
Sunday, January 15, 2017

TRAVEL ALERT - EUROPE A HOT SPOT FOR TERROR - No longer safe for tourists - Germany, Sweden, surrender to Islam, and France deals with rising Muslim terror threats by organizing conference to force the partition of Israel to create the terror state of Palestine on Biblical Jewish land

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Paris, like the rest of France, continues to be under martial law, as one terror attack follows another.  Instead of tackling this situation, France turns its anger on the Jews, by organizing an international conference to force another partition of Israel for the creation of the terror state of Palestine.
Are you planning a holiday in Europe this summer?   After the horrors of World War II Europe seemed to have set a new course to attract tourists, by rebranding itself as a fairy tale theme park, and a place to engage in romantic adventures. 
And who could resist those images of beautiful people, enchanting castles, mountains, lakes, architectural marvels, and so many historical cities?  So tourism became a large portion of European income. 
Amsterdam.  Today violent Moroccan migrant youths are making life impossible for the Dutch and visitors as well.
However, Europe decided at some point to cozy up to Muslim terrorists.  First, it was the Palestinians.  Do you remember their attack on civilians, the hijacking of airplanes, and other violent practices specifically aimed at making a political point?  At the Munich Olympics of 1972 Palestinian terrorists kidnapped, mutilated, tortured, and murdered eleven members of the Israeli Olympic team. 
Israeli PM advises French president
None of those crimes deterred European political leaders from pouring enormous amounts of taxpayers' money into the pockets of genocidal Palestinian organizations such as the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, and of bullying Israel into make never-ending concessions to the Arabs. 
France is currently sponsoring an international conference intended to force Israel to give Biblical Jerusalem and a large portion of its territory to the descendants of Muslims who first invaded Israel in the seventh century, and a country of their own to genocidal terrorists.
But call it karma, or what goes around comes around, or simply divine justice, as Europeans are now having a taste of what it's like to live in permanent fear of terror, and of being targeted for rape and murder by Muslim Jihadists. 
Just as they are trying to force Israel to give up its Biblical heartland, Europe itself is losing land and sovereignty to European citizens and migrants.
According to current demographic trends, Europe will be Muslim in maybe one more generation.  Much sooner for some cities.  Now, how is that for historical irony?
Europe, the former theme park of fantasy and beauty, has now been colonized by millions of Muslims who engage in crime, violence, and terror.  
Towns and cities are developing an ever expanding network of crime-ridden Muslim areas, or no-go zones, where neither police nor kafirs (meaning unbelievers) can enter.  If they do, they may not come out in one piece.  German crime syndicates are now in the hands of Arabs. 
Sharia patrols (photo of Wuppertal, Germany sharia enforcers) have been legalized, or are at least tolerated, by some European authorities, such as those in the UK and Germany.  They roam the streets harassing and threatening Europeans for violating Sharia law by drinking alcohol or, in the case of women, by wearing skimpy dresses. 
Jihadi organizations operate freely out of the same areas that used to cater to tourists.   That is not all.  Women and children of both sexes have become the target of rape and even murder by Muslim attackers.  There is nothing less than an epidemic of sexual assaults in public places such as festivals, shopping areas, and such. 

MERKEL'S SHAME - Map showing locations of Muslim rapes of women and children in Germany in 2016.  ----- 2,125 people were sexually assaulted, 199 were raped and and 380 were molested in swimming pools in 2016. ----  There were also 319 murders and attempted murders committed by foreign nationals and migrants in 2016, 14 of which were committed against children. ---- Migrants were responsible for 59 terror offences in Germany in 2016, and 112 incidents of arson.
The following article is by the UK Express.  The day has come when even the most mainstream European media are now admitting that they have a serious problem of safety and security in their countries.   Its message is BE WARNED - Europe is now a hot spot for Islamic terror.  
Although the article tries to make a distinction between the most dangerous destinations and those with lower level of danger, the truth is that jihadists choose their targets based on their level of vigilance.  If a place is considered somewhat safe, that's where it will be easier to perpetrate the next attack.  

    safe holiday destinations summer 2017 europe

THE EXPRESS - Recent terror activity that’s swept the continent has left holidaymakers questioning which spots are safe.  A recent study has revealed there was a big fall in bookings to resorts near troubled regions like the Mediterranean last year, with a surge in people taking holidays in south-east Asia and the Caribbean instead.


After a string of devastating terror attacks in 2015 and 2016, France has been put on a high terror alert.  The FCO (UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office) warns: “Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups, and recent French military intervention against ISIS, the French government has warned the public to be especially vigilant and has reinforced its security measures.”  The French government has launched a free smartphone app called SAIP to alert users about possible incidents.  

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Paris, Corsica, Rouen and Nice have all been targeted by terrorists. 
Belgium, Germany and Russia have all been placed on a high terror threat by the FCO as well.
Charles Bridge (pictured), Karlova Street, Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square are often targeted by thieves in Prague
Prague, Czech Republic  - Former Soviet Block countries have blocked d or restricted the Muslim migrant tide, remaining somewhat safer than the rest of the EU countries.

While sunny Spain is dealing with a general terror threat, the nation has been downgraded from a high threat of terror in 2016.   A general terror threat suggests there is some level of known terrorist activity. 
This week a gunman opened fire in a supermarket while shouting “Allah Akbar” in Spain's northwest, and the FCO has advised of a number of police operations last year across the nation. 
It said: “Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. The Spanish authorities take measures to protect visitors, but you should be vigilant and follow the instructions of the local authorities.”
Other popular summer spots undergoing a general terror threat are Greece and Italy.   The FCO warns of several attacks on Greek shopping malls and institutions over the last few years.   There have also been isolated cases of domestic terrorism in Italy.   
safe holiday destinations summer 2017 europe
Other popular summer holiday countries on a general terror threat include the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Austria.

There is an underlying threat of terror in summer destinations like Monaco, Croatia and Portugal. 


An underlying threat means a low level of known terrorist activity according to the FCO. 
But there are some countries throughout Europe where the terror threat is considered low - meaning there is no or limited known terrorist activity. 
Head to Malta to soak up the summer sun with safety in mind.   Though the threat of an attack is low, the FCO warns: “But you should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks, which could be in public places, including those frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.
“There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.”
Similarly, the Republic of San Marino in North Italy (a microstate) is deemed to have an equally low terror threat.  Lined with narrow cobblestone streets and oodles of historic architecture, it's not too dissimilar to the joys of Italy.
Budapest, Hungary
The same can be said for countries like Iceland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland.   These nations are some of the safest choices to make for a summer holiday in Europe.   (Coincidentally, they are those with the lowest levels of Muslim migrants.- blogger.)


Dramatic pictures captured the moment a mass brawl broke out as migrants in Paris attacked each other with sticks
African gangs brawling in the streets of Paris

Muslim migrants set up camps on the beautiful boulevards of Paris



This is Paris now.   A hell hole in the making.  Tourist sites are heavily guarded by soldiers and police.  The Paris we dreamed about as youngsters is gone.  Forever.  Some day, in a few decades, churches will be turned into mosques, and works of art will be destroyed as offensive to the Muslim majority.




BREITBART - Europe news of terror and migrant conflict

Bare Naked Islam

The Muslim Issue


Tundra Tabloids

Allah's Willing Executioners

Jihad Watch

Soeren Kern 

Gates of Vienna

Frontpage Magazine

Creeping Sharia

Refugee Resettlement Watch

Money Jihad (recommended)

Sharia Finance Watch

Geert Wilders

Andrew Bostom

Vlad Tepes

The Islamization of Europe and European Anti-Semitism
Columns by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld
Palestinian Media Watch

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