
Tuesday, December 13, 2016


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Democrats' Subversion and Violation of US Laws, and their Encouragement of Divisive Identity Politics, turning the USA into a Banana Republic
 By Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig
Democrats have imported not only third world migrants, but also third world political corruption and violent intolerance at a time when the US was healing from a past of racism and discrimination.
Obama encouraged non-citizens to vote
You may remember this video from just before the election when a young woman, presumably a 'dreamer,' asks Obama what will happen to non-citizens if they vote.  Obama reassures her that nothing at all will happen to those who break the voting laws of the USA. 
Watch VIDEO:
In other words, Obama tells her to go ahead because his administration is not enforcing the laws of the country.  This assertion came from the Commander in Chief, who solemnly swore:
to faithfully the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States.
Open Borders
The Obama administration has refused to protect the border with Mexico, allowing millions of illegal migrants from all over the world - many with links to the drug trade or to Islamic terror - to flood the country.  It has also refused to enforce immigration laws, allowing aliens with expired visas or no visa whatsoever, to remain in the country. 

Demanding ID to vote is regarded as racist
The Obama administration has used every means possible against states that want to enforce voting laws by demanding proper ID.  How could some citizens manage to live, work, and obtain benefits in the United States without a valid ID is a mystery.
This lack of enforcement of voting laws allows anyone to vote and to do it as many times as they want.   Here is the video of a journalist with Project Veritas who did just that to demonstrate how easy it is to commit voter fraud.  She approached a polling station and said her name was Huma Abedin, the same name of Hillary Clinton`s assistant and intimate confidant.  No ID required in New York City. 
Watch hidden camera video here:
The Democrats` practice of busing large groups of non-citizens migrants from voting station to voting station has been exposed many times. 
Unfortunately, Donald Trump in an unwise attempt at healing political wounds, chose not to denounce millions of fraudulent votes in this election and to demand a recount in the most suspect locations.
Trump underestimated the malevolence of his opponents. 
Sensing weakness, the Democrats have launched a vicious campaign to delegitimize Trump`s victory with demands for vote recounts, and accusations of Russian interference in the process.
Even if Russia had helped leak compromising emails to Wikileaks, for which there is no actual evidence, it is the actual content of those Democrat emails that sent chills to rational voters, who chose Trump over Hillary to avoid more of the same Democrat dishonesty and corruption.
Before and after the election Obama sat and watch the choreographed eruption of leftist street violence, and refused to call an end to it.  Some American cities truly resembled a Banana Republic with mobs of violent demonstrators attacking Trump supporters, burning American flags, and vandalizing property.
The current Democrat  and Republican establishment treasonous campaign to hijack the election away from Trump by harassing and threatening members of the Electoral College, and by charging Russia interference in the voting process, is the latest salvo in years of Democrat work to transform American society and political institutions to suit their agenda, which is to govern and control the country indefinitely. 
VIDEO by Paul Joseph Watson:  the Coup against Trump
Third World Politics arrive in the United States

Continue reading

Instead of implementing policies that would better the country, thus ensuring political longevity, Democrats took a shortcut.  They used the Divide and Conquer strategy manipulating minorities` perception of acute victimhood, while demonizing people most likely to vote for the opposition.   Tyrants do this in third world countries, by inciting tribes or religious groups against each other.
Obama, who was elected to help heal past racial divisions in the country, implemented policies aimed at exacerbating them.   Today there are multiple random violent attacks by blacks against whites.  They just don`t get reported by the corrupt mainstream media.    New Hispanic arrivals are openly anti-American, waving Mexican flags and burning American ones.
Obama has exposed his pro-Muslim bias by importing millions of Muslims and by refusing to deport Muslim students who have overstayed their visas.  Obama has consistently defended Islam after every act of terror and carnage perpetrated in the name of that religious ideology.
The Obama administration weaponized the IRS, using it to over-scrutinize the taxes of individuals and organizations that disagree with the Democrat agenda, such as libertarians, nationalists, populists, and pro-life activists.

Democrats also weaponized the mainstream media, which went happily along with it.  NPR is Obama`s own Radio Pravda, as it dutifully propagandizes his agenda day after day.  Print and TV media have done the same.  In this last election they went viciously against Trump, to the extent of creating fake news to defame him and his supporters.  Now, in a truly Orwellian way, they accuse those who expose the truth as `fake news outlets`. 
All of the above and much more reflects the sad reality seen in third world countries.  This situation has been developing gradually, and the country is unrecognizable compared to 2008, when Obama was elected in a wave of good will.
Had voters in 2008 paid more attention to Obama`s biography, they might have sensed he was not the man to heal American society.  His background included growing up in Muslim countries attending Muslim schools, being under the influence and indoctrination of extreme leftist ideologues in the US, and attending a black supremacist, US-hating 'Christian' church.
If the Democrat and Republican establishments manage to deprive Trump of the presidency he won fair and square, Americans will be guilty of allowing third world politics to take permanent root in the country.  The United States has entered a new and dangerous era, and citizens must not only be vigilant, but ensure that Banana Republic politics will no longer be tolerated.
In the end, a country gets the government it deserves.
For more information on Project Veritas - exposing voting fraud and other violations of the democratic process
Project Veritas hidden camera videos

- The media censors news that expose black racist violence against whites, Asians and Jews. 
 - The media prefers to impose their narrative of blacks as victims instead of perpetrators 
- WATCH VIDEOS and read columns by author COLIN FLAHERTY on the epidemic of black racist violence in America



Investigative reporter Colin Flaherty has been covering this subject for years. 

His YouTube account was terminated for daring to expose facts about the epidemic wave of black on white violence in the USA.

Here are some videos on the subject posted by another YouTube account:

COLIN FLAHERTY`s columns published by the website American Thinker:


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