
Friday, November 11, 2016

ANGRY WHITE MALE THINKS WOMEN HAVE PROVED THEMSELVES UNDESERVING OF THE RIGHT TO VOTE - VIDEO - They vote according to feelings and not logic and patriotism - The embarrassing sight of women weeping at election results

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By Zbiegniew Zwgstkstwig
Women have had the right to vote in the USA since 1920, enough time of that experiment to ask ourselves, was it a good idea?  The answer is no.
In tears: Even Clinton supporters in the University of Sydney, Australia, were struck hard by her struggleAfter Donald Trump's victory: 
  • Fetal floor: A woman at the Clinton HQ was left in the fetal position as Donald Trump continued to triumph in the election Bunches of women with their arms around each other, weeping in public at Hillary Clinton's loss. 
  • Women in the fetal position sobbing uncontrollably.
  • Women in the streets vociferously demanding Hillary be given the presidency because they don't like the results of the election. 
  • Women students demanding time off from university classes to deal with their unbearable feelings of distress. 
What happened to "I am woman, I am strong" and all that jazz?   What about their claim of being at least as tough as men to tackle adversity?  What about their assumption of being more mature, more rational than men? 

Unhappy with the election outcome they throw tantrums and launch further attacks on Trump and the electoral process they embraced as long as they believed in victory. 
Continue reading and watch brutal VIDEO by Black Pigeon on how women destroy nations and entire civilizations

Before Hillary's defeat:
Hillary - The night of her defeat
They supported her in large numbers:  university educated or not, black, white and brown - they supported Hillary because she has ovaries instead of testes.  No other reason.  Not much in her platform was particularly appealing to women. 
In fact Hillary demonstrated over the years that her big love was not for feminism, or children, or even patriotism.  Her passion was enriching herself, and she did it not through any particular talent of hers, but through political machinations and selling her influence in the shadow of her husband.  Her tenure as senator was unremarkable, and as secretary of state a disgrace and an utter disaster.
Of all the females who have held office in the USA since women got the vote, Hillary was the most painfully embarrassing example of feminine machinations, corruption, deception, and bad judgment. 
And not much in her history demonstrated even a smidgen of compassion for women.  She was the defense attorney for a child rapist who had viciously raped a twelve year old virgin, leaving left her in a coma and unable to have children. 
Hillary knew he was guilty but to win the case she pounced on the girl's testimony and falsely claimed the child had somehow invited the attack.  Additionally there was mishandling of the evidence.  The rapist walked free, after spending barely a few months in jail.
Years later she held an interview with a journalist laughing and boasting at how she had done it.   The audio tape still exists.  During the campaign Hillary repeated again and again that ALL women claiming rape have "the right" to be believed.

She also turned mercilessly on women her husband Bill had raped or abused in some form.

READ MORE about the Kathy Sheldon rape case, and listen to the tape
Before Hillary's candidacy:
A majority of American women have supported candidates who promise to maintain or increase social services for single mothers.  This is generally regarded as the replacement of the traditional husband for the state as a provider.
Obviously no woman should stay with an abusive husband, but feminism has demeaned men to such an extent that it's a miracle that there are still men willing to marry women.  
To feminists men can never be good enough, and they won't stop demeaning them until they become almost like girls.  Men have become so disturbingly feminized that some of them define themselves as "feminists,"  which is the equivalent of turkeys wishing us all a "merry Christmas". 
Pathetic sons of feminist mothers: 
Dutch men wear skirts in solidarity with women raped by migrants. 

European men are even more feminized than American ones, and we see the tragic result when in the middle of a wave of migrant gang rapes on girls and children, men are conspicuously absent from any expression of outrage, or any attempt at protecting their children and wives from sexual assault. In other words, there are no real men willing to defend their families and their civilization.  Europe is being taken over by millions of migrants from countries that uphold a 7th century Arabian desert ideology of male dominance and political supremacy. 

And that brings us to a very important item:
Hillary Clinton was very clear promising that she would outdo Angela Merkel and bring millions of migrants from Asia, Africa and Latin America into the United States.  Millions.  
Although American women are somewhat aware of how men from Muslim countries  treat women and children, there was not a peep of dissent among Hillary supporters.  Hillary's most anti-feminist plan did not elicit female opposition.  On the contrary, women lashed out against those who opposed this mass migration as "racists" and "Islamophobes".  

European women voters have been crucial in the election and empowerment of left and center-left political parties that expanded the welfare state to assist not just citizens, but hordes of economic migrants as well.  Countries such as Sweden are now on a death spiral, unable to cope with both the funding of those foreign, mostly idle, populations, and with the ongoing migrant crime wave that has turned Eurpeans' lives into sheer hell.
Women supported the Labour Party in Britain, the same one that opened the gates to millions of Asian and African Muslims, and who are now taking over the country by intimidation and their sheer numbers.   Women did that.  They did it because they loved Labour Party policies that gave free stuff to single mothers. 

Women vote according to their feelings, giving less importance to logical thinking and knowledge of history and current events.  Feelings guide their decisions and voting patterns.   Women do even worse, according to the following video:  they are destroyers of civilizations. 

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