for the greatest genocide in human history: 270 MILLION non-Muslims murdered by conquest and jihad since the 7th century, according to conservative estimates

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama
Saudi Arabia in particular has a long history of trying to buy elections around the world, not only supporting Wahhabi causes and groups, but “secular” and mainstream entities such as universities and philanthropies in order to curry broad institutional favor from the West.
Photo shows former president Carter warmly embracing terrorist Hamas chief
Read more
 HUMAN RIGHTS IN SAUDI ARABIA - Amnesty International Report

Saudi Arabia 2016/2017

The authorities severely curtailed the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, detaining and imprisoning critics, human rights defenders and minority rights activists on vaguely worded charges.
Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained common, particularly during interrogation, and courts continued to accept torture-tainted “confessions” to convict defendants in unfair trials.
Women faced discrimination in both law and practice and were inadequately protected against sexual and other violence.
The authorities continued to arrest, detain and deport irregular migrants.
Courts imposed many death sentences, including for non-violent crimes and against juvenile offenders; scores of executions were carried out.
Coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia committed serious violations of international law, including war crimes, in Yemen.
 Public beheadings are routine in Saudi Arabia and carried out weekly at public squares.  This punishment is according to the Koran.  No different from ISIS.
Saudi beheadings soared in 2015 with one person beheaded every two days on average
Beheading foreigners in Saudi Arabia


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