
Friday, December 30, 2016


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Elderly horse named Bubbles hides among a pack of rescued mini donkeys to escape slaughter
Old, with frostbitten ears, and probably abused most of his life.  But his spirit was strong, and so Bubbles used his horse sense - and his sixth sense as well -  to sneak away from a horrible fate and into the loving hearts of animal rescuers.
    They took him to the organization's 120-acre ranch in Frisco
  • Bubbles was being kept at a kill lot with the mini donkeys in North Texas 
  • Becky's Hope Horse Rescue arrived to save some of the donkeys from death 
  • Bubbles saw his way out and strolled right up to the nonprofit's trailer
  • He waited for the donkeys and the rescue workers saw he wanted to 'blend in'
  • Rescuers decided to pay $450 for Bubbles; he is now living on the Frisco ranch
An elderly horse named Bubbles staged a swift escape from a kill lot that would make any action hero proud when he tried to hide himself in a pack of mini donkeys. 
Bubbles was destined for slaughter in Mexico when Becky's Hope Horse Rescue rolled up to rescue a few of the mini donkeys also being kept at his Texas kill pen.
The horse, who is believed to be near 30 years old, ignored a number of the lot's employees and strolled right up to the trailer, which he knew would take him to safety.
'He was intent that this was his ride out there,' Becky's Hope Horse Rescue wrote in a post about Bubbles on their Facebook page.   'We stood there staring as this old guy with crumbled ears from frostbite waited patiently for the group of mini donkeys to catch up so he could jump on the "freedom trailer" out of there'. 
Sue Chapman, president of the nonprofit, said she believed Bubbles thought no one would notice him if he mixed in with the mini donkeys. 
Continue reading, see more images of Bubbles and the donkeys, and watch VIDEO

The women (pictured) paid $450 so that Bubbles  could live the rest of his days on the ranch
The rescuers reassure Bubbles he is safe now
Bubbles quickly won the hearts of president Sue Chapman and volunteer Lari McConegly, who couldn't bear to leave him behind'He's like "I'm just one of them"'. Got on the trailer with them, stood there like "you don't see me", and kept his head kind of down,' she told CBS DFW
Bubbles quickly won the hearts of Chapman and volunteer Lari McConegly, who couldn't bear to leave him behind. 
'This sweet, old man won our hearts the minute he decided it was the perfect time to escape the kill lot,' the Facebook post read. 
'I couldn't have slept that night, there's no way I could have driven away without him,' Chapman later added in a Facebook video she posted with Bubbles
The women paid $450 to keep Bubbles and brought him to the 120-acre ranch in Frisco. 
Bubbles adapted instantly to his new home, where he still continues to hang out with his mini donkey cohorts. 
'He is adjusting so well, its as if he knew that this rescue was where he belonged all along,' Becky's Hope spokesperson Sarah McGregor told The Dodo
Becky's Hope Horse Rescue rolled up to rescue a few of the pen's mini donkeys and Bubbles strolled right up to the nonprofit's trailer and tried to mix in as if he belonged 
Bubbles trying to blend in with his rescued donkey friends
'He loves attention, loves grazing and getting special treats.' 
Chapman said there will be an 'uphill climb' helping Bubbles get more weight on, but she hopes to soon have him hanging out with the other senior horses.
McConegly (pictured with Bubbles) said several employees at the kill lot tried to make Bubbles turn around, but he completely ignored them and headed for the trailer 
McConegly (pictured with Bubbles) said several employees at the kill lot tried to make Bubbles turn around, but he completely ignored them and headed for the trailer
Meanwhile, Bubbles' incredible story has quickly gone viral and touched hearts all around the world. 
More than 5,000 people liked the nonprofit's original Facebook post about Bubbles and donations have been pouring in for the organization. 
 'I’ve never had that happen,' Chapman said. 
'People from all over the world are sending five dollars from Japan, five dollars from Germany, fifteen dollars from England the other day.' 
The additional money has already been used to rescue two horses like Bubbles. 
Bubbles adapted instantly to his new home, where he still continues to hang out with his mini donkey cohorts (pictured at Becky's Hope ranch) 
Bubbles adapted instantly to his new home, where he still continues to hang out with his mini donkey cohorts (pictured at Becky's Hope ranch)

Bubbles with his fans
It's great to feel loved at last

This elderly horse named Bubbles who was destined to be slaughtered in Mexico saved himself from a Texas kill lot when he tried to hide in a pack of mini donkeys 
Bubbles is gaining weight
and enjoying his retirement at the rescue ranch.




Bare Naked Islam

The Dodo - I just discovered this website.  Lots of good animal news stories.

Daily Mail



More beautiful horse stories on this blog

The animals belong to several ranches along the Camargue, a natural region located south of Arles, France

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