
Thursday, December 8, 2016

BIBLICAL STORM CLOUD PROTECTS ISRAELIS FROM ISIS IN THE GOLAN HEIGHTS - Read also about other miracles in Israel in times of war - Read about the ancient Jewish history of the Golan, and how the Israeli border separates civilization from Muslim on Muslim carnage

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'The divine intervention of God!' Bizarre dust and rain cloud forms a barrier between ISIS and Israel on the Syrian border 
The cloud seemed to almost hover over the fence which the Israelis have constructed in occupied Syria, along the 1967 ceasefire line

  •  On November 27 two ISIS fighters were killed during an attack on Golan Heights
  •  Four days later a cloak of dust and rain suddenly appeared on the frontier
  •  Israeli forces liberated the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967 
  • The Arab side of the Golan is a cauldron of terror.  The Israeli side has been peaceful enough.  There are Arab and Jewish towns, good conservation efforts for wildlife, and it's a favorite tourist destination for Israelis.
  • A picture taken in January shows the Nimrod Fortress in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights
  • Syria along with the United States and other western allies have been demanding the surrender of the Golan to Syria for several decades, in spite of the fact that the Syrian government can't even exercise control over its own cities.  
  • If Israel had surrendered the Golan, as the USA still demands, it would be now part of ISIS territory.  The same thing can be said of a possible surrender of Judea and Samaria (West Bank). 
  • Every piece of land Israel has ceded "for peace" has become dominated by terrorists.
  • Gaza is now controlled by Hamas and the Sinai is a cauldron of terrorists from ISIS and other terror groups which the Egyptian government is unable to control.
  • golanme
    This map illustrates how Muslims don't really need any more land in the Mideast.  They want the Jews out, and Israel just another area dominated by Muslim corruption and terror.  Muslims, originally from the Arabian peninsula (today Saudi Arabia), invaded these areas in the 7th century, obliterating the Christian population.  Jordan was a country ILLEGALLY created by the British out of Jewish land during their Mandate for Palestine in the early 20th century.
  • The continuous existence of tiny Israel - in spite of a world-wide campaign of  delegitimization and hate, and being surrounded by millions of genocidal Muslims who have attacked it THREE times since 1948 with the aim of perpetrating another Holocaust - is nothing but a miracle..
  • On top of that Israel has a fifth column of disloyal Israeli Arabs, an anti-Jewish leftist media, and a contingent of leftist Jewish traitors (some of them in positions of power) busy agitating and undermining the country.  
  • This latest strange occurrence is one of many that have been ascribed to God's intervention in protecting and saving Jews in times of war since Israel's independence.  Read more about these miracles further down this page.
    ISRAEL - A huge cloud of dust and rain blew up along the border between Israel and ISIS last week, sparking online comments that it was a biblical storm.
    Four days after ISIS fighters attacked an Israeli patrol in the Golan Heights - which were liberated by Israel in 1967 - the bizarre meteorological phenomenon suddenly appeared.   Eyewitnesses said the storm seemed to stop at the boundary and be unable to enter the Golan Heights, which tower above the rest of Syria.

    Continue reading, including a history of Jewish Golan, news stories of past Israeli miracles in times of war, and WATCH VIDEO of this cloud over Golan phenomenon.  See also images of the Israeli Golan, nature spots, and Jewish cowboys




    Footage of the dust barrier was uploaded onto Facebook by Israel News Online.   They wrote: 'A weather phenomenon occurred at 8am Thursday on the other side of the Syrian border, in the same place where ISIS attacked Israel.   This strange storm of what appears to be dust, cloud and rain did NOT cross the border fence into Israel. It sat like a barrier between ISIS and Israel.'

    Eric Crane posted on Israel News Online's Facebook page: 'It's a long shelf cloud. Nothing more. Saw it more times than I can count while living in Kansas'

    Deborah Van Dam posted: 'Absolutely the divine intervention of God protecting Israel. Amen!'
    Israeli Defence Force soldiers can be seen staring in amazement and taking photographs of the huge duststorm cloud

    Anna Rider Pollutro added: 'That is God. Israel is the Apple of His eye. Those who hate Israel God hates, those who love Israel God loves. He will defend Israel at all times. Nothing can tear her down. When God is for you nothing can stand against you.'
    IDF Col. Ofer WinterMIRACLE IN THE GAZA WAR - ISRAELI SENIOR COMMANDER DESCRIBES MYSTERIOUS CLOUD that shrouded his men during attack as divine protection 
    Photo:  Commander Ofer Winter
    Also read a summary of other astounding miracles in the Israeli battlefield  

    God-changes-path-of-rockets-jewish-telegraph-600MORE MIRACLES IN THE GAZA WAR

     - Sudden wind veers Hamas rocket away from Israel and into the sea when Iron Dome twice fails to intercept 

     - Read of other miracles in this Gaza war and during the Six Day War




     - Israeli soldiers found themselves face to face with a woman suicide bomber. 

    -   One of the soldiers began to say a Jewish prayer.

    -  Upon hearing it, the woman started to tremble and hesitate. Once disarmed, she turned out to be the daughter of a Jewish woman held captive by Palestinians



    • The Jewish roots of the Golan are demonstrated by history, and they date back thousands of years.
    • Muslim Syria's claim to the Golan are illegitimate, since Islam invaded and conquered this region, along with Israel, in the 7th century. 
    • Until World War I it was the Muslim Ottoman Turks who ruled this area. 
    • They were defeated in the war by the British, who were tasked by the League of Nations (predecessor to the United Nations) with the Mandate for Palestine. 
    • The British betrayed this Mandate by giving the Golan to Syria, and by using Jewish land for the creation of a brand new country:  Jordan.
    • The British also took sides in the Arab terror campaign against Jews throughout their Mandate years, and facilitating the 1948 Arab uprising aimed at driving Jews into the sea.  
    • In that 1948 war against the infant State of Israel Arab armies of several neighboring nations invaded Israel.  They ordered the Arab residents to flee to make it easier for them to perpetrate a second Holocaust.
    • Those Arabs who fled became "refugees" and "victims" of the Jews, when in fact they were in some way failed accomplices of a genocide against the Jews.

    On November 27 Israeli forces in the Golan Heights were attacked for the first time by ISIS fighters. Four days later the mysterious dust cloak appeared along the frontier
    Map by Daily Mail 





    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has not been in full control of his country since the Syrian uprising began in 2011. The dictator has been having trouble securing territory from the Islamic State and the witches brew of moderate and extremist rebels that have set up strongholds throughout the country.

    By Aaron Klein from Jerusalem

    (This report is from April 17, 2016)
    Assad should be thankful for a seat at the bargaining table at this month’s international Syria peace talks; he should not be farcically demanding that talks must include an agreement in which the Golan Heights is considered occupied territory to be handed over to his unstable regime.
    The Israeli Golan is an island of civilization  On the Syrian side of the border there are daily massacres, starvation, disease, and even cases of ritual cannibalism among 'rebels'
    If the U.S., Russia, or any other country actually entertains Assad’s delusions on this issue and asks that Israel give up strategic, mountainous territory that looks down on Israeli population centers and was twice used by Syria to launch wars against it, such thinking would expose that country as openly hostile to the existence of the Jewish state.
    Indeed, the Golan Heights, which contains historic Jewish landmarks, is a critical asset for the defense of Israel. And there are many misconceptions about the Golan’s alleged ties to Syria, so let me try to set some of those straight

    The Heights was twice used by Syria – in 1967 and 1973 – to mount invasions of Israel. During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Syria temporarily overran the Golan Heights in a surprise attack before being repulsed by Israeli forces, with Israel capturing the territory. The Jewish state officially annexed the Golan Heights on December 14, 1981.
    JALAA MAREY/AFP/Getty Images
    At a historic special cabinet session convened in the Golan Heights on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rightfully announced that the territory will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty. He used the occasion to say that he transmitted that same message to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, hinting that the U.S. was considering Assad’s demands on the Golan.

    Many people don’t realize that the Golan Heights has actually been under Israeli control longer than the 19 years it festered under Syrian rule. It is Israel’s quietest border. The Jewish state is a stabilizing factor in the Syria-Israel-Lebanon triangle.  Israel is the only country in that axis that fully controls its own territory as opposed to sections of land being held by extremists in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    Netanyahu stated as much on Sunday when he explained the differences in the way the Golan has been governed under Israeli control:
    In the 19 years that the Golan Heights was under Syrian occupation, it was used for bunkers, barbed wire fences, and war. In the 49 years that the Golan has been under Israeli rule, it has been used for agriculture, tourism, economics, and peace. In the turbulent region that surrounds us, Israel is the stabilizing factor. It is the solution and not the problem. Many nations in the region recognize this.
    Netanyahu also accurately highlighted the oft-ignored Jewish historic ties to the Golan: “The Golan was an integral part of the Land of Israel in ancient times. That is documented by dozens of ancient synagogues around us. And the Golan is an integral part of the State of Israel in the present time.”
    I previously pointed to recent Jewish Golan history that seems to have been forgotten by the international community, including details that Syria stole land from Golan Jewish farmers:
    Even when Syria shortly held the Golan, some of it was stolen from Jews. Tens of thousands of acres of farmland on the Golan were purchased by Jews as far back as the late 19th century. The Turks of the Ottoman Empire kicked out some Jews around the turn of the century.
    But some of the Golan was still farmed by Jews until 1947, when Syria first became an independent state. Just before that, the territory was transferred back and forth between France, Britain, and even Turkey, before it became a part of the French Mandate of Syria.

    When the French Mandate ended in 1944, the Golan Heights became part of the newly independent state of Syria, which quickly seized land that was being worked by the Palestine Colonization Association and the Jewish Colonization Association. A year later, in 1948, Syria, along with other Arab countries, used the Golan to attack Israel in a war to destroy the newly formed Jewish state.
    The Golan, steeped in Jewish history, is connected to the Torah and to the periods of the First and Second Jewish Temples and beyond.
    The Jewish Virtual Library documents:
    In Biblical times, the Golan Heights was referred to as “Bashan”; the word “Golan” apparently derives from the biblical city of “Golan in Bashan,” (Deuteronomy 4:43, Joshua 21:27). The area was assigned to the tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 13:29-31).
    In early First Temple times (953-586 BCE), the area was contested between the northern Jewish kingdom of Israel and the Aramean kingdom based on Damascus. King Ahab of Israel defeated Ben-Hadad I of Damascus near the site of Kibbutz Afik in the southern Golan (I Kings 20:26-30), and the prophet Elisha prophesied that King Jehoash of Israel (reigned c. 801-785 BCE) would defeat Ben-Hadad III of Damascus, also near Kibbutz Afik (11 Kings 13:17).
    In the late 6th and 5th centuries BCE, the region was settled by returning Jewish exiles from Babylonia (modern Iraq). In the mid 2nd century BCE, Judah Maccabee and his brothers came to the aid of the local Jewish communities when the latter came under attack from their non-Jewish neighbors (I Maccabees 5). Judah Maccabee’s grandnephew, the Hasmonean King Alexander Jannai (reigned 103-76 BCE) later added the Heights to his kingdom.
    The Library also reports that the Golan hosted some of the most important houses of Torah study in the years following the Second Temple’s destruction and subsequent Jewish exile; some of Judaism’s most revered ancient rabbis are buried in the territory. The remains of some 25 synagogues from the period between the Jewish revolt and the Islamic conquest in 636 have been excavated. The Golan is also dotted with ancient Jewish villages.



    Peace and stability have prevailed along the Israeli-Syrian border since 1974 

    The IDF positions on the Golan Heights provide strategic and tactical parity with Syrian army.

    Strategic parity is created by the presence of the Israeli army only 60 km from Damascus, a constant deterrent to any Syrian aggression. The peace and serenity of the Israeli-Syrian border since 1974 testify to this.
    Tactical parity is created by the topographical structure of the Golan. In the south, the deep canyons of the Yarmuch and the Rakad rivers form an impassible natural barrier to armored vehicles, and a formidable shield against infantry. Therefore a relatively small number of troops in a few outposts can secure this front.
    In the east and north the defense line is formed by a mountain range stretching from Mt. Saki to Mt. Hermon in the north. There are a limited number of natural passes, which Syria would have to use in the case of invading Israel.

    Due to this topography, the Israeli soldiers posted on mountain peaks routinely monitor the Syrian side for any military buildup, enabling a swift IDF response to any such development. 
    From Biblical times to the modern Zionist era the Golan has borne a Jewish identity

    Gamla, built in 81 BCE by the Hasmonean king Alexander Yannai, was the capital of the Golan for 150 years. In 66 CE, during the Great Revolt against Rome, Gamla joined Jerusalem. In his book, The Wars of the Jews, Josephus Flavius writes about the heroic fight of the Jews during a month long siege. The end was tragic: the Romans killed 4,000 Jews and another 5,000 were killed fleeing from the slope. Only two women survived.

    One of the coins found in the archeological excavations here is imprinted in ancient Hebrew:

    "For the Redemption of Jerusalem the Holy".

    Gamla fell in the year 67. Since 1967 the Golan has been Jewish once again.
    Um el-Kanatir was a wealthy Jewish village based on the industry of whitening linen in a nearby spring, where 3 monumental arcs adorn the pools. The synagogue, built in the 5th century AD and destroyed in the earthquake in 749, was excavated using a computerized crane, and is now under careful restoration. A genuine Holy Ark Bimah (platform for Torah reading), made of smooth basalt stones, was found at the site.
    Ancient Qatzrin in the central Golan was a large Jewish village spread over 5 acres during the Talmudic Period. An authentic basalt lintel found at the site prompted archeological excavations, which uncovered a magnificent synagogue, built entirely of hewn stones. Jewish life thrived in the village for 350-400 years until it was destroyed by the earthquake of 749 AD.

    The modern town established in 1977 near the old city, chose the name Qatzrin as a tribute to the ancestors, and the continuation of Jewish life in the Golan.

    Syrian Aggression against Israel

    Syria became an independent state in 1946, inheriting its borders from the French Mandate. In May 1948, with the establishment of Israel, Syria was the first to attack the newborn state from the Golan Heights.
    Throughout the 1950's and 1960's, Syria's constant aggression against Israelis living in the Galilee resulted in a generation of children who grew up sleeping in bomb shelters. During the six day war, Israel, in response to Syria's massive artillery attacks, captured the Golan Heights. After the war the Syrians rejected the Israeli offer to return the Golan in exchange for peace.
    Assad Dynasty
    In 1970 Hafez al-Assad seized the Baath Party, which has controlled Syria since 1963. Under his leadership Syria invaded Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, and was defeated. In June 2000 Hafez appointed his son Bashar as his successor. Bashar supports militant terror groups that carry out attacks against Israel.
    Draconian measures against the majority
    Syria is home to diverse ethnic and religious groups, including Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, Alawite Shias and Druze, as wall as Arab Sunnis who comprise 70% of the population.
    The Assad Dynasty belongs to the Alawites (11% of Syrian population). The majority Sunni Muslims feel that they are not represented. They will never forget 1982, when Hafez al-Assad gave the order to use all force against the uprising in the city of Hama. The Syrian army brutally killed 20,000-40,000 men, women and children, and completely destroyed the old city.

    The Israeli Golan region now produces great wines



    In Biblical times, the Golan Heights was referred to as "Bashan;" the word "Golan" apparently derives from the biblical city of "Golan in Bashan," (Deuteronomy 4:43, Joshua 21:27). The area was assigned to the tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 13:29-31).

    In early First Temple times (953-586 BCE), the area was contested between the northern Jewish kingdom of Israel and the Aramean kingdom based on Damascus.

    King Ahab of Israel (reigned c. 874-852 BCE) defeated Ben-Hadad I of Damascus near the site of Kibbutz Afik in the southern Golan (I Kings 20:26-30), and the prophet Elisha prophesied that King Jehoash of Israel (reigned c. 801-785 BCE) would defeat Ben-Hadad III of Damascus, also near Kibbutz Afik (11 Kings 13:17).

    In the late 6th and 5th centuries BCE, the region was settled by returning Jewish exiles from Babylonia (modern Iraq).

    In the mid 2nd century BCE, Judah Maccabee and his brothers came to the aid of the local Jewish communities when the latter came under attack from their non-Jewish neighbors (I Maccabees 5).

    Judah Maccabee's grandnephew, the Hasmonean King Alexander Jannai (reigned 103-76 BCE) later added the Heights to his kingdom.

    The Greeks referred to the area as "Gaulanitis", a term also adopted by the Romans, which led to the current application of the word "Golan" for the entire area.

    Gamla became the Golan's chief city and was the area's last Jewish stronghold to resist the Romans during the Great Revolt, falling in the year 67 (see Josephus, The Jewish War, Chap. 13, Penguin edition).

    Despite the failure of the revolt, Jewish communities on the Heights continued, and even flourished; the remains of no less than 25 synagogues from the period between the revolt and the Islamic conquest in 636 have been excavated. (Several Byzantine monasteries from this period have also been excavated on the Heights.)

    The decisive battle in which the Arabs under Caliph Omar, crushed the Byzantines and established Islamic control over what is now Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, was fought in the Yarmouk Valley, on the southern edge of the Heights, in August 636. Organized Jewish settlement on the Golan came to an end at this time.
    In the 15th and 16th centuries, Druze began to settle in the northern Golan and on the slopes of Mt. Hermon.
    During the brief period of Egyptian rule (1831-1840) and in the ensuing decades, Sudanese, Algerians, Turkomans and Samarian Arabs settled on the Heights.
    The Turks brought in Circassians in the 1880's to fight against Bedouin brigands.
    The Jewish presence on the Golan was renewed in 1886, when the B'nei Yehuda society of Safed purchased a plot of land four kilometers north of the present-day religious moshav of Keshet, but the community -- named Ramataniya -- failed one year later. In 1887, the society purchased lands between the modern-day B'nei Yehuda and Kibbutz Ein Gev.
    This community survived until 1920, when two of its last members were murdered in the anti-Jewish riots which erupted in the spring of that year. In 1891, Baron Rothschild purchased approximately 18,000 acres of land about 15 km. east of Ramat Hamagshimim, in what is now Syria. First Aliyah (1881-1903) immigrants established five small communities on this land, but were forced to leave by the Turks in 1898.
    The lands were farmed until 1947 by the Palestine Colonization Association and the Israel Colonization Association, when they were seized by the Syrian army.
    Most of the Golan Heights were included within Mandatory Palestine when the Mandate was formally granted in 1922, but Britain ceded the area to France in the Franco-British Agreement of 7 March 1923. The Heights became part of Syria upon the termination of the French mandate in 1944.
    Continue reading Golan's history after 1948 here:
    Hexagon Pool, Israel
    The Hexagon Pool Israel Golan Heights
    The Hexagon Pool Israel Golan Heights
    The Hexagon Pool Israel Golan Heights
    It may look like a perfect scene from a Wild West film, with cattle being herded across vast plains by cowboys, but the violence near this ranch is all too real. 
    These Israeli cowboys are growing beef cattle on the Golan Heights just miles from the border with Syria, where a bloody civil war is raging.
    Israeli cowboy Shay Zerbib rides his horse as he moves his herd back to the Merom Golan ranch in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights
    The men work on the Merom Golan ranch, in the Israeli side, which is just a short ride from the ceasefire line between the two countries.
    It is a tense existence. As well as possible threats from neighbouring Syria and Lebanon, the Israeli army also use the land as live-fire training zones.
    The strategically important land used to tend the beef cattle is just miles from the ceasefire line between Israel and Syria

    This year, it became embroiled in the civil war when the Israeli army returned fire with Syrian rebels over no-man's land.  
    In May, there was also fire between the Israeli's and the Syrian army.
    The disputed plateau was captured by Israel from the Syrians in the 1967 Six Day War and in 1981 the Jewish state annexed the territory
    Despite the strategic region's proximity to war-torn Syria, it is still popular with tourists, who book treks across the land.
    Israeli cowboys have been growing beef cattle in ranches on the Golan Heights disputed strategic volcanic plateau for over 30 years.
    Israeli cowboys like Yechiel Alon (pictured) have worked the land in the disputed Golan Heights for 30 years
    Despite the tensions, the area is popular with tourists who are attracted by the opportunity to trek across the wild landscape
    The disputed plateau was captured by Israel from the Syrians in the 1967 Six Day War and in 1981 the Jewish state annexed the territory
    Cowboy Yechiel Alon walks with his horse after he finished moving his herd across miles of the disputed area
    Israeli cowboy Yechiel Alon uses similar methods and equipment that has been used for decades in the area
    A horse at dawn in the Merom Golan ranch in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights
    The cowboys live and work amid tensions with neighbour Syria



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