
Tuesday, May 9, 2017


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  • Before you read the following, please be reminded that commercial pet food contains ingredients that are damaging to your pet's long term health. 
  • Those ingredients don't sicken or kill him right away, but they weaken and harm him.  At some point organs such as his liver will be damaged beyond repair. 
  • Your vet profits multiple times:  by selling you commercial pet food, by giving unneeded and toxic vaccinations and boosters, and by treating your pet when he gets ill because of that food and vaccinations. 
  • The best gift you can give your cat or dog is to avoid vaccination boosters, and by feeding him people food that is appropriate for him.  Check the web for pet recipes and list of items that your pet will love. 
The following article is by Natural News. 
  • Bits of cheese as a treat are OK, but in small amounts.  Always check for reactions.
  • Junk food is bad for everyone, so hold the chips and cookies. 
(Natural News) Here are 12 foods that humans should never share with their four-legged companions:
1. Chocolate: Most people know dogs shouldn’t have chocolate, but have you ever wondered why? Theobromine is a compound in chocolate that’s similar to caffeine and acts as a stimulant. In dogs, it can have detrimental effects on the heart, nervous system and kidneys.
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2. Caffeine: Whether its coffee, soda, tea or some other concoction, keep your dog away from caffeine. Similar to the effects of theobromine, caffeine is very toxic to dogs. Some symptoms of caffeine poisoning include rapid breathing, heart palpitations and muscle tremors.
3. Onions: While onions and garlic may be good for humans, they can be toxic to dogs. In addition to causing dehydration and gastrointestinal upset, members of the onion family can actually induce a form of anemia in dogs — by destroying their red blood cells.
4. Grapes: Grapes and raisins may seem like a healthy treat for your pup, but they can be extremely dangerous to your pet. Consuming them can lead to kidney failure. If you think your dog has eaten grapes or raisins, you should contact your vet immediately.
5. Avocados: While healthy for people, avocados contain persin — a compound known to cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs.
6. Alcohol: This one should be fairly obvious: Alcohol is toxic to dogs, and it is more dangerous for them than it is for humans. It can cause a host of symptoms from diarrhea and vomiting, to difficulty breathing, coma and even death.
7. Corn on the cob: Feeding corn on the cob to your dog can lead to an intestinal blockage, which can make your pup very sick.
8. Cooked Bones:  Cooked bones are more brittle and prone to splintering into sharp shards that can be harmful to your dog. The hazards of cooked bones include choking and puncture wounds to the dog’s digestive tract, which can be fatal.
9. Dairy products: Most dogs love cheese and enjoy things like ice cream on a hot summer day, but many of them struggle with the lactose in milk-based treats. Gas and diarrhea make dairy not the best choice for your pup.
10. Xylitol: A common ingredient in chewing gum, xylitol is an artificial sweetener that can be lethal to dogs. In dogs, it can cause severe hypoglycemia, along with symptoms like vomiting and seizures. Always check your dogs’ treats for this hazardous ingredient. Peanut butter, which is usually safe for dogs, sometimes contains this additive, and it can be toxic for your pet.
Smiling Dog11. Macadamia Nuts: These nuts may be a tasty treat for people, but they can wreak havoc on your furry friends. Dogs that have eaten macadamia nuts may experience vomiting, weakness, tremors, depression and a reduced ability to maintain their body temperature — which may cause them to overheat.
12. Salty Foods: While one pretzel may not pose an imminent threat, salty foods can be detrimental to your dog’s health. A hefty dose of salt can cause tremors, a spike in body temperature, seizures and even death. Dogs with heart conditions should never be given salty snacks in any amount.
As you can see, there are many foods that you might want to enjoy independently. Some of these foods, like avocados, may be healthy for humans but can be quite dangerous to your pet. Fortunately, there are some treats you and your pal can enjoy together, such as raw peanut butter and coconut. Carrots are also a great choice as a healthy snack for your pup.

Natural News Sources

This article originally appeared on Natural News

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Here’s the kicker: In CHINA, with virtually no environmental laws, “organic” food production is largely a fraud because environmental sources contaminate the foods or superfoods being produced there.
If you buy pet treats made in China, you are murdering your pet with the most insane chemicals imaginable. The stuff that goes into some pet treats made in China is highly toxic and causes cancer. This is one of the main factors behind the alarming rise of cancers among dogs and cats in North America.
Most pet food is manufactured with ingredients imported from China.
So are your vitamins and much of the food you consume, by the way.


 This Picture Makes Me Incredibly Happy

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Happy Dogs Smiling


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