
Saturday, March 4, 2017

DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION SCANDAL ERUPTS - How John Podesta, Hillary's campaign chief, hid money received from Russia - A Wikileaks revelation

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By Gerome Corsi - WND

author-imageNEW YORK – A document newly released by WikiLeaks shows how Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta, was able to shield from government regulators and the American public the shares of stocks he received as a member of the board of a company that received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund at the time of the U.S. “reset” with Moscow.  

Last week, WND reported Podesta received 75,000 shares of common stock from Joule Unlimited Technologies, a U.S. energy company tied to Joule Global Holdings B.V., a company in the Netherlands cited in the Panama Papers offshore banking probe as a conduit for money laundered by the Russian government. 

Now, a Jan. 3, 2014, letter confirms Podesta transferred 25,146 shares of Series C Preferred Shares and 8,547 Series C-II Preferred shares of Joule Unlimited stock to a private company registered in Utah, Leonidio Holdings LLC. 

John PodestaPodesta, however, gives the address of Leonidio Holdings as 7962 Shannon Court in Dublin, California, which is the home address of his daughter, Megan Rouse.  Rouse operates Megan Rouse Financial Planning from her home in the suburb east of San Francisco Bay.  The letter, written and signed by Podesta, is addressed to Mark Solakian, corporate secretary for Joule Global Holdings. 

Podesta (pictured)  served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and counselor to President Obama.

The alleged Russian money-laundering involving both Podesta and the Clinton Foundation appears to have occurred around two key decisions Secretary of State Clinton made in favor of Russia:
  • The transfer of advanced U.S. technology to Russia, including both military technology and solar energy technology as part of Secretary Clinton’s “reset” program with Russia, in a move that greatly enhanced the Russian military’s capabilities, according to both the FBI and the U.S. army; and
  • Secretary Clinton’s decision on the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States, CFIUS, to approve the Russian government energy agency Rosatum buying majority control of Uranium One, a company Bill Clinton promoted along with Clinton Foundation donor Frank Giustra in Canada, that resulted in the transfer of approximately 20 percent of all U.S. uranium production to Uranium One.

Continue reading, see chart and documents, and watch full documentary movie CLINTON CASH



Joule Global Stichting and Joule Global Holdings figure prominently as a client of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, which is at the heart of the Panama Papers investigation into offshore money-laundering operations on a massive international scale.
WND reported Russian entities that funneled money to Joule and its related companies, and ultimately to Podesta, include Viktor Vekselberg, a controversial Russian billionaire investor with ties to Vladimir Putin and the Russian government.
Podesta’s letter makes clear the transfer of the stock is “for bona fide estate planning purposes,” in compliance with the stock-sale agreement Podesta signed with Joule Unlimited, a private company, specifying the preferred stock could not be sold to a third-party unrelated to the Podesta family, or otherwise transferred out of Podesta’s estate.
The following screen capture shows the relevant passages in Podesta’s letter to Solakian:
PODESTA letter of Joule Stock Transfer CROP SECTION

A search of an Internet map program confirmed that 7962 Shannon Court in Dublin, California, was the home address of Podesta’s daughter.

PODESTA daughter address LEONIDIO LLC
As WND also reported last week, an email Solakian wrote Jan. 6, 2014, confirmed Podesta had exercised 75,000 common stock shares of Joule Unlimited of the 100,000 he had been granted in 2011 in partial compensation for his work on the Joule board of directors.
The following screen capture shows the key passages in the Solakian email documenting that Podesta had exercised 75,000 shares of common stock and instructed that the exercised shares be transferred to Leonidio Holdings LLC.

 PODESTA letter on ROULE common stock options

The instructions to transfer the exercised common stock do not give the address of Leonidio LLC, as did Podesta’s instructions for the transfer of the preferred stock certificates.
In both cases, Leonidio LLC provided Podesta an additional structured layer of protection from disclosure to government regulators or to the public.
Once the preferred and common stock was transferred to Leonidio LLC, the stock holdings no longer would appear in any financial statement Podesta prepared of his holdings.
Unless Podesta disclosed the nature of the estate agreement with Leonidio LLC, there would be no way for an outsider to know Leonidio LLC was the nominee owner of Podesta’s common and preferred stock in Joule Limited, as transferred to an estate Leonidio LLC held on Podesta’s behalf.
What is Leonidio LLC?
Leonidio LLC appears to have been named after Leonidio, a town in Arcadia, Peloponnese, Greece, that may have had some significance for Podesta.
A search of the Utah secretary of state’s business listings revealed Leonidio LLC was a domestic Utah corporation in good standing, registered Dec. 5, 2012, and renewed Oct. 27, 2015, by Sam Bournakis, at 5835 S. Waterbury in Salt Lake City, Utah.

 PODESTA utah corp listing for LEONIDIO LLC



WND reached Bournakis by telephone at Anna’s Café, another business listed to Bournakis in Salt Lake City, and he confirmed that 5835 Waterbury in Salt Lake City was his home apartment address.
But Bournakis denied knowing anything about Podesta or Leonidio LLC, the company registered under his name.
Growing irritated by the phone call, Bournakis firmly denied he knew anything about the transfer of Joule Unlimited preferred or common stock that Podesta made to Leonidio LLC.
A WND message left on the telephone number listed for Leonidio LLC in Salt Lake City went unanswered.
Russian money to Podesta
Vekselberg owns the Renova Group, a multi-billion dollar private Moscow-based Russian conglomerate with interests in oil, energy and telecommunication held in Russia, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa and the United States.
He is a board member of Rusnano, the Russian State Investment Fund, as well as president of the Skolkovo Foundation, named for Russia’s version of Silicon Valley.
Rusnano made a multi-million dollar investment in the Massachusetts-based Joule Unlimited, owned by Joule Global Holdings B.V. in the Netherlands and Joule Global Stichting, the ultimate controlling entity.
WND has received documentation, much of it in Russian, from a trusted international banking source showing the Russian government was transferring money to the Clinton Foundation through a regional Russian bank, Metcombank, located in the Sverdlovskava region in the Ural Mountains Federal District of Russia.
Metcombank is the bank Vekselberg is using to make transfers to the Clinton Foundation. The money goes through the Moscow branch of Metcombank via Deutsche Bank and Trust Company Americas in New York City, ending up in a private bank account in the Bank of America that is operated by the Clinton Foundation.
From Russian sources, WND has been able to document the final beneficiary of Metcombank is Vekselberg, who owns 99.978 percent of the bank via Renova Holding Ltd. and Renova Assets Ltd. Both are controlled by Vekselberg along with a chain of offshore companies from Cyprus, the Bahamas and the British Virgin Islands – all of which figure prominently in the offshore banking money laundering operations documented in the Panama Papers.

The Clintons’ corruption is exposed in “Partners in Crime: The Clintons’ Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” available at the WND Superstore!


Report: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat on Board of Company that Bagged $35 Million from Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund

Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the board of a small energy company alongside Russian officials that received $35 million from a Putin-connected Russian government fund, a relationship Podesta failed to fully disclose on his federal financial disclosures as required by law.

That’s one of the many revelations from a 56-page report titled “From Russia with Money: Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism” by the non-partisan government watchdog group, the Government Accountability Institute (GAI). Breitbart Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon holds the same title in GAI and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer serves as GAI’s president.
As part of her duties during the so-called Russian reset, then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton led the way on U.S. involvement in a Russian government technology initiative that was intended to be the Russian equivalent of America’s Silicon Valley known as Skolkovo.
The “innovation city,” located outside Moscow, has some 30,000 workers in state-of-the-art facilities under strict government control. As Slate described it in 2013, “In some ways, Skolkovo is eerily reminiscent of Soviet utopian city-building projects.”
According to the GAI report, Clinton’s State Dept. recruited U.S. tech giants like Google, Cisco, Intel. Indeed, out of 28 U.S., European, and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, 17 of them were Clinton Foundation donors or paid for speeches by Bill Clinton.
However, as involvement in Skolkovo by Clinton cronies increased, so, too, did the danger for the technology coming out of the Russian tech mecca to be used for Russian military purposes.
In 2014, the FBI issued what it called “an extraordinary warning” to several technology companies involved with Skolkovo. “The [Skolkovo] foundation may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application,” warned Lucia Ziobro, the assistant special agent at the FBI’s Boston office. She added: “The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by the government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies.”
Still, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited. Joule, too, received the FBI letter warning about Skolkovo. Other Joule board members included senior Russian officials. According to the GAI report: “Two months after Podesta joined the board, Vladimir Putin’s Rusnano announced that it would invest up to one billion rubles into Joule Unlimited, which amounts to $35 million. That represents one-fifth of the entire amount of investment dollars Joule collected from 2007 to 2013.”
Rusnano, which former Russian education and science minister and current science advisor to Vladmir Putin Andrei Fursenko describes as “Putin’s child,” was founded by Putin in 2007.
The GAI investigative report says it’s unclear how much, if any, money Podesta made. The reason: Podesta was on the board of three Joule entities, but only listed two on his disclosure; the most important entity, Joule Stichting, he did not list. “Podesta’s compensation by Joule cannot be fully determined,” reads the report. “In his 2014 federal government disclosure filing, Podesta lists that he divested stock options from Joule. However, the disclosure does not cover the years 2011-2012.”
Why Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law on his federal financial disclosures, his membership on the board of this offshore company is presently unknown.
“But the flows of funds from Russia during the ‘reset’ to Podesta-connected entities apparently didn’t end with Joule Energy,” the report states. According to the GAI report, Podesta’s far-left think tank, Center for American Progress (CAP), took in $5.25 million from the Sea Change Foundation between 2010-2013.
Who was funding Sea Change Foundation? According to tax records, Sea Change Foundation at the time was receiving a large infusion of funds from a mysterious Bermuda-based entity called ‘Klein, Ltd.’…Who owns Klein? It is impossible to say exactly, given corporate secrecy laws in Bermuda. But the registered agent and lawyers who set up the offshore entity are tied to a handful of Russian business entities including Troika Dialog, Ltd. Leadership includes Ruben Vardanyan, an ethnic Armenian who is a mega oligarch in Putin’s Russia. Vardanyan also served on the board of Joule Energy with John Podesta.
The FBI and U.S. Army sounded the alarm bells about Skolkovo being a threatening pathway for Russia to accelerate its military technological capabilities. Why Hillary Clinton’s State Dept and her campaign manager were tied up in this raises serious questions that demand answers and transparency.


CLINTON CASH  -  Full documentary movie



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