
Sunday, December 18, 2016

WHAT RUSSIANS? - IT IS OBAMA who has undermined the electoral process by allowing Hillary supporters to riot, by remaining silent on death threats to Electors, by openly encouraging non-citizens to vote, and by forcing states to allow ineligible people to vote without ID

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It's ironic and alarming to watch the US president and his minions suddenly blame the Russians for interfering in the election, while saying absolutely nothing about blatant attacks on the integrity of the democratic process by the Democrats themselves.
Their methods have included eight years of abuse of power and corruption as exposed by Wikileaks.  The secrecy protecting such abuses is such that the only way citizens could make an informed decision in the 2016 election was thanks to leaks - apparently from an insider within the Democrat party himself - and not from the Russians, as it has been alleged.  

Continue reading about the many ways in which Obama undermined the integrity of the electoral process in the USA.  Read also how Obama directly tried to topple the Israeli PM and interfered in the Israeli and Canadian elections, and watch VIDEOS on threats to Electors.

But aside from that secrecy, attacks on the electoral process have been quite open.  
Take for example the Obama administration opposition to some states requirement that voters show photo ID.  What American citizen can manage to live his entire life without an ID?   How can he get a job, rent a place, open a bank account, or collect government benefits?   This Democrat war on voter ID was meant to facilitate multiple voting and voting by non-citizens.
Then there is that instance recorded on video only days before the election when Obama told a woman that if illegals voted, law enforcement would not go after them. Just go ahead and break the law.  This advice came from the Commander in Chief.  Watch video further on this page.
We have witnessed ongoing and savage violence by protestors against Trump supporters and property during and after the campaign.  Sometimes protestors waved Mexican flags or burned American ones to express their anger at Trump running for president, and then for his victory in the election.  According to evidence, many protestors had been hired and paid to wreak havoc.  
American citizens waited in vain for the president to denounce all this and call for a stop to leftist violence.
But the worst was to yet to come:  Democrats and their supporters mounted a campaign of intimidation against the Electoral College that included death threats, in an attempt to subvert the process and hijack the election. Image result for cartoons threats to Electors

WND - Michael Banerian, 0ne of Michigan’s 16 electors who will be called upon to cast a vote validating the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College has testified on video that he and others in the state are receiving “dozens and dozens of death threats” from Hillary Clinton supporters urging them to switch their votes to Clinton.   (Watch VIDEO further on this page)
“You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,'” he told the News in a 6-minute video interview. “I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.”  He said that while many of the emails are clearly death threats, others would fall into the category of “death wishes.”  Things like, “do society a favor and throw yourself in front of a bus.  Fox News reported that Arizona electors are also being harassing and threatened by Clinton supporters.  “Arizona’s presidential electors are reportedly being hit by a flood of emails and phone calls demanding they defy the voters in their state and choose Hillary Clinton instead of President-elect Donald Trump — as part of a last-gasp bid to overturn the election,” Fox reported.     Clinton-backers are targeting roughly 160 Republican electorates in the 15 states that Trump won and don’t have laws bounding the electorates to the winner: Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.
Again, American citizens waited for Obama to denounce such attacks against the electoral process - but he has said nothing. 
Image result for cartoons democrats protest election results 
Even if you are a passionate lifelong Democrat, you should be frightened by the extent to which that party is willing to go to undermine democracy and your right to elect a president in a process with integrity, not one resembling the worst of a banana republic.
On the following VIDEO Paul Joseph Watson exposes the many ways in which democracy is under attack by the globalist US media and by those who call themselves Democrats and liberals. 

VIDEO - CNN interviews Elector Michael Banerian, who has received multiple death threats in an attempt to make him vote for someone other than Trump.

VIDEO:  "Go to Hell!” Texas Elector Responds to Death Threats From Unhinged Hillary Supporters
VIDEO:  Huckabee: People who threaten the Electoral College should be prosecuted
 Link to WND article on death threats to Electors

by sending an army of White House experts to topple the government
Obama also interfered in the Canadian election, in Egypt, and in just about every country on Earth
Democrats have imported not only third world migrants, but also third world political corruption and violent intolerance at a time when the US was healing from a past of racism and discrimination.
The hidden black-on-white wave of violence in the USA.

George Soros, Big Banks And Google Fund Anti-Trump Resistance Group
The liberal think tank Center for American Progress (CAP), now fashioning itself as a powerful anti-Trump force, is funded by George Soros (pictured), big banks and several large corporations.
CAP, founded in 2003 by former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, has long been a prominent liberal think tank in Washington.
Now, they look to be the leader of efforts on the left to fight against Donald Trump’s incoming administration though their advocacy wing, the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAPAF).
The action fund is funded by the main group, CAP, according to their “Our Supporters” page. Other funders of CAPAF are the big Hollywood group Motion Picture Association of America and the labor union Service Employees International Union.
The home page of CAPAF simply reads “Resist,” and has a button to “Join the Resistance.” On the actual page describing the resistance, posted Thursday, it says, “RESIST HATE. RESIST CORRUPTION. RESIST INJUSTICE. FORGE PROGRESS
VIDEO - BILLIONAIRE GEORGE SOROS IS FUNDING ANTI-TRUMP VIOLENCE and should be prosecuted for terrorism, says Wild Bill for America:

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