
Saturday, December 3, 2016

VIDEO - HOW CLOSE TO STORED NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO YOU LIVE? - SOME of the 15,600 nuclear weapons in the world are stored WITHIN CITIES or just a few Km away - Unfortunately VIDEO gives too much information regarding location and logistics, which could be misused by JIHADIS

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  • Please keep in mind the following:
  • This article does not address the existence of many aging nuclear power plants in Canada, the USA and Europe, which could go into meltdown.  Or the ticking bomb of nuclear waste storage itself. 
  • Image result for images nuclear explosionThrough a flawed agreement Obama has facilitated Iran's development of nuclear weapons, which will have a domino effect in the volatile Middle East. 
  • If Iran has them, so will Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other tinderbox nations.
  • The USA and Europe are importing millions of migrants from Muslim countries, while the population with European roots is shrinking rapidly
  • Those Middle Eastern and African populations are bound to replace whites in a few decades.
  • Through merit or affirmative action these populations with education and training are already being integrated into high level positions in government, the military, and other areas with access to nuclear materials and nuclear weapons.
  • If you have grandchildren envision for a moment the time when people with known anger management issues will be a majority and rule America and Europe, controlling thousands of nuclear weapons.  That's the future of humankind.
  • Incidentally, you don't have to wait that long for disaster.  Much detailed information on the location and transportation of nukes is given by the VIDEO on this Daily Mail article, saving jihadis a lot of research and effort.
There are no nuclear weapons in the Southern Hemisphere, but the countries in red are the ones where nukes are kept

DAILY MAIL - How close do you live to a NUKE? Fascinating maps and video reveal the exact locations where nuclear bombs are stored

  • Nuclear weapons are stored within a blast range of some major cities 
  • These include London, Glasgow and Brussels in Europe, and Denver and Seattle in the US 
  • Many bombs have been lost or accidentally deployed
  • Many of these were active at the time and could still explode if triggered  
  • The exact locations where nuclear weapons are stored have been pinpointed - and you have probably been closer to one than you may think.  

 Continue reading, see more maps, and WATCH VIDEO

A new video highlights where all the accountable nuclear weapons in the world are kept, many of which are within the blast range of major cities across Europe and the US, including London, Glasgow, Brussels, Denver and Seattle.
While the chances of a freak accident are low, as many as 50 bombs have been lost or accidentally deployed over the years - some of which were active at the time and only did not explode through sheer good fortune.
As well as the cities that are in close proximity to nuclear storage sites, some are transported between one another, meaning you may well have shared a road with a vehicle that was carrying a nuclear weapon. 

A map of all the locations in the United States where nuclear weapons are kept - some are actually within major cities
A map of all the locations in the United States where nuclear weapons are kept - some are actually within major cities
America has ten different locations in which it stores its nuclear weapons, including the Kirtland Underground Munitions Maintenance And Storage Complex, which is inside the New Mexico city of Albuquerque.
This is actually the largest complex in the world, and its underground space stretches across 28,000 square metres and has room for a fifth of the globe's supply of nukes.
The video, uploaded to YouTube by the RealLifeLore channel - points out that the bombs are disarmed and taken to another compound in Amarillo - suggesting anyone who has driven that route may have been metres away from a bomb without knowing it. 
Another site just 18 miles from the Seattle, while there are hundreds of silos around North Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado containing missiles ready to be launched at the President's command. 

A map of Europe shows there is a fair chance that you have probably been within striking distance of a nuke
A map of Europe shows there is a fair chance that you have probably been within striking distance of a nuke

The closest of these is 77 miles from Denver, while other areas where missiles are stored include one 55 miles from Kansas City, Missouri and another 32 miles from Jacksonville, Florida.


The main storage sites in the UK are 42 miles southwest of London, at the Atomic Weapons Establishment in the Berkshire village of Aldermaston, and 27 miles northwest of Glasgow, at the naval base of HMNB Clyde.

America also keeps weapons in various locations across Europe - and the video highlights that some of these are not too far away from major cities.
These include a site in Rotterdam, an area 43 miles from Venice, sites 52 miles from Milan and Cologne, one 53 miles from the Belgian capital, Brussels.
Russia's 7,300 weapons are kept in top-secret locations but the video speculates that these are spread across the country but located within close proximity to Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladivostock and Saratov.

Known and possible locations in Russia

Just last month Vladimir Putin unveiled chilling pictures of its largest ever nuclear missile, capable of destroying an area the size of France.


The RS-28 Sarmat missile, dubbed Satan 2 by Nato, has a top speed of 4.3 miles (7km) per second and has been designed to outfox anti-missile shield systems. 

BROKEN ARROWS - or lost nukes
Also highlighted are the nuclear weapons that have been lost by the America and Russia - many of which are still unaccounted for, having lost 11 and 40 respectively.
Several were being transported by planes which crashed, including an instance in North Carolina, when one bomb ended up in a tree and another lodged itself in the ground without exploding.

Following a plane crash over North Carolina, one bomb ended up in a tree and another lodged itself in the ground without exploding

Following a plane crash over North Carolina, one bomb ended up in a tree and another lodged itself in the ground without exploding  

Four were dropped over Greenland, while another is still reportedly sat on the ocean floor off the coast of Georgia.  
The video speculates that if this bomb was to be triggered by something underwater, it could create a wave big enough to kill the 146,000 residents in the city of Savannah. 
The video speculates that if this lost bomb was to be triggered by something underwater, it could create a wave big enough to kill the 146,000 residents in the city of Savannah
The video speculates that if this lost bomb was to be triggered by something underwater, it could create a wave big enough to kill the 146,000 residents in the city of Savannah
The video was uploaded with the description: 'Nuclear weapons are terrifying in two ways.
'What they're capable of, and how close they may actually be located to you. You may have spent your entire life living near one and never knew about it, or maybe not. 
'Either way if you want to put your mind at ease or want to get freaked out by it, then this video will tell you with "reasonable" accuracy of where most nuclear weapons are located in the world. 

Possible locations of Israeli nukes in the Negev desert.

The map also shows the believed location of nuclear weapons in Russia (top), Israel (middle), and Pakistan and India (bottom)
The believed location of nuclear weapons in Pakistan and India 

'Some however, nobody knows of which means that technically... some could be located just about anywhere!' 


And many people commenting were shocked at what they had seen.

One said: 'how tf do you lose a nuke. that's a whole new level of irresponsible.'
Another added: 'I live in Rotterdam and didn't even know there is a nuke here.'
An unperturbed third commented: 'I live in Kansas City and I'm really not that worried.' 




RUSSIA: 7,300
USA: 6,970
CHINA: 260 
UK: 215
INDIA: 115
ISRAEL: 60-400 (suspected, undeclared)
NORTH KOREA: 15 (suspected, undeclared) 



  • Russia is readying itself to become a leader in the construction of hypersonic aircraft, a new report reveals.
  • Kremlin-backed media claim engineers in the Federation are among the first in the world to work towards new materials for planes capable of reaching hypersonic speeds.
  • The move could help Russia produce a new fleet of aerial war machines that could launch nuclear attacks from space.
  • Aviation researchers are reportedly working to develop the materials which can withstand the stress and high temperatures of travelling many times the speed of sound.



More articles on the subject of
nuclear weapons and energy on this blog


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