
Friday, November 4, 2016

SHOCKING VIDEOS - WIKILEAKS exposes campaign chairman JOHN PODESTA's invitation to SATANIC RITUALS - His fascination with the bizarre - HILLARY's own interest in the paranormal - DOES "STRONGER TOGETHER" include witchcraft and satanism?

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  • Human beings are wired to believe in God.  When liberals wage war on Christianity and Judaism, they leave room for all kinds of dark and twisted beliefs. 
  • Following are several videos on how Satanism has gone mainstream within Hillary's intimate circle.
  • John Podesta's connection to Satanism has been revealed by Wikileaks leaked emails. 
  • John Podesta is the campaign chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign - someone who has been very close to the Clintons for years. 
  • The link between some powerful people and dark magic is well known.  Hitler and his henchmen were fascinated by the occult. 
  • Hillary and Bill Clinton participated in voodoo rituals, as told in one of their books (as quoted by a video below). 
  • And Hillary herself is fascinated by the paranormal. 
  • Satanism is gaining ground, and it's even being taught at some post-secondary educational institutions as part of the multicultural curriculum - the same one that has waged war on Christian values. 
  • The following videos expose how John Podesta, his wife, and his brother were invited to a "spirit cooking" session with Marina Abramovic.  She is a well known practitioner of satanism. 
  • What she calls "spirit cooking" involves several body fluids such as blood, breast milk, urine, and semen as ingredients.  
  • She sometimes demonstrates these strange practices in public as "performance art"  (as shown on these videos), but  she is not limited to that. 
  • These and other bizarre practices are part of her life, and she even holds retreats for audiences interested in being initiated into them. 
  • These videos are disturbing and not recommended for sensitive people or children. 
VIDEO by journalist Paul Joseph Watson
Hillary Tied to Bizarre Occult "Spirit Cooking" Ritual  -  Hillary too is said to have been involved in paranormal practices       


  • The following video starts out with an overview of the Clinton scandals, all familiar facts.  But don't stop because the video soon starts to explore strange clues connecting the Podesta brothers and the Clintons with occult practices involving ritual cannibalism and other depravities.  Their favorite dark arts priestess is Marina Abramovic.  
  • Incidentally, Wikileaks discovered records that the Clinton Foundation paid Abramovic $10,000 for her services.  Not much, but you only need one payment to prove their association. 
  • The video then goes further into very disturbing facts and clues pointing to a shocking level of depravity in the Clinton circle. 
  • See how John Podesta has scarred and mangled fingers, consistent with Marina Abramovic's dark magic rituals of bleeding one's own fingers and drinking the blood (picture above)
  • See how John Podesta's brother has a headless sculpture in his home that is almost identical to the contorted pose in which Jeffrey Dahmer's headless victims were found.  Dahmer was a notorious mass murderer who also engaged in cannibalism and sex with his dead male victims.   
  • John Podesta has a painting in his home depicting human cannibalism.
  • As you watch this and other videos on this page you will realize that the Clinton-Podesta circle of friends may have engaged in  some of the activities mentioned above in relation with Ms Abramovic, and possibly in child sexual abuse as well - as suggested by Wikileaks memos.   

UPDATE:  November 5:  Alex Jones breaks down at the level of depravity at the highest levels of government in the USA.  More damning information on State Department emails still being revealed by Wikileaks.  Notice that Obama's Justice Department blocked NYDP from releasing shocking content of government emails police found in Anthony Weiner's laptop.
Haiti Children being trafficked - USA Politics Today - Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation could very well be connected to a known child abduction ring!  Earlier today a Reddit user released a host of connected WikiLeaks emails from Hillary Clinton that connects the Clinton Foundation to a child trafficking ring in Haiti after the disastrous earthquake.  (Read more further on this page.)
Watch more videos, and see links to articles on Hillary's own interest in the dark arts, and Podesta's fascination with cannibalism and his nude children picture collection.

VIDEO by Mark Dice - Hillary Clinton "Spirit Cooking" Satanic Ritual
VIDEO by Ezra Levant, Canadian lawyer and journalist - chief editor of The Rebel Media. 
Occult "Spirit Cooking" email reveals Podesta's "diabolical values" -  It shows crowds actually flocking to one of Marina Abramovic's satanic retreats. 

VIDEO WITH STEFAN MOLYNEUX discussing these disturbing developments and widespread corruption among powerful people with writers Mike Cernovich and Vox Day  


 READ MORE on this subject:
Bombshell: Hillary Clinton’s Satanic Network Exposed  Learn more about Hillary's demonic ties

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Art Depicting Cannibalism Hangs in Podesta’s Campaign Office
“It’s better to be the guy with the fork than the guy on the table"

Washington Post Hides Article About Podesta’s Nude Children Photo Collection

Podesta collects "documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes"
The Washington Post has removed an article in which Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s “art” collection was revealed to contain pictures of naked teenagers.
The 2004 article, archived online, includes comments from former Clinton administration official Sally Katzen in which she discusses the “awkwardness” of being at the Podesta’s home.
Read more

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Just Dropped A Nuke On Hillary! See Potential Clinton Foundation Child Trafficking Ring!
USA Politics Today - Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation could very well be connected to a known child abduction ring!  Earlier today a Reddit user released a host of connected WikiLeaks emails from Hillary Clinton that connects the Clinton Foundation to a child trafficking ring in Haiti after the disastrous earthquake.
Laura Silsby was the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge that was stopped at the Haitian and Dominican Republic border with 33 children that they claimed were all orphans.
None of the children had any kind of paperwork or documentation necessary for crossing borders or identification. Silsby and her cohorts tried to say that they were taking the children to a set up an orphanage.
After authorities investigated they realized that none of these children were orphans and that Silsby and her accomplices had stolen them during the chaos after the earthquake.
The story starts to get interesting after the Clinton Foundation helped Silsby and her accomplices out of trouble with the law on the means that they were doing “missionary” work.
The lawyer that represented Silsby and her accomplices was none other than a convicted human trafficker himself, one Jorge Puello Torres.
The story gets even more interesting after Huma Abedin emailed Hillary Clinton directly several times regarding Silsby and the “missionaries” that were arrested in Haiti.
There are also plans for the amount of money that it would cost to house the children from another released email titled “After the wheels are off the ground.”
Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin’s extreme interest and following of the incident are suspicious enough but the fact that the Clinton Foundation helped them get off by pressuring the authorities also points to them trying to cover their a**es.
Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton may very well be even worse than they already were known to be.



DAYTONA BEACH, FL - OCTOBER 29: Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign rally at Dickerson Community Center on October 29, 2016 in Daytona Beach, Florida. With less than two weeks to go until Election Day, Hillary Clinton is campaigning in Florida. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)BILL CLINTON'S CHIEF INVESTIGATOR "TERRIFIED OF HILLARY" - fears for his safety if she becomes president
- Hillary Clinton as FEMALE ARCHETYPE
 - How one of psychologist Carl G. Jung's archetypes may fit her

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