
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

TRUMP'S VICTORY AND HILLARY'S TEARS - IMAGES: International media headlines, and crowds in joyful celebration or in emotional meltdown

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  • Drudge Report's image summarizes better than any other the true spirit of this victory.  It wasn't really Trump's - as he well knows it - but that of American people of all races and beliefs revolting against a nefarious, arrogant, and nation-destructive globalist elite. 
  • An elite that uses a corrupt and compliant media as a tool to indoctrinate and manipulate the population. 
  • All-powerful George Soros and his minions were defeated by a man the establishment and the media had consistently dismissed with scorn. 
  • But this time the American people said:  Enough!   
The natural conclusion to Hillary's life of corruption, ruthless ambition, and complete absence of empathy for her fellow human beings. 
She leaves a trail of victims and disasters at home and abroad, a Middle East in flames, and a legacy of such depravity and corruption that it should forever discredit the notion that women make better leaders than men.
On the night of her defeat she did not even have the grace to appear in front of a sobbing crowd to thank them for their support.  True to character, that sad moment was all about her. 
That picture was captured as Trump and the Deplorables' victory appeared inevitable.    
Headlines around the world. 
Some of them are full of globalist bitterness:


See more images of international headlines (being UPDATED) - See also powerful images of the many emotional reactions of thousands of Americans who gathered to celebrate victory.  Trump's supporters did.  The others went into shock, or outright meltdown.

(Daily Mail)


'No you can't', says the front page of the New Zealand Herald Trump's victory has sent shockwaves across the world
 God forgive America

 The result has sent shockwaves across the world, with German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted Twitter: 'The world won't end, but things will get more crazy'

El Pais in Spain carried a picture of stunned Hillary Clinton supporters

'Trumped', declared the Daily News in Barbados


Trump's victory plunges the world into uncertainty, reports Le Figaro in France, whose ambassador to the US, Gerard Araud, wrote: 'A world is collapsing before our eyes'

France's Liberation newspaper ran with the headline 'Very Bad Trump', echoing concerns in the French administration over the Republican's election

France's Marxist Liberation newspaper ran with the headline 'Very Bad Trump', echoing concerns in the French administration over the Republican's electionFrance's Liberation newspaper has declared the election a 'Trumpocalypse'


News of Trump's election has been greeted with shock in Italy, whose Prime Minister Matteo Renzi had supported Hillary Clinton

Trump's victory has split experts across the world this morning, but Spain's Foreign Minister has cautiously welcomed the election result

Trump triumphs: The election result has been greeted with shock across Europe

Read more international media and leaders' reaction to Donald Trump's victory

Photo of Hillary Clinton crying on Election Night


  • There were no Afro-American riots on Election night.  Maybe the leadership will arrange some later on.
  • Blacks did not care much for that very wealthy, white, shrill woman who had never genuinely sympathized with the poor and downtrodden in all her years in public office, when her main agenda was to use her political power to enrich herself. 
  • Maybe after dutifully voting Democrat, they want to give the more human Trump a chance.  Trump made specific promises to improve Afro-American lives. 
  • And blacks and Latinos have nothing to gain from a tidal wave of migrants from Latin America and Muslim countries - an additional source of cheap labor that would lower wages across the country.
  • The true motivation of the elites in inviting millions of migrants is not compassion but their need for an ever growing source of cheap labor and votes for parties that offer them benefits.
  • Contrary to what the media and Hillary supporters proclaimed, this election was not really about race. 
  • Long established Hispanics do not want to see their country overrun with millions of illegal migrants who will raise the level of crime and exacerbate tensions between ethnic groups in the future. 
  • It is well known that criminal gangs are infiltrating across the border.
  • And some moderate Muslims were terrified of Hillary's promise to bring in millions of Syrians, with no effective vetting of their backgrounds.  In Britain fanatic Muslims are targeting the less devout for violence.
  • Fake IDs and passports are for sale in the Middle East, allowing rabid jihadis to penetrate the heart of American cities, all paid for by American taxpayers.
  • So, a surprising number of blacks, Hispanics and Muslims voted for Trump out of self interest and real concern for their country. 
See emotional scenes of triumph and defeat on Election night.

Caps off: Trump's success in the election was unexpected even by many of his supporters - so their growing elation as the night wore on was palpable, especially in his home state of New York

Tickled pink: Trump's supporters at the New York Hilton cheered on their leader's incredible victory

Time of the signs: This New Yorker found a way to stand out in a sea of red caps, thanks to his white Trump/Pence sign

Disaster: As Hillary Clinton continued to slide in the election results, her supporters across America began to look increasingly distraught. This was the moment it was announced that Trump was dominating Florida

Unbearable: Women who hoped America would see its first female president wipe the tears from their eyes in New York

Fetal floor: A woman at the Clinton HQ was left in the fetal position as Donald Trump continued to triumph in the election

Tears: Clinton supporters at her New York 'party on the easternmost side of Midtown Manhattan were reduced to tears as Donald Trump swept across the map, sucking up states for the Republican party

Thrilled: Trump's Midtown Manhattan party filled with cheers and excitement as his success became certain

Word on the street: Pro-Trump supporters also took to the streets in New York to show their enthusiasm for the candidate

In tears: Even Clinton supporters in the University of Sydney, Australia, were struck hard by her struggle

Deflated: A Clinton supporter in the New York can barely keep her head up

Elated: This NY Trump supporter is bursting with enthusiasm

See more images of emotional public reaction to Trump's victory



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