
Monday, October 17, 2016

DR MICHAEL GOOD, THE HERO VET WHO HAS SAVED 15,000 PUPPIES AND CATS ON DEATH ROW in southern US shelters, and went broke because of his 'UNDERHOUND RAILROAD' rescue program - VIDEO

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Dr. Michael Good buys unwanted puppies and cats on death row in southern states and transports them to northern states, such as New York and Connecticut, where they have a good chance to be adopted. 
Animals dumped in US southern states' shelters routinely end up being euthanized because there is very little public interest in adopting them.   

Dr. Michael Good of The Homeless Pets Foundation in Marietta, Georgia has made it his life’s mission to rescue over 15,000 forgotten animals with his “Underhound Railroad,” and he’s just getting started.
More dogs were coming into Dr. Good’s shelter than going out, so he created the Underhound Railroad to help dogs in the south who are about to be put down find loving homes in the northeast.
“The dogs that get on my Underhound Railroad come from puppy mills, dog fighting, I find them driving home down the street and we take them,” says Dr. Good. “This is the solution right now because so many dogs can be helped quickly.”

If you are interested in helping Dr. Good continue his rescue work, visit his website. 
As a thank you, and to help Dr. Good with expenses, Rachael’s Rescue gifted him with $25,000! His reaction? Priceless! Check out the video to see it. 
Dr. Michael Good's website

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