
Monday, October 24, 2016

US DEPT. OF JUSTICE TELLS AMERICANS NOT TO WATCH FOR VOTER FRAUD - DOJ falsely claims that poll watchers could be violating the law - This comes after Donald Trump called on voters to be extra vigilant to spot voter fraud - WATCH UNDERCOVER VIDEO with govt. official admitting to vote fraud

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In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City.  “Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York.  "You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID…Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulkin.


  • There seems to be no limit to the extremes this administration will go to protect traditional Democrat voter fraud, such as making it legal to vote without an ID. 
  • Now the Department of Justice says that poll watching may be illegal as a form of intimidation, but their very warning to poll watchers IS a form of intimidation for those trying to keep the process clean of fraud. 
  • This warning is obviously aimed at Trump's followers, after Donald Trump called on voters to be extra vigilant to spot cases of obvious voting fraud.   
  • Republican awareness of Democrat fraud has the Democrats very nervous, and so they issue this warning aimed at intimidating poll watchers. 
  • However, one of the most remarkable recent cases of voting intimidation was by the Black Panthers, who stood guard outside polling stations while holding batons - all aimed at intimidating white voters in mixed-race neighborhoods. 
BREITBART - U.S. Department of Justice press release warns individuals who may serve as poll watchers hoping to prevent voter fraud could violate voter intimidation laws.
This Department of Justice casts a shadow over various lawful election activities with broad language apparently intended to caution individuals from performing their duties.
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A statement initially circulated by various U.S. Attorney’s offices outline several forms of election crimes to include “buying and selling votes, impersonating voters,” and others, yet offers a blanket warning to individuals that may hope to disrupt and document similar plots that those actions may, too, “violate federal voting rights law.”
The DOJ comment specifically counsels against communicating with voters and “challenging them”, plus the capture of still and video images is also mentioned.
The statement does not grant the varying distinctions in which states may allow communication between voters and poll watchers, nor does the DOJ note that some observers in specific states do indeed have the power to challenge would-be voters based on documented ineligibility.
As a point of fact, some states—Missouri as an example—specifically call election observers “challengers”, according to local statutes.
The lacking distinctions and threats carefully directed at the vigilant voter do not occur in a vacuum.
Though it is normal for law enforcement agencies at many levels to share contact information prior to an election in a “see-something-say-something” capacity, the national discussion spurred by Donald Trump regarding a combination of concerns related to rigged elections and poll watching further underscores the DOJ’s curious language used to warn against organized election integrity efforts.
Despite Delaware U.S. Attorney Charles M. Oberly, III’s assurances that, “Every citizen must be able to vote without interference or discrimination and to have that vote counted without it being stolen because of fraud,” the DOJ Civil Rights Division’s record of bringing violators to justice is virtually non-existent in recent memory.
The last voter intimidation case brought was against members of the New Black Panther Party shortly before the inauguration of Barack Obama after a video surfaced of a poll watcher brandishing a nightstick outside of a Philadelphia polling place.
The Holder DOJ effectively dropped the case after the defendant defaulted on it.
Prior to that, the Justice Department in 2005 accused a black county official in rural Mississippi of committing intimidating and discriminatory acts against white voters.
The U.S. Attorney from Delaware explains that like seen in previous elections, his office will be coordinating with FBI field offices and the Voting Section of the DOJ Civil Rights Division to respond to voter complaints. Concerned voters are encouraged to contact officials directly with an online complaint form.
James O'Keefe
- JAMES O'KEEFE Veritas videos uncover secret Democrat conspiracy aimed at vote fraud AND physical violence against Trump supporters
- Also watch video of NEWT GINGRICH as he denounces media participation in election rigging  
READ MORE and watch videos

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