
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

RUSSIAN PRANKSTERS PERSUADE US REP. MAXINE WATERS SHE IS TALKING TO THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE - Maxine recently called for impeachment of Trump and blamed Putin for invading KOREA (instead of Crimea) - Maxine Waters has been called the MOST CORRUPT member of Congress

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Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters, along with other Democrats, is on a crusade to impeach Donald Trump.  Her campaign has produced some unintended hilarious moments.  One of them is when she blamed Putin for invading Korea.  Well, it sounds similar to Crimea.  Whatever....  The other is when she thought she was talking to the president of Ukraine. 

-  Russian Phone Pranksters Persuade Maxine Waters Russian Marionette Has Invaded “Limpopo” (VIDEO). 
-  They discussed another Russian aggression in state of Limpopo (made up name from well known Russian CHILDREN’s book) and installing Putin’s right hand marionette as its President by the name of Aibolit
-  Aibolit is another well known Russian CHILDREN’s book character, and loosely translated plays on a sound one makes when sick, Dr. OhItHurts!  
-  Maxine Waters agreed this Russian aggression must stop now! She offered help in overturning Limpopo’s new “dictator”.   Hilarious!

Maxine Waters should be last person to discuss Trump impeachment given her own history of corruption that earns her title: Most Corrupt Representative in Washington

Continue reading and watch additional VIDEO where she accuses Putin of invading Korea

Here’s a report that was conducted by Judicial Watch four years ago that needs to be reexamined. Maxine Waters still has her job despite multiple ethics violations
A famously corrupt—and seemingly untouchable—congresswoman renowned for abusing her power to enrich family members is set to hold a ranking position on the powerful House committee that oversees the nation’s financial services industries. 
Even for Washington this is a bit much. Democrats have chosen a scandal-plagued college, veteran Congresswoman Maxine Waters, to be the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee despite her many transgressions over the years. The influential congresswoman has helped family members make more than $1 million through business ventures with companies and causes that she has helped, according to her hometown newspaper. 
A few years ago Waters was investigated by the House Ethics Committee for steering $12 million in federal bailout funds to a failing Massachusetts bank (that subsequently got shut down by the government) in which she and her board member husband held shares. Read all about it in Waters’ profile on Judicial Watch’s 2011 “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.” list. 
Waters has also come under fire for skirting federal elections rules with a shady fundraising gimmick that allows her to receive unlimited amounts of donations from certain contributors. For years the veteran Los Angeles lawmaker has raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in short periods of time by selling her endorsement to other politicians and political causes for as much as $45,000 a pop instead of raising most of her campaign funds from individuals and political action committees.


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)Thinks Putin Invaded “Korea” – Says Trump Needs to Be Impeached 
THE GATEWAY PUNDIT: Sorry, Maxine. You can’t impeach a president because you don’t like him.

And, Putin didn’t invade “Korea.” It was Crimea.
On Friday, Waters said she hoped Trump would not serve for four years: “And my greatest is to lead him right into impeachment.”
“I have not called for the impeachment (of President Donald Trump) yet,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told a news conference on Monday. “He’s doing it himself.”
On Monday, Waters clarified: “Let me just say the statement I made was a statement in response to questions and pleas that I am getting from many citizens across this country. What are we going to do?
Waters also said Putin invaded… Korea.

Which is nonsense.   
Putin invaded Crimea – but it’s likely Waters couldn’t find it on a map.
Keep talking, Democrats. Keep talking.




I was always the black sheep of the family and always told that I was dumb, and I had a low IQ and did badly in school.

To the dumb question, 'Why me?' the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, 'Why not?'


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