
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

AFRICAN MIGRANTS BATTLE EACH OTHER IN THE STREETS OF PARIS - HILLARY CLINTON wants to enrich the USA by bringing MILLIONS of migrants from Africa and the Middle East where violent conflict is ENDEMIC - Thousands are already infiltrating the USA through the unguarded southern border

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IF YOU DID NOT VISIT PARIS YEARS AGO, you're out of luck.  Paris, the city we dreamed of as youngsters, is gone.  Conquered.  Subjugated by imported crime and violence, with the once romantic streets rapidly morphing into a hellhole of Muslim violence and terror.  
  • Gangs of men wielding makeshift clubs are seen squaring up for another street battle in the Stalingrad Station district.  
  • This is not the first time that migrants from different tribes, nationalities, religions, or gang affiliation face each other in the streets of Paris, formerly known as the City of Light and the City of Love.
  • When not fighting each other or attacking tourists, they live in camps set up along the once beautiful Parisian boulevards.
  • French authorities show no interest in securing their borders.  They have been accused of having blood on their hands, as they allow the invasion to continue, with its resulting crime and terror, and the rape and murder of European citizens.  (See related article below)
  • Hillary Clinton has promised to have wide open borders, with no limit to immigration from the Middle East, Africa, Central America, and other places.  She calls it cultural enrichment (or more votes for the Democrats).
  • Already thousands of Africans and Mideast migrants have made their trek into the USA by infiltrating through the southern border, and are waiting for Hillary's amnesty.  (See article below.)

Dramatic pictures captured the moment a mass brawl broke out as migrants in Paris attacked each other with sticks

Continue reading, see more images, and access links to related articles

The national and municipal governments - both socialist -  keep welcoming migrants and opening up shelters for them, some in once safe residential areas.  They spread them out all over the country and the city of Paris, making sure that no area will be safe from imported crime and violence.
Pictures show men lunging at each other with makeshift clubs next to a row of tents in the Stalingrad district of the French capital last night
Muslim youth riot in the summer of 2014 in the Paris suburb of Sarcelles (Photo: © Reuters)ON THIS BLOG: 
- Philippe de Villiers says they have failed to protect French citizens from terror by keeping borders wide open, and by allowing the Muslim conquest and colonization of France
DROVES OF MUSLIM AFRICANS AND ASIANS wait in Mexico to enter the USA under OBAMA'S SECRET AGREEMENT with Mexico and Central American countries
- While Afro-Americans curse the USA as racist, millions of Africans would do anything to live here
Violence: Amid chaotic scenes, gangs of men were seen brandishing pieces of wood and squaring up for a street battle
The cause of the violence is not yet known, but it involved large groups of migrants camping in the Stalingrad district of Paris
Mass brawl: A group of men could be seen lunging at each other with long pieces of wood over night in Paris
It is interesting to note that some of the most gruesome genocides after the Second World War have occurred in the African continent, where the problem of tribal, political, and religious rivalries will never end. 
These populations have been conditioned from childhood to settle their differences through extreme violence.  Notions of democracy have failed to take root in a continent rife with corruption and violence at all levels.
African Genocides
- Blacks slaughtering blacks


1994 - Rwanda - 1,000,000 murdered
Blacks killing other blacks

The violence unfolded just hours after demolition workers supported by riot police began smashing up an illegal camp full of UK-bound migrants in Paris
The violence came in the wake of the destruction of the Calais Jungle which saw refugees transported to different areas of the country and the squalid encampment flattened
There had already been scuffles on Monday as mainly Afghans and Eritreans tried to save their possessions during the raid, which started soon after 8am
The brawl is believed to have taken place close to the Stalingrad Metro station in the north east of the French capital
Battle: The violence appeared to start near a group of tents in the Stalingrad area and spread on to the road
Ugly scenes: Men attacked each other with makeshift clubs during a night of violence in the French capital

Squaring up: Gangs of men could be seen brandishing sticks as tensions boiled over at the makeshift camp in the Stalingrad district
CRS riot police around Stalingrad said there would be a 'gradual operation' which is likely to go on all week until all the camps are gone
The men were seen fighting next to a covered area where tents had been erected. The violence happened days after the Calais Jungle was cleared by authorities
Retreat: A group of migrants carrying pieces of wood were seen walking away from the scene after the brawl
Police had earlier rounded up migrants and cleared away some of their tents in a makeshift camp in Paris as part of French government efforts to tackle the migrant crisis
Earlier moves to demolish a camp near the Stalingrad subway station, were marked by tension and confusion
Police and regional officials said the operation was aimed at verifying migrants' documents and sanitary conditions. They insisted it was not a full-scale evacuation, though city officials cleared away some tents along a canal
Tensions have been running high ever since the Calais Jungle was cleared by French authorities just days ago
Regional authorities say they have cleared out more than 19,000 migrants from Paris since June 2015
In Calais, authorities are finishing up the dismantling of a camp dubbed the Jungle which has come to epitomise Europe's migrant crisis


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