
Saturday, May 27, 2017

THE SURRENDER OF BRITAIN - School children told to respect terrorists and to write them letters so as to understand their idealistic motives

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*  Western countries' youth has been indoctrinated for decades by leftist educators. 
*  This partly explains the lack of reaction to the millions of African and Middle Eastern migrants invading Europe, living on benefits, engaging in crime, raping women and children, and committing acts of terror.   
*  You cannot fight a war if you're not allowed to even name your enemy.  Authorities keep stressing this has nothing to do with Islam.
*  This is not a war, it is the conditioning of the population to accept carnage and hate by people they imported in the name of diversity.  Authorities have been nothing less than traitors.
*  Activists who call on their compatriots to wake up and put a stop to this demographic suicide are wasting their time.  There will be no defense of people, land or culture, and no instinct of survival.  Europe is dying.  Western civilization has surrendered.
UK home to 23,000 JIHADISTS
Britons told to carry on as usual
  • UK Children are being  told to ‘respect’ killers in new teaching aid for schools
  • A NEW teaching aid that recommends schoolchildren as young as seven “write a letter to a terrorist” to help understand their motives has been condemned as “dangerous and misguided”.
  • It tells primary age children that terrorists kill people because they believe they are being treated “unfairly and not shown respect”.
  • This a crackpot idea based on the misguided notion that primary school children must engage with, and show 'respect' for, religious fanatics who are seeking to kill them. said Chris McGovern - Campaign for Real Education chairman
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SchoolchildThe book, Talking About Terrorism, published weeks before the , describes the indiscriminate mass murder of innocent members of the public as a “type of war”.
It tells primary age children that terrorists kill people because they believe they are being treated “unfairly and not shown respect”.
It gives examples of “” whose ideas then turn out to be right: “The Suffragettes used violence and were called terrorists,,,,” it stated.
“Today many people think of them as brave women and admire their struggle for the right to vote.”
In an activity recommended for pupils aged seven to 11, teachers are urged to “invite children to write a letter to a terrorist. If they could ask a terrorist six questions, what would they be?”
The book, published by Brilliant Publications and containing a foreword by Peter Wanless, the chief executive of the NSPCC, has been slammed by critics who say it is potentially dangerous.
Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said the letter task would confuse and potentially upset pupils.
He said: “This a crackpot idea based on the misguided notion that primary school children must engage with, and show “respect” for, religious fanatics who are seeking to kill them.
“It is part of the “British Values” agenda that is being forced on schools by Ofsted and the educational establishment.
“The primary school classroom is not the place to humanise terrorism by ‘pretend dialogue’.”
In trying to help children “understand” terrorists’ motives, the book invites sympathy for the killers, critics claim.
And by invoking the Suffragettes and Nelson Mandela, it leads children to question whether terrorism might be justifiable, they say.


Victims of the latest Muslim terror attack in Manchester


Britain home to 23,000 jihadists - This is an army!

UK OPEN BORDERS -  Leaked Memo:  Airport Border Guards ordered to turn a blind eye to illegal immigrants.
Border guards at Heathrow Airport have been privately told not to ‘waste time’ interrogating potential illegal immigrants, and instead focus on jihadis with European travel papers. Earlier this year Breitbart London reported that illegal migrants found stowed away in lorries are frequently told to make their own way to a processing centre more than 50 miles away, and that Britain’s lax border controls mean authorities have “no way of knowing” the identities of individuals entering the UK.

UK RAPE    The Rochdale horror goes on:
Abuse is STILL rife 10 years after 50 under-age white girls were groomed and raped by a Pakistani gang - and police remain hidebound by political correctness

BBC - UK - Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
Authorities looked the other way - Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the latest report, said there had been "blatant" collective failures by the council's leadership, senior managers had "underplayed" the scale of the problem and South Yorkshire Police had failed to prioritise the issue.
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled "racist" if they focused on victims' descriptions of the majority of abusers as "Asian" men (meaning mostly Pakistani Muslims).
The inquiry team found examples of "children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone".

OUTRAGE AFTER NEW YORK SCHOOL ASKS STUDENTS TO DEFEND GENOCIDE AGAINST JEWS - The idea was supported by NY Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia - In the meantime IOWA State University asked students to write from the perspective of a jihadi

UK DAILY MAIL COLUMNIST KATIE HOPKINS: Schools are supposed to teach kids HOW to think for themselves, not WHAT to think. So why are so many liberal teachers bullying and brain-washing children with their own intolerant views?

More information on today's universities


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