
Thursday, November 17, 2016

ARTIST ARRESTED AND THREATENED WITH FIVE YEARS IN JAIL FOR ANTI TERROR POSTERS at USA university - WATCH VIDEO with author and artist Oleg Atbashian who was never arrested by the Soviets for his activism, only by US police

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  • In today's United States you can't wear a Trump hat or express pro-Trump opinions in public without getting beaten up. 
  • You can't have pro-life, anti-abortion information booths on campus, since they have been outright banned. 
  • You can't speak out in favor of Israel in public without getting violently assaulted. 
  • And you can't lecture or attend meetings favorable to Israel on campus without a horde of Muslims and friends invading the venue and threatening participants who must flee for safety. 
  • That's how freedom of speech is dying in America, helped by authorities at all levels.
  • Media everywhere, particularly social media, are censoring anything that offends liberals and Muslims.  All other targets are OK.  Twitter allows calls for Trump's assassination but bans criticism of Jihad.

Oleg Atbashian, the mastermind behind The People’s Cube, was arrested last week for posting anti-jihad posters at George Washington University campus.
Police told us that the content of our posters was violent and disturbing to some students, especially the one with the Hamas terrorist standing in pools of blood over his dead victims. Such interpretation flipped our message on its head entirely, turning it from sympathy for the victims of violence into a threat of violence.
The magistrate set Oleg’s bail at $8,000 and he could face 5 years in jail for the anti-terror posters.
The former Soviet dissident and activist Oleg Atbashian was never arrested in the Soviet Union.  But it was in his new home in the Land of the Free, where he is deemed to deserve years of incarceration for his anti-jihad posters.
Selective enforcement is now the main tool of the modern tyrant. Laws are interpreted to prevent any kind of opposition to Marxist and Islamic domination of the culture and legal system.  Posters and other materials supporting far left wing causes and Islamic ones (that at times even promote genocide of Israelis, and Jews overall) can be found on campuses across North America.  Some universities even hold "Israeli Apartheid Week", something which, in Canada, would be a hate crime if it was targeted, for example, at Saudi Arabia. 
 Oleg Atbashian is a writer and graphic artist from the former USSR. Born and raised in Ukraine, he grew up believing in Communism and at one time worked as a propaganda artist, creating visual agitprop for the local Party committee in a Siberian town. He became disillusioned with the corruption and the hypocrisy of the socialist system and emigrated to the United States in 1994. His writings present a view of America and the world through the prism of his Soviet experience. He is the creator of, which Rush Limbaugh described on his show as "a Stalinist version of The Onion." His essays and satires have been translated into many languages and his graphics reproduced in various publications around the world. (Amazon).               
FrontPage News reported:
It’s not a story out of the Soviet Union though Oleg Atbashian, an artist, activist and commentator, had gotten in trouble for defying the authorities there too. 
“Back in my Soviet dissident days, when I was collecting signatures in defense of Andrei Sakharov, I was screamed at, threatened, and lectured by the KGB and Communist functionaries. What I never imagined was that in the United States, the land of the free, I would not only be subjected to similar treatment, but go to jail,” Oleg writes.
But that’s exactly what happened to him. 

Continue reading and watch VIDEO interview with Oleg Atbashian

Oleg’s mixture of art and satire took off with Communists for Kerry. He’s the mastermind behind The People’s Cube and his tweaking of the radical left and its alliance with Islamic terrorists allowed him to continue the same fight he had pursued in the days of the Soviet Union. But as the US comes to resemble the USSR, political satire and activism carries a serious price.
This is what happened to Oleg when he put up some of his Freedom Center posters challenging the anti-Semitic environment created by the left’s alliance with Islamic terrorists on campus.
This was supposed to be a two-day poster campaign, to counteract the George Mason University hosting an official national conference for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which is an anti-Semitic organization with well-documented ties to Hamas – a terrorist group whose stated goal is to exterminate the Jews. The GMU poster campaign was conceived by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. 
My part in it was to create provocative artwork for the posters and to hang them around the GMU campus, as well as to distribute flyers in order to raise awareness among the students, faculty, and the administration about the true meaning of their support for the SJP conference. 
On the first day, my friend and I placed a few stickers on walls, poles, and signs around the GMU campus. We also placed paper flyers inside and outside the university buildings. We had decided to hang the larger posters on the following night, right before the start of the SJP conference. 
Arriving at the campus in the evening, we noticed a large police presence everywhere, including the campus Starbucks. From what we overheard at the tables, the police were on the lookout for people posting “disturbing” flyers. At one point we considered canceling our mission due to this higher risk, but then decided to hang a few posters in new locations, in order to get the message out more effectively.
We only had time to hang three large posters when, at about 4am, our car was pulled over by a GMU PD cruiser with flashing lights. As we found out later, they already had a description of our rental KIA Optima. Officer M.J. Guston and his female partner, Officer Daniels, requested to see our drivers’ licenses, which they took away. Then they inquired if we had any weapons and proceeded with the visual search, noticing our bucket with mixed wallpaper paste and some rolled posters on the back seat, covered with towels. 
The police officers took pictures of the contents of our car and retrieved some of the loose fliers from the floor as evidence. They claimed that since we were covering the posters and flyers with towels, we intended to conceal our wrongdoing. We explained that the towels were needed to wipe our hands, to prevent the bucket from spilling, and to stop the papers from rolling around the car, which was the honest truth. 
The story sounds Kafkaesque. But it only gets more so.
Officer Daniels told us that the content of our posters was violent and disturbing to some students, especially the one with the Hamas terrorist standing in pools of blood over his dead victims. Such interpretation flipped our message on its head entirely, turning it from sympathy for the victims of violence into a threat of violence.
VIDEO - OLEG ATBASHIAN - former Soviet dissident, and now American dissident against Muslim terror anti-Semitism
Satirical website The People's Cube
Articles & Blog Posts by Oleg Atbashian
 (up to November 16, 2016)
Click here for updates


Other activists wanting to expose Muslim abuse of human rights and terror have also seen their posters banned.  It's as if authorities want to keep a veil (no pun intended) on the true nature of Islam.

MTA’s ban on anti-Muslim subway ads is legal, court rules
2012 - An ad paid for by the pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative in the Times Square subway station in September, 2012. An appeals judge upheld the decision that lets the MTA reject such ads.

killing Jews is worship
2015 - Pamela Geller: New York buses refuse AFDI pro-freedom ads, but must run ‘Muslim’ ads

One can't overestimate the importance of image branding. Hitler lost the war because of a weak branding strategy that failed to inspire and retain the sympathies of the world community. In spite of the best efforts by the Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, the Hitler brand was mostly associated with such trigger words as war, evil, destruction, violence, aggression, racism, bigotry, slavery, oppression, and death.

Since then the science of branding and public relations has progressed exponentially, helping the most disadvantaged candidates to win in the court of public opinion by hiring the best political technologists money can buy.
Those who would otherwise have a hard time retaining loyalty and support even from their mothers, can now easily become influential leaders, start and win wars, or take over the world if they so desire, as long as their brand has been correctly marketed to evoke such key words and phrases as peace, tolerance, diversity, togetherness, inclusiveness, multiculturalism , international friendship, building bridges, raising awareness, and strengthening communities.

In this sense, Adolf Hitler was a man who came too early. Had he and Goebbels been familiar with modern brand marketing, we would all be speaking German today. See example above and a larger sample below.
Students for Justice in Palestine are the most virulent promoters of hostile and violent actions against peaceful pro-Israel activism.
How the Students for Justice in Palestine is in fact a hate group aiming at terrorizing Jews on campus.  It's ultimate goal is the destruction of the State of Israel.  Were they advocating for any other cause, their rhetoric would be deemed genocidal hate speech. 
THE TOWER:  The risk to Jewish and pro-Israel students appears to be growing. Indeed, unless college administrators take a more active role in preventing it, SJP has a good chance of achieving its goal of turning venomous hatred of Israel and bullying of Jews and non-Jewish supporters—with all the violence and fear that inevitably accompany it—into a legitimate and accepted tactic on North American campuses.
SJP’s support for radical, distorted, and violent views extends into the realm of concrete policy as well. Despite its stated concern for justice and human rights, it opposes any kind of collaboration or coexistence with Israel or its supporters.
The SJP National website, for example, proffers what it calls “Anti-Normalization” information with links to articles that oppose working with Israel-associated organizations.
SJP also opposes the idea of a two-state solution—the only path to a final peace solution that today seems remotely plausible—and is quite hostile to the peace process in general. Radical-Left Israeli academic Ilan Pappe, for example, who opposes a two-state solution, celebrated the group’s national conference on the organization’s website by deriding “the attempt to reduce Palestine geographically and demographically under the guise of a ‘peace process.’”
Instead, he spoke approvingly of SJP as part of “a new popular and successful struggle to bring peace and reconciliation to the whole of Palestine.” In the lexicon of Palestinian nationalism, the “whole of Palestine” refers to all of what was British mandatory Palestine, thus implying the eradication of the State of Israel.
Read article in full
Instead of banning this racist and violent group, universities either ignore them, or maybe issue warnings when their acts get out of hand.
An anti-Israel student group responsible for a violent protest at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) has been issued a written warning, following the conclusion this week of a three-month investigation.  
Read more
More articles on the SJP as compiled by
the website CAMPUS WATCH



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