
Friday, May 26, 2017

IS PEACE BETWEEEN ISRAEL AND THE ARABS POSSIBLE? - Are Palestinians different from ISIS? Read comparison chart

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Recently president Trump visited the Middle East and his message to Arab countries was "DRIVE OUT THE TERRORISTS".    His message to Israel was "GIVE THEM A STATE". 
The incongruity and unfairness of Trump's position have not been properly exposed because so much of the public has been literally brainwashed by years of pro-Palestinian propaganda and the acceptance of their myths as "facts".
One of those myths concerns ownership of the land.  Although Jews have a  3,000 year history in Israel - including established Jewish kingdoms - it is the Muslim invader's claim to the land that is regarded as legitimate, relegating Jews to the role of "occupiers".    This lie, repeated long enough, has become an established 'fact'. 
A second myth characterizes Israelis as 'Nazis' and Palestinians as innocent victims of genocide.   In fact, Palestinians were close allies of the Nazis during World War II, and their leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, worked with Hitler to include the slaughter of Middle Eastern Jews in the Holocaust.   The Nazi ideology is strong among Palestinians to this day.  Germans were vilified after the war, but their accomplices, the Palestinians, have been pampered by the West and promised a state of their own on Jewish land.
 VIDEO - The Nazis and the Palestinian Movement
The Palestinian active role in the Holocaust.
Another myth is that of apartheid in Israel.  Arabs with Israeli citizenship enjoy the same rights as Israeli Jews.  They are free to live and go anywhere they want.  They are entitled to the same kinds of government services.  They have jobs such as judges, police officers, professors, journalists, members of parliament ....   Arab women have more freedoms than in Muslim countries. 
And the biggest myth of all is that land for peace is possible.  It is part of Muslim ideology that once a land is conquered by Islam, it belongs to them forever.  If it is lost in battle, then it is the duty of every Muslim to reconquer it. 
Thus you hear of the Muslim goal of reconquering Spain and other parts of Europe that were once part of the Caliphate.   Unable to do it militarily, Muslims are simply resettling these lands by the millions, thanks to the Europeans willing acceptance of this peaceful invasion.

Abu Yehuda writes:
As long as there is Jewish sovereignty over what is seen as Muslim land, there will be an obligation for Muslims to pursue jihad to re-impose Islamic domination and Islamic law over it. Not all Muslim Arabs are prepared to engage in violent jihad, but many are.   The Palestinians have shown, over and over, that they are prepared to kill and die for their perceived honor and their religion. The combination of the ideology of Palestinism with the religion of Islam and the honor-shame Arab culture has closed the door to a negotiated compromise solution.
That is why the creation of a Palestinian state is bound to unleash a catastrophe for Israel.  From the Muslim perspective, there can be no peace until the last Jew has been murdered or driven out and the land of Israel is fully Islamic.  All interim agreements in the name of peace are simply steps towards that goal.  Palestinians have rejected many offers of a state so far. What they want is ALL of Israel.   
Israelis emptied Gaza of Jews and handed the land over to Palestinians, who were not interested in building up a prosperous state but in using it as a platform for terror.  They promptly elected a Hamas government and showered Israel with rockets and other acts of violence - to say nothing of the anti-Israel propaganda value of each military reprisal by Israel.  
Israel handed the Sinai over to Egypt in exchange for a piece of paper.  Just before the Arab Spring the Egyptian government was actively seeking to amend, or rather abrogate, that peace treaty.   Today Egypt has lost control over the Sinai, which is in the hands of an assortment of terror groups, including ISIS.
The Arab Spring interrupted secret negotiations by the Israeli government to surrender the Golan Heights to Syria.  Had they done so, ISIS would be threatening the north of Israel.   
The 1993 Oslo Accords created the Palestinian Authority, which gave the Palestinians control over much of Judea and Samaria (West Bank).  There they have established a corrupt, oppressive, and undemocratic regime, while billions of dollars and euros pour in to keep them afloat.  They use some of that money to pay salaries to terrorists who kill and maim Jews.  During these years they have driven out almost all Christians from that area.  Bethlehem is now a Muslim town.
A Palestinian state on the ancient Jewish land of Judea and Samaria would become a launching pad for relentless war of attrition against Israel.   
With Arab communities just meters away from Jewish ones along the border, they would dig tunnels to murder and terrorize Israelis.  They would use snipers to kill children.  They would launch rockets.  They would use the Arab-Israeli population as a fifth column to attack from within.  All that is already part of the MO of Arab 'resistance'. 
They would use their sovereignty to establish treaties with well-armed Muslim states, such as Iran (which is very close to developing nuclear weapons).  International pressure would prevent Israel from properly defending itself. 
There would be no peace between Jews and Muslims - only an intolerable and permanent state of war, until the state of Israel is eventually dismantled.
Abu Yehuda: 
There aren’t technical solutions for the contradiction between Palestinian desires and the survival of a Jewish state. There is no deal here. And yet, Trump  insists that there is, opening the way for the Palestinian extortion that has characterized the phony “peace process” to continue. There is no benefit for Israel that can come out of Trump’s dealmaking. We can only try to control the damage. 
A distinction without a difference.   The following charts by Edgar Davidson debunk the ongoing myth that Palestinian terrorists are not like ISIS.   Their ideology, their religious beliefs, their goals and their tactics are the same. The reason why Palestinian terror is somewhat limited is that Israel still has control over the land.  
Palestinians butcher Jewish children, they have engaged in cannibalism (the 2000 capture of two Israeli men), and propagate a genocidal ideology.   The only difference is that Palestinians kill Jews, an activity that Europe and the US State Department do not regard as objectionable at all. 
A reminder about the difference between ISIS terrorists and 'Palestinian militants'
For those of  you wondering why the media and politicians make such a big differentiation between ISIS terrorists and 'Palestinians militants' (especially their child victims) the following chart explains very clearly why. You see ISIS and the Palestinian terrorists have absolutely nothing in common!!!!
Public reaction to ISIS and Palestinians: 

Continue reading

See more charts by Edgar Davidson:


Abu Yehuda  -

Edgar Davidson -



Billions of dollars in weapons sales for Saudi Arabia, but only additional US pressure for Israel



 - The daily Muslim attacks on Jews in Israel 

 - The lynching of two innocent Jewish men in Ramallah in 2000 by a Palestinian mob with cannibalistic behavior

Read this account of how they lynched two Israeli young men who lost their way and ended up in Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority center of government: 

Arabs-waving-entrails-of-butchered-Israelis-in-Ramallah (1)
The crowd ate the lynched Jews' organs
See Arab holding a heart

READ MORE ABOUT THIS and other acts of gruesome Palestinian terror


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