
Thursday, March 16, 2017


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  • The following video can be watched for entertainment purposes, or as a window into human nature, and how we allow our ethics to be shaped and distorted by our politics. 
  • A journalist interviews several University of Wisconsin students and asks very simple questions with ethical and legal implications. 
  • These future professionals are quick to respond to the first few questions, as they lead to clear liberal points of view favoring their biases.
  • However, when the same legal or ethical principle is applied to people they don't like, they vacillate for long moments in painful and utter confusion.  Revealing their biases, they struggle to find arguments to prove that what is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. 
  • These students are our future leaders, voters, teachers, members of our community. attending educational institutions where non-liberal points of view are not allowed to be expressed or even considered.  
  • After years of expensive studies these students will graduate without ever having had their biases challenged because non-liberal notions offend their feelings, and their university and student culture protect them from questioning their liberal ideology, and actually thinking.
  • Whichever your own opinion on the subject discussed, this video is worth watching.
See related cartoons and read article with background on the cases mentioned in the interviews.


University of Wisconsin-Madison students support religious freedom for Muslims, not for Christians

These interviews at the University of Wisconsin-Madison illustrate the stark double standard in American society — and likely in other Western countries as well: Muslims get preferential treatment, are judged by a different standard, and held to different expectations.

Beyond the special treatment, Muslim migrants in Europe often get away with sex assaults, imams are frequently tolerated in their incitement to violence and hate speech against Jews, Christians and the West.

The freedom of speech is being challenged and trampled upon so as not to offend Muslims.

Little wonder that it is so difficult to fight what President Trump calls “radical Islamic terrorism.”

Here are some cases of abhorrent intolerance against innocent Christians for their beliefs:

Görtz Haus Gallery and bistro in Grimes, Iowa, was run by a Christian couple who lost their thriving business for refusing to participate in a gay wedding ceremony.

A devout Christian couple, Edie and David Delorme who own a bakery in Longview Texas, faced brutal threats and verbal abuse against them and their son after declining to bake a cake for a gay wedding, despite providing a list of other bakeries.

A municipal judge, Ruth Neely, faced losing her job and receiving a $40,000 fine after a local reporter asked her if she was happy about performing gay marriages and she said “no,” based on her Lutheran faith.

Missouri State University dismissed a student, Andrew Cash, from a counseling program because he expressed concerns about counseling gay couples due to his religious convictions.

A mechanic from Michigan faced death threats to himself and his family, and his business was vandalized after he posted on Facebook in opposition to homosexuality.

Meanwhile, a gay woman in Indiana created quite a commotion when she stood for religious liberty by publicly supporting the Christian-owned Memories Pizza in Indiana in its decision not to cater gay weddings. “One lesbian high school coach reportedly even tried to incite people to burn down the pizza shop.”

A couple of days ago, it was reported that “Satanist students at Clemson University” held a “Bible torching” and “live bloodletting and lamb sacrifice” to “commemorate” a new chapel. If such a despicable “ceremony” were held against Muslims, the blood-letting would be human blood, but the Satanist students know that: they would not dare offend Muslims for fear of the wrath of jihad coming upon them.

 Breitbart, March 12, 2017:
Several students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison admit that Muslims should not be forced by law to do business with Christians. Those same students, however, had a hard time agreeing that Christians or conservative Americans have the right to decline work that conflicts with their conscience or religion. 
In a viral video published by Arizona-based nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom (ADL), students were asked if they support Sophie Theallet’s decision not to dress Melania Trump. 
Several students agreed that Theallet — one of many fashion designers declining to dress the first family — has every right to refuse to dress Mrs. Trump. 
The students were also asked if a Muslim singer solicited by a Christian church to sing had a right to refuse. 
Again, the students agreed that the Muslim singer has a right to not sing in a Christian church. 
“Yeah, if that goes against your religious view, I feel you have a right to turn that down,” one student said. 
The students also said that a law forcing Muslims to sing inside a Christian church should not exist. 
When asked if a Christian photographer should be allowed by law to decline to shoot a same-sex wedding, the students appeared torn. 
“For them,” the ADL notes, “it seems that the freedom to live and work according to your beliefs really depends on what you believe.”


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